Announcement: Lapidary space at the mall

We have opened a space in Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424, the JC Penny wing. We have had quite a few new members sign up already. We have retail space for members to sell rock-related items or for you to come in to look around and/or purchase items. There are still a couple spaces left for members to sell their rock hobby-related items for a donation fee. We are setting up the Lapidary area. Hopefully, we will be able to have Lapidary classes as well as member use of the lapidary equipment soon. We will keep you posted on the lapidary equipment set up.
The annual Christmas party is cancelled, but if you would like to participate in a Christmas gift exchange, you can drop off a wrapped gift, $15 or less, indicate man or woman if gender specific, at our location in the mall no later than December 15. Then prior to December 24, you would pick up a gift if you dropped one off. This would give you a chance to check out the new location. The gift exchange is voluntary but we hope you would like to participate.
Come in and see the club’s new location!

Mall hours: The December hours are 10 to 8. Except Sunday is 11 to 6. January should go back to regular hours.
Note: There were no newsletters for the months of November and December.