2024 Annual Auction

A friendly reminder about the details of our annual fundraising auction:

When: Monday, October 21st

Time: 6:30 pm – 9 pm

Where: Ferndale Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale, WA

What: Rocks, minerals, jewelry, books, equipment, misc.

How: Live auction

Payment: Cash or check only

Note: Doors will open at 5:30 pm. Please bring donations and register for a bidding paddle between 5:30 – 6:30pm.

This event helps support our scholarship program for WWU students. We need donations!

Side note: 2025 club dues are “due.” Annual membership is $20/family. Dues can be paid at monthly meetings, in our retail store, or by mail.

  • Mail: P.O. Box 30324, Bellingham, WA 98228

October Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, October 7, 2024 MBRGC Board Meeting, Ferndale, WA

In attendance: Deb, Wes, Candi, Gordy, Ralph, Michael L., Bruce, Bonnie, Mike M, Todd

Secretary Report: Discussion about trim saw in lap room, pulley puller needed to properly service saw. Motion made by Bonnie, voted, passed to replace the saw with a brand new one if it is deemed irreplaceable. Blade needed for 16″ and 12″ saw, plus two tumblers wanted for holidays. Approved to order now, replace when needed, and reorder at time of replacement to have blades on hand.

Treasurer Report: September was a good month, 21 memberships/renewals. Income from lap room, classes, shelf donations. Reimbursements paid out for field trip, publicity for RRR, supplies, bio diesel oil for saw.

Federation 2025: Wala Wala, WA weekend after labor day. No more printed newsletters, moving to monthly electronic updates on their website. HERE is the link: http://northwestfederation.org/

Field trip 10/13: meet at REI at 9 am, and also; Happy Birthday to Gordy! (The field trip was a success, thank you Michael M. for taking us.)

Mineral Council: Next field trip 10/19 – Index area for picture jasper. More info HERE

Lapidary Room: oil changed in the big saw, please do not write down names in the lapidary book until they have paid. With the lap room getting busier, people have gotten bumped. In the event of a no-call, no-show, fee paid will be forfeited.

2025 Show Chairpersons: Candi & Tracy. Do we want to invite the gold panners to our show, and where could they set up?

Mall: Vendor Meeting was held, mall holiday hours are posted and everyone is up to speed. An account was created with CNG (Cascade Natural Gas) to stay in compliance with our lease. Thermostat is turned off, temp holding at 70 degrees.

Old Business: RRR wrap up, many positive reviews and feedback. More info to come and arrangements will be determined for next year’s event.

Todd – Square card reader proposal. Discussion about renting an ATM for those without cash and unable to take cards. Will look into this further.

Discussion about scholarships and fine print. 

Vice President needed for 2025 board. Members can nominate a fellow member if no one steps up.

Discussion about field trips and $$ stipend, mileage, insurance requirements (only members.) We also discussed getting basic business cards printed for the mall shop and location of large stamp for paper sacks.

Next meeting is our annual auction, Monday, October 21, 2024. Board members, please remember to wear your club vest! Bidding starts promptly at 6:30 pm.

minutes submitted by club secretary, Trevor Duncan.

October Meeting – Annual Auction, 10/21/24

October Meeting: Monday, October 21, 2024. Annual auction to benefit our WWU scholarship fund. Please bring donations of rock, tools, rock-related items by 6 pm.

6-6:30 pm is registration to get a bidding number/ paddle. 

The auction starts promptly at 6:30 pm.

Bring cash or check. Card payments are not accepted.

September General Meeting Minutes

9/16/24 MBRGC General Meeting, 7 pm – Pioneer Pavilion, Ferndale, WA

7:05pm – meeting called to order by President Candi Gerard. 

Raffle: welcome to our guests, and congrats to Steve and Andrew for being winners.

Secretary Report: no report

Treasurer’s Report: 4 new members in August, so far 14 new members in September. (Renewals start next month in October.)

As of August, the meeting space at the pavilion has been paid for for the March show and 2025 meetings. Thanks Ralph!

Overall we are doing well with P&L (Profit and Loss.)

Volunteer opportunities are highlighted on the side table – we will soon start soliciting for volunteers to help at the show.

Federation: wi-fi is working in the Pavilion again. NFMS website HERE

Check out news, etc. as fewer newsletters are being sent physically. Find info about upcoming shows, events, etc.

Mineral Council field trips:

10/19 – Index area for picture jasper

11/16 – Blanchard Hill for Stilpnomelane. Click HERE for the calendar and more info.

Upcoming local field trips: Sunday, October 13, Swift Creek for Baker Blues. Meet up at REI in Bellingham at 9:30, carpool to Cook Rd. exit 232 to meet up with Michael at 10 am to convoy to the location. More details to come soon.

2025 Show: Candi & Tracy are chairpersons, sign up sheets will be at the next meeting for volunteers at different stations. Volunteering is a great way to learn about the club!

Ralph reported on the RRR – 40 spaces sold, a few no shows. 25-30 vendors sold their wares. Exit interview revealed the following marketing efforts were most useful:

#1 Facebook

#2 Craiglist

#3 Physical posters around town

Thanks Michael, Trevor, Seren for all your hard work getting the word out!

Call for board member volunteers. It is nearly time to vote for our 2025 board. We will have openings for directors at large, etc. Get ready to nominate and vote!

John Lindell reported that the event at the museum was successful, several hundred people came and saw the displays. Lots of youth participation. Thank you, John and Michael L for organizing this!

October Meeting: Monday, October 15, 2024. Annual auction to benefit our scholarship fund. Please bring donations by 6 pm, 6-6:30 pm is registration to get a bidding number/ paddle. The auction starts promptly at 6:30 pm. Bring cash or check, card payments are not accepted.


Show ‘n’ tell. 

Meeting adjourned

Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary.

September Board Meeting Minutes

September 2, 2024

MBRGC Board Meeting, Ferndale, WA

In attendance: Deb, Wes, Mike M, Bonnie, Trevor, Todd

Items discussed:

Show chairman created posters for the March 2025 show. Is there room to add a QR code to our site?

Club Participation at Museum on Friday, 9/6/24.

Planning ahead: 12/31, current paid members (head of household) will be reported to the council.  Separate page > add new members

Good to go with SOS filing as of 8/2/24 – no further action needed until July 2025.

Publicity ramped up for RRR by Mike, Trevor, Seren

Ad in Cascade Daily for 3 weeks – we got a copy in the PO Box,

Meeting adjourned.

minutes by Trevor Duncan, club secretary

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Saturday, Sept 7th Field Trip

You need to add a widget, row, or prebuilt layout before you’ll see anything here. 🙂

Sept 7th: O’toole Creek Mt Baker Rock & Gem Club field trip on the South Skagit Hwy. I propose a 10AM meeting point at REI on southside Bellingham to carpool to the site. I think there is only room for around 5 vehicles. I will have maps to the area and samples of material to be found.

Material to collect: There is a large iron deposit in this area that extends to the other side of the Skagit river to Hamilton area. The guide books list the material as Hematite. However, is strongly magnetic so I suspect Magnetite-Hematite combo. Hematite is only slightly magnetic when heated. There is a large amount of this black rock to be found the last time I was here a couple of years ago. I filled 5 gallon bucket in less than 1/2 hr.

Rockhound tools, etc: Bring boots since you will have to cross the stream in spots. A magnet would be handy also. Eyewear if you want to break any larger rocks.

I use a Harbor Freight magnet with about a 30″ handle which makes it easy to identify the magnetite. Almost anything dark colored in the creek seems to be this material. There is also some Serpentine and Jade in the nearby creeks (like Gilligan) we might also stop at. This is an easy newby rockhound trip for anyone to find magnetic rocks. Please respond here that are you are interested in this trip so I can get an idea of how many people to plan for. I believe we also have a preliminary date of Oct 6th for Rosario Beach field trip.

~Michael L

August General Meeting Minutes

August 19, 2025MBRGC General Meeting, Pioneer Pavilion, Ferndale, WA

Meeting called to order at 7 pm.

Secretary Report: Two upcoming sales in September, Saturday & Sunday 9/7 & 9/8 Location:

Glen Ripper

21102 91st ST. E

Bonney Lake, WA 98391


Lapidary Shop Liquidation Sale, one-day only Saturday, September 28th

2124 E Grand Ave (Blue house)

Everett, WA 98201

park on street. Cabs, equipment, rough, jewelry, etc.

Treasurer Report: 8 new members, club sales up in July. Thank you Gordy for help with a donation, and raising $2k from equipment sales.

Expenses: insurance. So far in August we have paid for next year’s show and meeting space for all of 2025.

Mineral Council: Lake Wenatchee trip for Garnets will most likely be cancelled due to a forest fire. More info here: https://mineralcouncil.wordpress.com/

Red Top 9/7 – Central WA. 8 am meet up at Teanaway campground.

Next: Little Naches for thunder eggs, Jasper

Local Field Trips? tentative: Baker Lake / Swift Creek for Baker Blues, October 6th.

If you would like to lead a field trip, please speak up!

Show Chair: Candi confirmed in event of no volunteers, the president can appoint a co-chair, so she has appointed herself. Thank you Candi!

We will soon be voting for a new board, we will have seats available as Vice President, and directors at large. A great way to get involved. Be prepared to vote in December.

A big thank you to everyone who helped at the picnic. Special thanks to Kim for assisting at the Old Settlers Days, as well as at the picnic. You rock!!!

John Lindell and Wes Ganaway were approached by Whatcom Museum to assist with a display/greeting table on Friday, September 6th during the Paleontology exhibit. Setup at 10:30 am, tear down at 4 pm. This is a kid-friendly, family event open to the public. There will be art and fossils on display at the Lightcatcher building.

Ed Mosley’s collection is being prepped for sale. October 12, 2024 in Arlington, WA. More info to follow. ~1200 specimens, crates of lapidary material, tools, etc.

RRR: Only 1 spot left! Saturday, September 14th from 9-5. Vendors can set up Friday, 9/13 from 3-6 pm.

There will be a club info table at the door, volunteers wanted from 8am-1pm, 1pm-5pm. Please see Ralph if you want to help out.

Speaking of Ralph, thank you for your lemonade stand at the picnic that raised $100 for Growing Veterans. With his $100 match, there was a $200 donation.

After a short break, we enjoyed a show and tell of people’s favorite colored stones from their collection.

Next meeting: September 16, 2024. The theme will be a favorite acquisition from the RRR (or a favorite of your choice.) 

minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary

Annual Picnic: Sunday, 8/4/24

Annual Picnic: 8/4/24 (one week from Sunday) – this is a family/ kid-friendly event. The club will supply water, hot dogs, chicken – please bring a side dish for the potluck style picnic. Bring your own beverage.

Meet at the Gerard’s at 10 am to tail gate (Sell rocks out of your car, or bring your own table), be sure to bring cash to go shopping. Then help us organize the club’s buckets in prep for our next show.

Lunch will be at 1 pm.

Address: 1371 Paradise Rd, Ferndale, WA, 98248

Please note, this picnic is in lieu of a monthly meeting on the third Monday of August. (Which means there is no regular monthly meeting in August.) Update your calendars!



club secretary

July Board Meeting Minutes

7/01/24 MBRGC Board Meeting

In attendance: Gordy, Candi, Ralph, Michael L, Bonnie, Bruce, Mike M, Trevor, Wes, Todd

Meeting called to order by president Candi Gerard.

Secretary Report: Katie from Sumas was very excited and grateful for our donations. Follow-up: I forwarded photos she provided to Todd. As of 7/02, new memberships have been processed.

Treasurer’s Report: $2775 expenses, $1990 deposit made, latest deposit of $900+ made in July. 3-months rent paid for the mall space.

Federation (Mike): Nothing to report, although a club member, Ken Fleming is interested in selling the club 295# (270 pieces) of thunder eggs for $2/ lb. $600 total. They look to be from Richardson Ranch and/or Lucky Strike mine. A motion was made, voted, and passed. A check was cut for Ken in the amount of $600. We discussed the ability to cut the eggs onsite at the pavilion. If not, we will direct them to the mall to have stones cut.

A change is being made to our club flier/ application – the info on the back of the removable app will be inserted into the flyer to use less paper.

Field Trips: no feedback received about latest trip from Verlot with Daniel D. 

Upcoming: 7/20 – Sweetwater for Travertine. Find out more HERE

Mineral Council: No news

Lapidary: large trim saw overheated multiple times last week; needs a new blade.

2025 Show: Tracy is co-chair, but we will need another co-chair for show. We discussed getting new table skirts, in a uniform color for next show. Green, Blue, black? Committee sign-ups are coming for the next show. We discussed the success of color coding / balloons at each station for next year. We would also like to update the scholarship poster to something more current, with Candi presenting a check.

Old Settlers: coming up fast, people are signing up to volunteer- thank you! We discussed show cases, tables, thunder eggs, books, etc. 

Set up will occur Thursday, 7/25 at 1 pm at the Pioneer Pavilion

This event occurs Friday and Saturday, 7/26 & 7/27. 

RRR: 32/40 spaces booked, 8 spots remain for $20/ spot, bring your own table to sell your rocks and rock-related wares.

We discussed publicity on Cascadia Daily – which is still in print, and they published our last show. Whatcom news, an electronic only media outlet will have a link. 

A proposal was made to give Trevor a budget of $200 to market the event online in the metaverse. Voted, passed. 

August Picnic: next meeting, we will have a show of hands for who wants a hotdog. Chicken, dogs, water will be provided.

Liberty Mutual insurance has been renewed. We had a discussion about “members only” at field trips due to liability policy.

Side note: a member asked to have a donation jar inside the mall store to help finance a cab machine. This was discussed, and was unfortunately declined due to possible  conflict of interest. All members are welcome to have a table at the RRR to promote their own business.

Meeting adjourned at 7 pm.

Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary

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