Purpose Statement
The purpose of this organization is to promote education and interest in the earth sciences (geology, rocks, minerals, gems), lapidary and related jewelry arts, and the joining together of people who share these interests.
The Basics
Club meetings are held the third Monday of most months in Ferndale, WA. Meetings are open to the public. Meeting details are at “About the Club“. Our annual show is held the last weekend in March and details are at “Rock Show“. We have a sale event in autumn called the Rockhound Rendezvous when club members offer items for sale to the public. Field trips for rockhounding are scheduled throughout the year. For the most current club information, see the Announcements items in the footer below.
The club has a Facebook page. A private Facebook group, titled “Mt. Baker Rock & Gem Club” is available for information sharing. Just click the “join” button at the group page. See the “About the Club” for information about our activities and how to join. Our fund raising efforts support our lapidary program and our annual scholarship awarded to Western Washington University geology students.
The MT. BAKER ROCK & GEM CLUB is a member of the Northwest Federation of Mineralogical Societies and the Washington State Mineral Council. We are affiliated with the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies.