General Meeting Minutes, September 19, 2022, Mt Baker Rock & Gem Club

The meeting was called to order by Candi Gerard, 7 pm, at Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Candi thanked everyone that showed up to help clean up the club sales rocks on August 28, 2022.

Secretary’s Report: The August 15, 2022, minutes were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report:  Deb reported on the bills. 

Membership:  There have been no new members this past month.  During the meeting tonight, there were 10 new members.

Federation:  The Federation show is September 30-October 2, in Hillsboro OR.  Michael plans on attending.  He will take pictures and post on the club’s Facebook page. 

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  There is a field trip scheduled on October 15 to Money Creek.  November 12 is a field trip to Blanchard Mt for Stilpnomelane.  This field trip is in our local area.

Please see the link for more information about these field trips and where to meet.

 Lapidary Report:  

Open lapidary night is on Thursdays, 6-9 pm for members.  Cost is $10.  You must sign up one week in advance and prepay at the club’s retail store.  If no one signs up and prepays, the lapidary room will be closed.  We do not accept walk-ins.

To use the lapidary equipment, you must be a member and have attended the “Intro to Lap Room Class.”  The September 20th class is full.  There will be a class scheduled in October.  You must sign up and prepay in advance at the club’s retail store.

The lapidary room is limited to 4 people.

Wagonmaster:  Vacant.  Need volunteer.

Show 2023:  The show is March 25-26, 2023, the last full weekend in March.  Wes Gannaway and Todd Folsom are the Co-Chairs.

New Business: 

 The October meeting will be our White Elephant Auction/Sale.  Doors open at 6 pm for registration and the auction begins at 6:30 pm, Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Members and guests invited.  Donations of rocks and rock hobby related items are needed.  Please bring your donations the night of the meeting.  The money from the auction goes towards a scholarship for a WWU student pursuing an earth science degree. 

The website will be changed from so the email will not look like a scam email.  More information will be forthcoming.

Voting for board members is in November.  Nominations are being taken for all board positions now!  We have a good time.  You will learn a lot.  The present board members have been doing this for many years and would like to have someone else take over the positions.  President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, 2 Directors-at-Large.

 The club informs members by email of meeting minutes, field trips, special events, and other information.  Please be sure to read your emails so you can stay informed about the club.  If you are not receiving your club emails, please let us know at  Also, check your spam folder.

If you are looking for Christmas gifts, come to the club’s retail store in Bellis Fair Mall.  We sell jewelry, rocks, gems, and may other rock-related items.  We have gift certificates available as well.  There are showcases 2’x4’ for sale if you are interested.

 Old Business:

There are lists at the front table for members to let us know their interests and what direction the club should focus on. 


 September show and tell was “Sparkly Rocks.”  Members showed their wonderful specimens. 

October meeting will not have show and tell as we are having the White Elephant Auction.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm, Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell