Rock Show and Rockhound Rendezvous

The Rock And Gem Show

Our annual rock and gem shows are held on the fourth weekend of March at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center located at 2007 Cherry Street, Ferndale, WA, in front of Pioneer Park. Hours: Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-5. Admission is free. Pick up a door prize ticket as you enter. View some images from the 2019 show below.

Club members put together display cases to educate and amaze visitors to the show. We run various areas like the silent auction, kid’s spinning wheel, fluorescent mineral display, and “club sales”. The club sales area is where rocks are sold by the pound, or in trays marked with a price for anything in that tray. Commercial vendors of all things mineral (specimens, jewelry, tools, etc.) fill up the venue. A food truck is may parked outside the venue.

A major purpose of the rock show is to raise money for the club’s annual donation of a scholarship to a geology student at Western Washington University. All of the club’s proceeds go to fund this scholarship. The club cannot handle credit cards so bring cash. The commercial vendors make their own sales and most do handle credit cards. Vendors may email the club’s address for information.

Rockhound Rendezvous (RR)

The Rendezvous (RR) is scheduled September 14, 2024, Saturday, 9-5, Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale WA.

Club members sell or swap their rocks, jewelry, tools, and other rock-related items. The public is invited to come shop. You’re sure to make a deal here. Sales will usually be by cash and are made directly to the club member.

If a member wishes to sell, the cost for a space is $20 for a 10’x10′ space with a maximum of two per family. The fee must be pre-paid in order to reserve your space(s). Payment may be made at club meetings or at the club’s store in Bellis Fair Mall. There is no food available for purchase so please bring a lunch.  You will need to bring your own table. 

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