July Board Meeting Minutes

7/01/24 MBRGC Board Meeting

In attendance: Gordy, Candi, Ralph, Michael L, Bonnie, Bruce, Mike M, Trevor, Wes, Todd

Meeting called to order by president Candi Gerard.

Secretary Report: Katie from Sumas was very excited and grateful for our donations. Follow-up: I forwarded photos she provided to Todd. As of 7/02, new memberships have been processed.

Treasurer’s Report: $2775 expenses, $1990 deposit made, latest deposit of $900+ made in July. 3-months rent paid for the mall space.

Federation (Mike): Nothing to report, although a club member, Ken Fleming is interested in selling the club 295# (270 pieces) of thunder eggs for $2/ lb. $600 total. They look to be from Richardson Ranch and/or Lucky Strike mine. A motion was made, voted, and passed. A check was cut for Ken in the amount of $600. We discussed the ability to cut the eggs onsite at the pavilion. If not, we will direct them to the mall to have stones cut.

A change is being made to our club flier/ application – the info on the back of the removable app will be inserted into the flyer to use less paper.

Field Trips: no feedback received about latest trip from Verlot with Daniel D. 

Upcoming: 7/20 – Sweetwater for Travertine. Find out more HERE

Mineral Council: No news

Lapidary: large trim saw overheated multiple times last week; needs a new blade.

2025 Show: Tracy is co-chair, but we will need another co-chair for show. We discussed getting new table skirts, in a uniform color for next show. Green, Blue, black? Committee sign-ups are coming for the next show. We discussed the success of color coding / balloons at each station for next year. We would also like to update the scholarship poster to something more current, with Candi presenting a check.

Old Settlers: coming up fast, people are signing up to volunteer- thank you! We discussed show cases, tables, thunder eggs, books, etc. 

Set up will occur Thursday, 7/25 at 1 pm at the Pioneer Pavilion

This event occurs Friday and Saturday, 7/26 & 7/27. 

RRR: 32/40 spaces booked, 8 spots remain for $20/ spot, bring your own table to sell your rocks and rock-related wares.

We discussed publicity on Cascadia Daily – which is still in print, and they published our last show. Whatcom news, an electronic only media outlet will have a link. 

A proposal was made to give Trevor a budget of $200 to market the event online in the metaverse. Voted, passed. 

August Picnic: next meeting, we will have a show of hands for who wants a hotdog. Chicken, dogs, water will be provided.

Liberty Mutual insurance has been renewed. We had a discussion about “members only” at field trips due to liability policy.

Side note: a member asked to have a donation jar inside the mall store to help finance a cab machine. This was discussed, and was unfortunately declined due to possible  conflict of interest. All members are welcome to have a table at the RRR to promote their own business.

Meeting adjourned at 7 pm.

Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary

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