3/6/23 Board Meeting Minutes

6 pm – Meeting was called to order by President Candi Gerard at the Portal Way Clubhouse.

Secretary Report (Trevor): Upcoming Seattle Mineral Market, flyers sent to mall

Treasurer Report (Deb): < $100 purchase for a fire extinguisher at mall. We need to update our address with insurance provider to reflect 1 Bellis Fair Pkwy as opposed to “Bellis Fair.”

Membership (Wes): 2 recent renewals

Federation (Michael): 3/18 Proposed field trip near Hood Canal, don’t have details

Lapidary (Gordy): The lap room has been filled up recently with 4 occupants on Thursdays, should we overflow to another weeknight? (Next intro class is in April.)

SHOW (Wes): Security with Fire Dept. fell thru – already booked. Bonnie suggests local Eagle Scout troop for the overnight Friday and Saturday. She will follow up. 21 display cases to be filled, will have to get creative with placement. Club members can drop by the mall to sign up for various volunteer tasks during the show.

We have enough trucks for transporting material to/from the show, thank you!

Vending space all filled up, full fee due by the weekend of the show

President Report (Candi): Grants burgers will be the food vendor for our show.  Should we do another summer picnic in August? Rock exchange with Tulip City put on back burner until after show. 

We were featured on Whatcom Talks website – great article about the club: HERE

Scholarships (Todd): 3 eligible applicants; motion by Deb to award all three $1000 was put to a vote. The vote passed unanimously with all in favor. (Trevor will follow up with a congratulatory letter to recipients.) Traditionally, they accept funds at  ~4 pm Sunday at the show.

Cascade Daily – Todd sent a flyer about the show. He also has cones/signs for the parking lot Friday 3/24.

Bonnie mentioned critters & painted rocks for the show, we anticipate about 200 to hand out.

Ralph will confirm with Westside Pizza about the food for volunteers Friday. Bellis Fair mall will be closed Easter Sunday 4/09 – do we want to participate in a mall-wide egg hunt Saturday the 8th? He will clarify about the eggs. Diligence requested of mall volunteers due to broken/missing items.

General: interested folks want to share knapping, faceting, Tourmaline, Tucson Gem show presentations/demonstrations at upcoming meetings. We can discuss more about the schedule after the show.

7:15 Meeting adjourned. Notes submitted by Trevor Duncan.