Board Meeting Minutes, November, 2024

Attending: Harold, Bruce, Gordy, Wes, Bonnie, Candi, Ralph, Sharon, Michael L., Mike M., Trevor, Todd

Meeting called to order by President Candi Gerard at 6pm.

Secretaries Report: Nothing to report.

Treasurer’s Report: Good month for the club, our auction was successful, dues have been rolling in (37 new memberships and renewals so far since October.) Incoming – auction, dues, lap room, club sales, classes. We made a deposit from October. Well done everyone!

<Discussion> about purchasing a money market account, or CD vs. high-percentage savings account. The club has enough funds to make an investment.

Bonnie motioned, Wes seconded, and all unanimously voted to move forward at WECU. Motion passed.

Federation Report: nothing to report

Wagonmaster: N/A latest field trip to Swift Creek was a success.

Mineral Council: Field trip to Blanchard Mt. for Stilpnomelane Saturday, 11/16, More info HERE

Lapidary Room: Shelves cleaned up for auction, found blades for 12″ and 16″ saws. General cleaning has been performed.

Show 2025: Inquiry about raising cost of entry (currently $15/ft). In comparison to other clubs, we currently have the lowest cost of entry. <Discussion> The show was originally created to be self-sustaining, not meant to be a source of profit. 

<Discussion> regarding vendors, table space, raffle prizes, budget for expenses, advertising, security, etc. Idea was brought up to have higher-end raffle prizes, each with its own ticket receptacle. This may increase ticket sales and encourage people to go for a prize they really want to win. 

A local dairy recently went out of business; Mike can procure 4-gallon milk crates for $4/each. Candi made a motion, voted, and passed to purchase 50-60 crates.

ATM for the show – $50 fee for the weekend, $3.50/transaction fee for users. If things go well, the vendor may waive $50 delivery fee in the future. Board unanimously voted to book it for the show in March.

Vice President 2025: Harold is considering running. Do we have anyone to run against? Nominations can be made.

Todd: three things – 

1. Scholarship info has been send to WWU admin, will remind in January/ New Years. Deadline to apply is 2/15/25. Discussed verbiage and ways to promote.

2. Website: links were getting hijacked and sending users to Japanese sales sites. 2 years of a SSL encryption service have been purchased, though WordPress is not immune to malware. Paid for a ticket to add a new SSL plugin for $8/month. May become a recurring expense. 

3. Dues: we no longer send mail to people’s homes, is it necessary to collect people’s address? 

@ Next meeting in November, we will be asking for a holiday chairperson to organize decorations and details for the December holiday meal / meeting. Fried chicken, ham will be procured by Mike, Ralph (thanks, guys!) 

Brief discussion about stones on dop sticks. Consensus is to silently auction them at meetings.


Rockhound Rendezvous Sale, Sept. 14

The club’s Rockhound Rendezvous sale will be on   Saturday, September 14, 2024 from  9-5 at the Pioneer Pavilion, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale, WA. This sale is when club members offer their rock-related items (crystals, jewelry, tools, petrified wood, etc.) for sale to the public. Please bring cash as many members cannot take cards or checks. Some members can take cards.

Upcoming Field Trip June 22, 2024

Here is a members-only field trip opportunity this weekend: Daniel Doering is leading another field trip this Saturday, June 22nd on Bailey Trail to source Rainbow Chert. To participate, meet at the Verlot ranger station at 9 am to convoy to the dig (~90 minute commute.) [33515 Mountain Loop Hwy, Granite Falls, WA 98252]

Bring a chisel, small crowbar, crack hammer, rock hammer. Gloves, buckets, eye protection, etc. (If anyone has a large sledge hammer, that would be useful as well.)

This is hard rock mining, but there is a lot of material to collect just off the road as well, so all skill levels are welcome to attend!

For more information, contact Daniel directly at: 360-319-4722

Field trip for fossils at Slide Mountain

The Washington Mineral Council is conducting a field trip to Slide Mountain, east of Deming, for plant fossils. The trip will be on April 20, 2024 Saturday. The instructions from Ed Lehman of the Mineral Council are the same as his previous instructions that we posted on our page about the Racehorse Fossils Site 2. See that page for maps and photos. Note that any reference to the IGA store at Nugent Corner should be replaced by Nugent Corner Market. There is a coffee shop across the street from the market.

Presentation on fossils available

The slide presentation given at the February, 2024, meeting is available at the Field Trips page. The presentation titled “Fossil Trail of Washington and Oregon” describes sites where you can view or collect fossils. The PDF version provides one slide per page along with any speaker notes for the page.

Beach Field Trips

Beach Field trip and Picnic.

We will have a canopy set up on site with charts showing beach rocks that can be found on the beaches of the Georgian Straight. We will help identify what you find when you go to our local beaches. Bring your family and beach going chairs, blankets, buckets and lunches and share a fun time of rock hounding.

Two dates; Two locations

Saturday June 17 10-2 at Semiahmoo Park, Blaine, WA

Sunday. July 1 10-2 at Cherry Point Beach

Put the dates in your calendar

New Page About Volunteering at the Show

I have added a new page that describes the volunteer activities at our annual Rock and Gem Show. There are some photos to help you see what’s involved. Please take a look and sign up to help with the show next March. The page is in the menu “About The Club” and linked to from the page about the show.