September General Meeting Minutes

9/16/24 MBRGC General Meeting, 7 pm – Pioneer Pavilion, Ferndale, WA

7:05pm – meeting called to order by President Candi Gerard. 

Raffle: welcome to our guests, and congrats to Steve and Andrew for being winners.

Secretary Report: no report

Treasurer’s Report: 4 new members in August, so far 14 new members in September. (Renewals start next month in October.)

As of August, the meeting space at the pavilion has been paid for for the March show and 2025 meetings. Thanks Ralph!

Overall we are doing well with P&L (Profit and Loss.)

Volunteer opportunities are highlighted on the side table – we will soon start soliciting for volunteers to help at the show.

Federation: wi-fi is working in the Pavilion again. NFMS website HERE

Check out news, etc. as fewer newsletters are being sent physically. Find info about upcoming shows, events, etc.

Mineral Council field trips:

10/19 – Index area for picture jasper

11/16 – Blanchard Hill for Stilpnomelane. Click HERE for the calendar and more info.

Upcoming local field trips: Sunday, October 13, Swift Creek for Baker Blues. Meet up at REI in Bellingham at 9:30, carpool to Cook Rd. exit 232 to meet up with Michael at 10 am to convoy to the location. More details to come soon.

2025 Show: Candi & Tracy are chairpersons, sign up sheets will be at the next meeting for volunteers at different stations. Volunteering is a great way to learn about the club!

Ralph reported on the RRR – 40 spaces sold, a few no shows. 25-30 vendors sold their wares. Exit interview revealed the following marketing efforts were most useful:

#1 Facebook

#2 Craiglist

#3 Physical posters around town

Thanks Michael, Trevor, Seren for all your hard work getting the word out!

Call for board member volunteers. It is nearly time to vote for our 2025 board. We will have openings for directors at large, etc. Get ready to nominate and vote!

John Lindell reported that the event at the museum was successful, several hundred people came and saw the displays. Lots of youth participation. Thank you, John and Michael L for organizing this!

October Meeting: Monday, October 15, 2024. Annual auction to benefit our scholarship fund. Please bring donations by 6 pm, 6-6:30 pm is registration to get a bidding number/ paddle. The auction starts promptly at 6:30 pm. Bring cash or check, card payments are not accepted.


Show ‘n’ tell. 

Meeting adjourned

Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary.

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