Field trip for fossils at Slide Mountain

The Washington Mineral Council is conducting a field trip to Slide Mountain, east of Deming, for plant fossils. The trip will be on April 20, 2024 Saturday. The instructions from Ed Lehman of the Mineral Council are the same as his previous instructions that we posted on our page about the Racehorse Fossils Site 2. See that page for maps and photos. Note that any reference to the IGA store at Nugent Corner should be replaced by Nugent Corner Market. There is a coffee shop across the street from the market.

12/19 Holiday Meeting

The next general meeting is Monday, December 19, 2022, 7:00 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  This is our holiday meeting, including the potluck & gift exchange. Bring a dish, and a <= $10 gift (if you’d like to open one.)

****update*** the club will provide paper plates, cups, napkins, and cutlery

Wear what you are comfortable in, and we look forward to seeing you!

Reminder: 12/19 Potluck & Gift Exchange

Friendly reminder that our December meeting on the third Monday (12/19) is also the holiday potluck. It is an expectation that everyone attending will contribute to the potluck to make it a success. Please plan to bring a dish. (Check your email for a list of item people have already signed up for.)

Suggest items:

Protein/ Main Dish:



Side Dishes:

 Mashed Potatoes


Please also be aware that beverages, cups, plates, and silverware are “BYO” – Bring your own.

Finally, there will be a gift exchange. To participate, bring a wrapped gift in the $10 or less price range. Participation is optional.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

New Page for the Retail Store

I have added a page that describes the club’s retail store at the Bellis Fair Mall along with the hours of operation.  There is a top-level item for this page in the menu bar.

Board Meeting Minutes, June 6, 2022, Mt Baker Rock & Gem Club

The meeting was called to order by Candi at 6 pm, at Portal Creek Park Clubhouse, Ferndale.  Attending – Candi and Gordy Gerard, Wes and Deb Gannaway, Ralph Sisco, Bonnie Keel, Michael Langley, Sharon Geleynse, Glenn Ishihara, and Linda Mitchell.

Secretary's Report:  The May 2, 2022, minutes were approved.  

Treasurer’s Report:  Deb reported on the expenses.  Ralph Sisco will be helping Deb as treasurer for the club’s retail store.

Membership:  Since last week, there are four new members.

Federation:  No report.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  On 6/18 field trip to Verlot Ranger Station; 6/23-26 Powwow, Madras OR.  Please check the WSMC website for more information about field trips and where/when to meet.  

The WSMC website is:  2022 - Microsoft Publisher (

Lapidary Report:  There is rock tumbler grit for sale at the club’s retail store.  The board approved keys to be given to the two new lapidary room helpers, Fred Gustafson and Walt Kulpa.  Candi will be giving a Lapidary Intro Class, June 21, 6-9 pm.  There is a limit of 4 people.

Show 2023:  No report.

Old Business:  
•	Rockhound Recycling Rendezvous (RRR):  The RRR is on June 11, 2022, Saturday 10 am to 5 pm.  Members need to bring their own tables.  Chairs will be provided.  Bring your own food as well.  Linda Mitchell and Bonnie Keel will help with club rock sales.    

New Business:  
•	The club’s retail store is self-sufficient.  The club will start to pay for the receipt books for all vendors that sell at the store.  
•	Sandy Hess has planned a field trip to the Cherry Pt beach on June 18, Saturday.  

Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm 
Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

Other Club Information:  
Club Web Address:
Visit us on Facebook:
For Questions, Club Email:
Club Retail Store, Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424 (JC Penny’s Wing), Hours:  Closed Mondays, Tuesday-Saturday 11 am to 7 pm, Sunday Noon to 6 pm

PRESIDENT:  Candi Gerard               VICE-PRESIDENT:  Bonnie Keel
SECRETARY:  Linda Mitchell             TREASURER:  Deb Gannaway
FEDERATION DIRECTOR: Michael Langley    WAGONMASTER: Need Volunteer
DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE:  Gordy Gerard        DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE:  Ralph Sisco
DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE Alt:  Sharon Geleynse
Librarian:  Todd Folsom                Kitchen:  Kathy Mayock
Mineral Council:  Michael Langley      Publicity:  Wes Gannaway
Lapidary:  Gordy Gerard/Fred Gustafson New Membership:  Wes Gannaway 
2022 Show:  Bonnie Keel/Wes Gannaway   Webmaster:  Todd Folsom 

General Meeting Minutes, May 16, 2022, Mt Baker Rock & Gem Club

The meeting was called to order by Candi Gerard, 7 pm, at Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale. 

Secretary’s Report:  The April 18, 2022, minutes were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report:  No report.

Membership:  No report.

Federation:  Michael reported that the Federation Show will be held September 30-October 2, 2022, in Hillsborough, Oregon.  The Federation Show schedule is also posted at the club’s retail store.

 Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  Michael reported on a field trip on May 21, Marble Mount.  Please check the WSMC website for more information about other field trips and where/when to meet.  The website is:  2022 – Microsoft Publisher (

Lapidary Report: 

  • The new co-chairs were introduced, Gordy Gerard and Fred Gustafson. Walt Kulpa is a co-chair as well.
  • Glenn reported that an Intro class is tomorrow night. Intro classes are held on Tuesdays and are for members new to lapidary to learn about safety, equipment/tools, and basic lapidary.  This class must be taken in order to sign up for open lapidary night.  Candi will be taking over as the instructor.
  • Open Lapidary night is on Thursdays, 6-9 pm. Cost is $10.
  • You must sign up one week in advance and prepay for these classes at the club’s retail store. If you do not prepay, you can get bumped off the list by someone that does pay. 

 Wagonmaster:  Vacant.

 Show 2023:  No report.

Old Business:    

  • Rockhound Recycling Rendezvous (RRR) will be on June 11, Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm. There are still spaces available, 10’x10’, for $20 to sell your rocks and other rock hobby related items.  Doors open at 8 am for you to set up.  You will need to bring your own tables and food.      

New Business:

  • Michael reported on a NFMS Junior Achievement Award. Also, there is a graduate scholarship offered.  The club’s retail store has more information.


 Show and Tell:  Fluorite

The next meeting is on June 20.  There will be a video presentation on the Naica Crystal Cave.  There will be no show and tell this month.

Meeting adjourned at 8 pm, Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell


Club Web Address:

Visit us on Facebook:

For Questions, Club Email:


Club Retail Store, Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424 (JC Penny’s Wing), Hours:  Closed Mondays, Tuesday-Saturday 11 am to 7, Sunday Noon to 6 pm




PRESIDENT:  Candi Gerard                             VICE-PRESIDENT:  Bonnie Keel

SECRETARY:  Linda Mitchell                           TREASURER:  Deb Gannaway

FEDERATION DIRECTOR: Michael Langley    WAGONMASTER: Need Volunteer

DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE:  Gordy Gerard            DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE:  Ralph Sisco

DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE Alt:  Sharon Geleynse





Librarian:  Todd Folsom                                     Kitchen:  Kathy Mayock

Mineral Council:  Michael Langley                      Publicity:  Wes Gannaway

Lapidary:  Gordy Gerard/Fred Gustafson          New Membership:  Wes Gannaway

2022 Show:  Bonnie Keel/Wes Gannaway        Webmaster:  Todd Folsom





Website updates

I added a page to the Current Conditions area for the Maury Mountain Agate site in Oregon.

I added a list of the geology students who have received our annual scholarship to the scholarship page.

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