White Elephant Sale at meeting on October 21, 2019

The October General Meeting is the White Elephant Sale, our annual auction. We need members to donate rock-related items. Members and guests register for an auction number so they can bid on items presented. The money from the auction goes towards the club and the WWU scholarship fund.

Bring rock-related items to donate and money (cash or check) to spend! The doors will open at 6:00 PM to allow for bidder registration and a 6:30 PM start of the meeting. There will be a brief general meeting and then the auction will commence.

Club Garage Sale

There will be a club garage sale on September 14, Saturday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, 1371 Paradise Road, Ferndale WA. All proceeds will benefit the club. Members are asked to donate garage sale items (no junk). Volunteers are needed to help out during the garage sale. After the sale, you can take any of your leftover items home or the items will be donated to the Assistance League. This garage sale will be announced in the newspaper. Please help by spreading this news! For further information, please call 360-366-0121.

Minutes of August 2019 General Meeting

General Meeting Minutes – August 11, 2018, Annual Picnic, 10:00am to 2:00pm

The meeting was called to order by Past-President Wes Gannaway at Totem Terrace Park, Intalco, after a fun-filled afternoon of tailgating, hotdogs, and wonderful potluck dishes. Wes welcomed everyone.

Last month’s minutes are approved as printed in the newsletter.

The rocks on the table are for anyone to take. There was a drawing for the nicer rocks. Everyone went home with wonderful treasures.

Meeting adjourned Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

SEPTEMBER MEETING on September 16, 2019, 7:00 pm.

September Show and Tell: “Botryoidal Formations”

Minutes of August 2019 Board Meeting

Board Meeting Minutes – August 5, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Past-President Wes Gannaway. In attendance: Deb Gannaway, Michael Langley, and Linda Mitchell. The meeting was held at WECU in Ferndale.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes were approved from last month as printed in the newsletter.

Treasurer’s Report: The monthly statement has just been received and information will be reported at the next meeting.

Membership: No report.

Federation: No report.

Wagonmaster: No report.

Library: No report.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC): The next field trip is on August 17 to Greenwater for agate, jasper, opal, and wood.

Rock Pups: No report.

Parks: No report.

Lapidary Room Committee: No report.

Education Committee: No report.

2020 Show: No report.

Old Business: 
• The August 11th picnic was discussed.
• During Gordy’s rock sale in July, the club also sold their rocks. Club sales were good. A motion was made for the money collected be put towards the Lapidary Room funds. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 
• Beginning on August 17, the museum will have displays of minerals of the Pacific Northwest. There are several members who will have specimens on display.
New Business: Todd Folsom has been in the process of updating the club’s website with wordpress. The board members were asked to review the site. After discussion, a motion was made to approve for Todd to proceed with the website using wordpress. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

The September Board Meeting is cancelled. The next board meeting will be on October 7, 2019, 6:30 pm, at the WECU in Ferndale Exit 262.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm — Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

Garage Sale for the Club

There will be a club garage sale on September 14, Saturday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, 1371 Paradise Road, Ferndale WA. All proceeds will benefit the club. Candi Gerard has offered her home to have this event.
Members are asked to donate garage sale items (no junk). Volunteers are needed to help out during the garage sale. After the sale, you can take any of your leftover items home or the items will be donated to the Assistance League. This garage sale will be announced in the newspaper. Please help by spreading this news! For further information, please call 360-366-0121.

Website Update

You are looking at the newest incarnation of the club’s website. This version will work well on pc monitors, tablets and phones. The layout will resize appropriately. Menus will respond to taps as well as mouse clicks. The site is also keyboard accessible for those have difficulty using a mouse. We now have a search feature so that you can find content within the site. There is a form to use for sending an email to the club. A Facebook icon will take viewers to our club’s Facebook page.

Announcements are at the bottom of all pages. Look there for the latest information on minutes, field trips, parties, volunteer opportunities and so on. The announcements are in the form of WordPress blog entries, and WordPress has the capability of sending blog entries to the email of blog followers. I will be working up instructions on how to sign up for email delivery.

I will be adding content and fixing any problems that turn up now that this version is live. If you would like to create content, particularly in areas of Whatcom geology and mineral identification, please contact me.

I created a new email address for the club with a userid of “admin”. The userid of “prose” will eventually be deleted, so please update your address book.

General Meeting Minutes – July 15, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Candi Gerard. Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting. The board members at the front table were introduced. Member and guest drawings were done. There is a silent auction for members and guests. If you won the bid, please pay Deb at the end of the meeting.

  • Secretary: Last month’s minutes were approved as printed in the newsletter. There are flyers at the front table of upcoming shows and rock sales. Lifetime Membership Certificates were given to Candi & Gordy Gerard and Deb & Wes Gannaway.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Deb gave a report on the bills paid and the income received for the month of June.
  • Membership: No report.
  • Library: There are books available to be checked out by members.
  • Federation: The annual meeting and show will be held October 18-20 in Lewiston ID.
  • Wagonmaster: Seren is working on a field trip to the Skagit River in August. More information will be forthcoming. The last field trip went well. There were some good finds. After the meeting, Seren has samples in the back of her truck to show from the last field trip.
  • Mineral Council (WSMC): The Darrington Show is on July 20-21. There is a field trip scheduled July 20 to Sweetwater for Travertine.
  • Lapidary Room Committee: No report.
  • Education Committee: In the middle of August the Whatcom Museum will have displays of minerals and fossils. There are several members who will have specimens on display.
  • 2020 Show: No report.
  • Old Business: The annual picnic will be on August 11, 2019, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm at Totem Terrace at Intalco, Ferndale. See more information and directions in July’s Newsletter on the club’s website. The cost of the picnic area has increased this year. For next year’s picnic, the club will be checking into a different venue. The picnic is in lieu of the monthly meeting at Bloedel Donovan Park.

New Business

  • The club will be selling their own rocks during Gordy’s Rock Sale, July 19-21. Volunteers are needed to help sell the rocks. Sign-up sheets were passed around.
  • The board has been looking at different venues for our club events. The next Rockhound Rendezvous will be held at the Ferndale Community Center, June 13, 2020. The club is saving a considerable amount of money by changing the venue. Participants will need to bring their own tables or rentals are available. More information will be forthcoming.
  • If you are not receiving the club emails, please contact Linda Mitchell to make sure the correct email is being used.

September Show and Tell: Botryoidal Formations

Meeting adjourned at 8:10. Submitted by Linda Mitchell

Minutes of the July Board Meeting

July 1, 2019 The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Candi Gerard. In attendance: Deb and Wes Gannaway, Michael Langley, Gordy Gerard, and Linda Mitchell. The meeting was held at WECU in Ferndale.

  • Secretary’s Report: The minutes were approved from last month as printed in the newsletter. A draft of a certificate was presented for review.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Deb has made payment to Totem Terrace for the picnic area.
  • Membership: No report.
  • Federation: No report.
  • Wagonmaster: Michael reported that Saturday’s field trip found some good material.
  • Library: No report.
  • Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC): No report.
  • Rock Pups: No report.
  • Parks: No report.
  • Lapidary Room Committee: Candi has found another location. She is waiting for a call back to see if they have water and electricity available.
  • Education Committee: No report.
  • 2020 Show: No report.
  • Old Business: The picnic was discussed. Since the fees at Bloedel have been increasing, we are looking at other locations for the monthly meetings, show, and rockround rendezvous (RR).
  • New Business: • Gordy’s rock sale is July 19-21, 2019. If there is enough interest from the members to volunteer their time, the club will also sell their rocks. More information will be forthcoming about the club rock sales during the next general meeting on July 15th . • In the middle of August, the museum will have displays of minerals and fossils. There are several members who will have specimens on display.

The next board meeting will be on August 5, 2019, 6:30 pm, at the WECU in Ferndale Exit 262. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm — Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

August picnic

Sunday August 11; 10 AM -3 PM. The club will supply hot dogs and ice water. This is a potluck, so bring your favorite side dish to share (including salads, main dishes, appetizers, desserts). Also, please bring your own place settings (plates/spoons/forks/knives/napkins).

Lunch starts at noon. Tailgating/Rock Swap/Sales starts at 10:00 am. Members can bring rock-related items to sell or swap. You will need to provide your own table/chair or use the back of your car or truck.

This is a free event but for members only. There will be a drawing. Please bring donations of rock-related items for the drawings.

Directions to the Picnic at Intalco Totem Terrace: From I-5, take Ferndale Exit 262 to Main Street. Heading west follow Main Street through town. Main Street becomes Mountain View Road. Follow all the way into Intalco. Go through the gate and continue past the substation and guard shack, veering off to the right. There are signs to Totem Terrace. Follow the road and it will lead you right to the park.

June Field trip

Got the ok to rockhound at the Beaver Lake Quarry (greenstone with spotting and inclusions), with collection restrictions. This is to be a group trip only – the quarry is open to collecting only for a planned day and time, so please do not head out there on your own.
One of the owners has offered to open it up to our group on a day they aren’t running their equipment, etc.
I will have all the details later, but for now, mark down this date: Saturday, June 29th for an afternoon trip. We will meet at Bloedel around 11- ish and travel as a group.
I will be posting another announcement later this week with all the details: directions, meeting place and time, what you will need to bring, etc., so no need to inquire at this time.