Board Meeting Minutes , July 5, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President Candi Gerard at Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424.  In attendance: Wes & Deb Gannaway, Ralph Sisco, Bonnie Keel, Gordy Gerard, Glenn Ishihara, Michael Langley, Sharon Geleynse, and Linda Mitchell. 

  • Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the last meeting on May 3, 2021, were approved.   
  • Treasurer’s Report:  Deb provided a report.
  • Membership:  Wes reported there have been 40 new members.
  • Federation:  Michael reported the Federation show is held in Walla Walla, WA on September 11-12.
  • Show 2021:  The show is on September 10-12, 2021, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, Ferndale WA.  Sign-up sheets for volunteers will be brought to the July 19 th General Meeting. 
  • New Business: Volunteer Needed:  The club needs a member to volunteer to be a Wagonmaster to organize fields trips for the members of the club.  Many members have voiced that they would like to have more field trips scheduled.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Candi or one of the board members.
  • Work Party:  A work party will be scheduled to help organize the club’s storage area.
  • Classes:  At the July 19 th General Meeting, there will be lists of classes for members to sign up for.
  • Guidelines to Rent Space:  Guidelines to rent space to sell rocks and rock-related items at the club’s retail store in Bellis Fair Mall is as follows:  Must be an active member of the club for 1 year, attend meetings, merchandise to be approved by the board members, and must volunteer 8 hours each week at the store.
  • Lapidary Room: Thursday night is “Open Lap” night for members that are familiar with the lapidary machines.  To reserve your spot, you must come into the store to sign up and prepay one week prior to the date.   Also, there will be specific rules for the Lapidary Room provided to you.   
  • Rock Cutting: You can get rocks cut for a fee which is dependent on how many slices and size of rock. 
  • Ad Clarification: Ads can be accepted for the website and in the newsletter.  The ad must be 3 lines or less, approved by the board members, and $5 payable to the Treasurer. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm

Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

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