February General Meeting Minutes

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Monday, February 17, 2025
General Meeting of the MBR&GC
Ferndale, WA
7 pm: meeting called to order by President Michael Langley
Raffle: welcome guests, and congratulations to members Sheila K, Kimberly L, Sandee H and Dave S!
Secretary Report: CHOW hotdogs will participate in show again as food vendor
Treasurers Report: lap room; thunder eggs (income), silent auction (income.)
Expenses: COF (City of Ferndale) space rental for RRR, books for store, federation fees.
We had a positive income month, great job!
MIke/Federation: big show in September, waiting to clarify which weekend. Does our club want to nominate any outstanding
kids for a NFMS Jr. Rockhound of the Year mention? Deadline in March.
Lap Room: very busy! Classes are all filled up through June. Big saw needs a cleaning.
Annual Show (Candi): still need help with tumbled rock and baggies for kids prizes at the show, please donate. 
Raffle prizes are also needed, and in 2026 we will have an even bigger need for tumbled rocks.
Website – more info for volunteer opportunities on our website under “volunteering” HERE.
Use the SignUpGenius.com application to add/modify/delete your volunteering schedule
for the club’s March rock and gem show. Using this application will produce email reminders
of your signups, let others see where vacancies exist, and help the show chairpersons as they organize the event. Although the signup form has numerical limits for each task, don’t think that you can’t help out if a task is “full”. You can sign up as an Alternate for tasks during the show and fill in where needed.
Click this link to Rock & Gem Show 2025 to sign up with your name, email address, and optionally your phone number.
You can also type this short URL into your browser:  https://tinyurl.com/yc8er7rm
Available stations for volunteers at show: load/unload truck, spinning wheel, welcome table, raffle sales, club sales, silent auction, security, greeter
Door prizes are awarded every hour during show. Kids get free tumbled rocks (need 2-3 volunteers at greeters table.)
Critter making parties @ Mall Monday, February 24, and Monday, March 3rd. Call 564-565-0840 for more info. 
Show case sign up – if you want to display your collection in a secure case during the show, contact Candi G.
Mineral Council Field Trips, find our more HERE.
Local Field Trips – we need volunteers! The club offers at $50 stipend to folks leading a field trip within Whatcom or Skagit Counties, possibly more for a further trip. field trips are limited to club members for liability & insurance purposes.
Possible locations: Baker Lake, Bear Creek, Grandy Creek, Walker Valley, Rosario Beach in Anacortes, Nooksack for Dunnite, Sloan/Ruby Creek, Index, WA. 
Show ‘n’ tell of Quartz and Amethyst.
Them for Monday, March 17th meeting show ‘n’ tell: Green rocks and/or Emeralds!
minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary.

January General Meeting Minutes

1/20/25 MBRGC General Meeting

7 pm, Pioneer Pavilion, Ferndale, WA

Meeting called to order by President Michael Langley. He addressed the club and told us about the desire to increase attendance and participation so that “10% are not doing 90% of work.”

Raffle: Wanda, Elliot, Ken were our guests and are all winners, congrats! Gretchen, Steven are new members who also took away a prize. Melody won a $25 club gift certificate for our mall store.

Secretary Report (Trevor): shared info about upcoming shows in the area. Shared the phone number to the mall shop: 564-565-0840, which should be used to inform of last-minute cancellations, etc. PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL THE CLUB FOR REAL-TIME INQUIRIES OR UPDATES, AS IT MAY NOT BE SEEN IN TIME. PLEASE CALL THE STORE TO SPEAK TO A VOLUNTEER.

Treasurer (Ralph): went over income and expenses for December. Discussed possible 2-day RRR event in September. 2024 was a good year for the club, it was our best RRR to date. Thank you in advance for helping to spread the word about our show. In 2024, the club purchased (3) 8″ Cabking machines, and one was donated for a total of (4) new 8″ machines in the lap room.

Federation (Mike): Updates are now made online, printed newsletter being discontinued. Next annual show is in Wala Wala, WA. 

If you are interested in purchasing tools or equipment from Kingsley North, please use our affiliate link on the website HERE, (which gives the club credit for the referral.)

Upcoming mineral council field trips:  

https://mineralcouncil.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/fieldtrips_2025.pdf which can be found HERE.

02/22 – Cedar Ponds for jasper and fossils
03/08 – Cherry Creek for jasper
04/12 – Saddle Mt for petrified wood
05/10 – Racehorse Creek for fossils and morel mushrooms
05/24 – Wild Turkey mine for Noble serpentine

Local Field Trips: TBD, club offers a $50 stipend to members who host a field trip within Whatcom or Skagit Counties. (Local trips are members-only for liability/insurance purposes.)

2025 Show Chair Update (Candi)

  • The show is coming up FAST! Online volunteer sign-ups coming soon, Todd will have more info about Sign-up Genius at our next meeting, as well as below… In the meantime, volunteers can sign up on the clipboards at the next meeting. Stations that need volunteers: Silent Auction, Spinning Wheel, Raffle Tix, Load/unload truck, Door Greeters, Club Sales, etc.
  • We also need more tumbled rocks / painted rocks / rock “critters” for the kids prizes. The club will purchase some higher-end prizes to incent raffle ticket sales. 
  • For load/unload: Meet at the Gerard’s at 9 am Friday, March 28. Load into UHAUL tables, rocks, equipment etc. to bring to the Pavilion. Unloading will happen Monday, March 31st.
  • Adult and kid silent auctions approximately every 15 minutes. 
  • Display cases – 20-25 will need to be filled. We will provide a demonstration at the March meeting.

“Please use the SignUpGenius application to add/modify/delete your volunteering schedule for the club’s March rock and gem show. Using this application will produce email reminders of your signups, let others see where vacancies exist, and help the show chairpersons as they organize the event. Although the signup form has numerical limits for each task, don’t think that you can’t help out if a task is “full”. You can sign up as an Alternate for tasks during the show and fill in where needed. Some tasks, like Welcome Table and Club Sales, can benefit from more than two volunteers during the busiest times. Having lots of hands for the set-up and tear-down tasks are essential.
Go to the SignUpGenius form at Rock & Gem Show 2025 to sign up with your name, email address, and optionally your phone number. 

If you signed up on the paper sheets at the January meeting, please go to the application and enter your slots so that no one else gets them.”

Matt Sisco gave a brief presentation about the Wild Turkey Serpentine Mine in Valley, WA. Thanks, Matt!

<Break, snacks>

Show ‘n’ tell: Members shared examples of their favorite fossil or mineral. 

Theme for February, 17 meeting: Amethyst or Quartz

minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary

January Board Meeting Minutes

01/06/25 MBRGC Board Meeting, Portal Creek Clubhouse, Ferndale, WA

Attending: Harold, Wes, Candi, Gordy, Michael, Ralph, Trevor, Dave, Mike

Meeting called to order by President Michael Langley at 6 pm.

Secretary Report (Trevor): Need to update membership roster with AMFS (thanks for info Mike M.)

Proposal RE: cell phone minutes for phone at mall – renew for 365 days @ $99.99 vs. $19.99 quarterly – motion made, voted, passed, granted. 

Special thanks to Candi Gerard, former president, for your 8+ dedicated years served on our board. We appreciate you!

Treasurers Report (Ralph): expenses vs. income report. Income outweighed expenses, 29 memberships (new + renewals).

WECU CD – need to update names at bank in order to proceed.

Federation (Mike): request to update name in database from Michael L. to Mike M. 

The next annual retreat is in Walla Walla, WA. Discussed option of $35/ 1/4 page ad for show on Federation website.

Lapidary Room (Gordy): lots of Thundereggs cut in December, thought the lap room was closed the month of December.

<discussion> RE: Budget and advertising for March show. Option of Whatcom News online for under $100/month.

Show Chair (Candi): Clarification of raffle rules, break down of costs from 2024 show to help formulate budget.

Mall Report (Ralph): December was very robust in sales, especially the last week leading up to Christmas holiday. 

RRR – Mike/ Ralph: discussion of pros & cons of one day event vs. two – will reach out to past participants to get their opinion. Fee for 2025 RRR will be $40/ vendor space. Will determine a date and follow up with COF (City of Ferndale) RE: Pavilion availability.

WA Mineral Council: 2025 field trips published! More info here: https://mineralcouncil.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/fieldtrips_2025.pdf

<discussion> should Gordy bring more milk crates to next meeting? Pebble foldouts ordered for mall store. Shared ideas about how to increase club member participation and provide incentives for coming to meetings. Motion to award a $25 store gift certificate at monthly meetings, with raffle. Motion made, voted, passed, granted. 

Old & New Business: WPA member Dave D. willing to demonstrate gold panning at show if available that weekend. 

Michael & Harold attended a Marysville club meeting, which had 120+ participants, served dinner, hosted a silent auction, etc.

January Show ‘n’ tell: Fossils or a Thumbnail specimen (~1″ or less). Matt & Ralph Sisco to present RE: Wild Turkey mine or Fossil Fish.

February > Terry Steinborn to present about gold formations. 

March > “how to fill up a show case”

April > Candi shares about Yellowstone minerals

Future trip to Rice Museum? Summertime – group rates? Collect fund$ for bus charter, club to subsidize cost of museum entry ($22/ person.)

Meeting adjourned. Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary.

December Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, December 2, 2024. MBRGC Board Meeting

6 pm – Ferndale, Portal Way Clubhouse. In attendance: Deb, We, Candi, Gordy, Harold, Michael, Ralph, Bruce, Trevor, Mike M. Todd, Bonnie

Meeting called to order by president Candi Gerard

Secretary Report: Thanks Mike M, I will be sending out mailers with flyers for the show next week.

Treasurer Report: 26 new/renewing memberships, classes, club sales, silent auction. Another positive month with a deposit made at WECU!

Membership: renewing members are down from this time last year. 

Federation: Updating contact info, switching from Michael L. to Mike M. The Blanchard Mt. trip was a success on November 23, the weather held at about

50 degrees. The cut was discovered 36 years ago, making it harder to find crystalized stilpnomelane specimens. 

Mineral Council: nothing reported

Lap Room: Closed for December, as mall retail traffic picks up. There are 2 intro classes in January, next class is on December 10th. Discussed raising up

two machines by ~4″ for taller members.


Mall Report: pretty good week with increasing number of sales. We hope things will continue to pick up. Discussed holiday decorations. 

ATM for show – $200 max withdrawal, $3.50/withdrawal fee. Can do multiple withdrawals up to your bank or card limit..

New/Old Business: Danielle @ City Hall reached out regarding a $50 discrepancy on check written in December 2023. Ralph will clear the books and replace $50 if needed.

Todd: new business; proposal to increase the $1000 scholarship to catch up with inflation. Proposal was made, seconded, voted, and passed to raise minimum to $1500/ recipient.

Our new board will be installed at the December holiday party. Bonnie is taking care of decorations, Ralph and Mike are coordinating food.

Action items: send out an email about the holiday meeting (completed).

December meeting: Fried chicken and ham are provided. Cups, plates, cutlery, napkins, coffee, and water are provided. The rest is potluck style. Bring a side, pasta, salad, etc. BYOB (NON-AOCOHOLIC.)

Gift exchange: up to $15 value, please mark masculine/feminine/inisex. Please bring a gift to open a gift, the exchange is completely voluntary.

Gordy needs help with rock cleanup by the Conex. Work party proposed Sunday, December 8th at 10:30 am, weather dependent. 

Remaining Mall Holiday hours: 
Monday, 12/16 – Saturday, 12/21 10am – 9pm
Sunday, 12/22 10am – 8pm
Monday, 12/23 10am – 9pm
Tuesday, 12/24 10am – 6pm
Wednesday, 12/25 (Christmas) CLOSED
Thursday, 12/26 regular mall hours resume

Gold panners at the 2025 Show? Have Chad reach out for contact names. 

Taxes/CD any conflict? Need to update authorized users of WECU bank account with change in board. Ralph, Michael, Wes.

Let’s send a big thank you to Candi Gerard for her most recent 6 years of service as club President. Candi, you ROCK!!!

minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary.

2024 Annual Auction

A friendly reminder about the details of our annual fundraising auction:

When: Monday, October 21st

Time: 6:30 pm – 9 pm

Where: Ferndale Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale, WA

What: Rocks, minerals, jewelry, books, equipment, misc.

How: Live auction

Payment: Cash or check only

Note: Doors will open at 5:30 pm. Please bring donations and register for a bidding paddle between 5:30 – 6:30pm.

This event helps support our scholarship program for WWU students. We need donations!

Side note: 2025 club dues are “due.” Annual membership is $20/family. Dues can be paid at monthly meetings, in our retail store, or by mail.

  • Mail: P.O. Box 30324, Bellingham, WA 98228

October Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, October 7, 2024 MBRGC Board Meeting, Ferndale, WA

In attendance: Deb, Wes, Candi, Gordy, Ralph, Michael L., Bruce, Bonnie, Mike M, Todd

Secretary Report: Discussion about trim saw in lap room, pulley puller needed to properly service saw. Motion made by Bonnie, voted, passed to replace the saw with a brand new one if it is deemed irreplaceable. Blade needed for 16″ and 12″ saw, plus two tumblers wanted for holidays. Approved to order now, replace when needed, and reorder at time of replacement to have blades on hand.

Treasurer Report: September was a good month, 21 memberships/renewals. Income from lap room, classes, shelf donations. Reimbursements paid out for field trip, publicity for RRR, supplies, bio diesel oil for saw.

Federation 2025: Wala Wala, WA weekend after labor day. No more printed newsletters, moving to monthly electronic updates on their website. HERE is the link: http://northwestfederation.org/

Field trip 10/13: meet at REI at 9 am, and also; Happy Birthday to Gordy! (The field trip was a success, thank you Michael M. for taking us.)

Mineral Council: Next field trip 10/19 – Index area for picture jasper. More info HERE

Lapidary Room: oil changed in the big saw, please do not write down names in the lapidary book until they have paid. With the lap room getting busier, people have gotten bumped. In the event of a no-call, no-show, fee paid will be forfeited.

2025 Show Chairpersons: Candi & Tracy. Do we want to invite the gold panners to our show, and where could they set up?

Mall: Vendor Meeting was held, mall holiday hours are posted and everyone is up to speed. An account was created with CNG (Cascade Natural Gas) to stay in compliance with our lease. Thermostat is turned off, temp holding at 70 degrees.

Old Business: RRR wrap up, many positive reviews and feedback. More info to come and arrangements will be determined for next year’s event.

Todd – Square card reader proposal. Discussion about renting an ATM for those without cash and unable to take cards. Will look into this further.

Discussion about scholarships and fine print. 

Vice President needed for 2025 board. Members can nominate a fellow member if no one steps up.

Discussion about field trips and $$ stipend, mileage, insurance requirements (only members.) We also discussed getting basic business cards printed for the mall shop and location of large stamp for paper sacks.

Next meeting is our annual auction, Monday, October 21, 2024. Board members, please remember to wear your club vest! Bidding starts promptly at 6:30 pm.

minutes submitted by club secretary, Trevor Duncan.

October Meeting – Annual Auction, 10/21/24

October Meeting: Monday, October 21, 2024. Annual auction to benefit our WWU scholarship fund. Please bring donations of rock, tools, rock-related items by 6 pm.

6-6:30 pm is registration to get a bidding number/ paddle. 

The auction starts promptly at 6:30 pm.

Bring cash or check. Card payments are not accepted.

September General Meeting Minutes

9/16/24 MBRGC General Meeting, 7 pm – Pioneer Pavilion, Ferndale, WA

7:05pm – meeting called to order by President Candi Gerard. 

Raffle: welcome to our guests, and congrats to Steve and Andrew for being winners.

Secretary Report: no report

Treasurer’s Report: 4 new members in August, so far 14 new members in September. (Renewals start next month in October.)

As of August, the meeting space at the pavilion has been paid for for the March show and 2025 meetings. Thanks Ralph!

Overall we are doing well with P&L (Profit and Loss.)

Volunteer opportunities are highlighted on the side table – we will soon start soliciting for volunteers to help at the show.

Federation: wi-fi is working in the Pavilion again. NFMS website HERE

Check out news, etc. as fewer newsletters are being sent physically. Find info about upcoming shows, events, etc.

Mineral Council field trips:

10/19 – Index area for picture jasper

11/16 – Blanchard Hill for Stilpnomelane. Click HERE for the calendar and more info.

Upcoming local field trips: Sunday, October 13, Swift Creek for Baker Blues. Meet up at REI in Bellingham at 9:30, carpool to Cook Rd. exit 232 to meet up with Michael at 10 am to convoy to the location. More details to come soon.

2025 Show: Candi & Tracy are chairpersons, sign up sheets will be at the next meeting for volunteers at different stations. Volunteering is a great way to learn about the club!

Ralph reported on the RRR – 40 spaces sold, a few no shows. 25-30 vendors sold their wares. Exit interview revealed the following marketing efforts were most useful:

#1 Facebook

#2 Craiglist

#3 Physical posters around town

Thanks Michael, Trevor, Seren for all your hard work getting the word out!

Call for board member volunteers. It is nearly time to vote for our 2025 board. We will have openings for directors at large, etc. Get ready to nominate and vote!

John Lindell reported that the event at the museum was successful, several hundred people came and saw the displays. Lots of youth participation. Thank you, John and Michael L for organizing this!

October Meeting: Monday, October 15, 2024. Annual auction to benefit our scholarship fund. Please bring donations by 6 pm, 6-6:30 pm is registration to get a bidding number/ paddle. The auction starts promptly at 6:30 pm. Bring cash or check, card payments are not accepted.


Show ‘n’ tell. 

Meeting adjourned

Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary.

September Board Meeting Minutes

September 2, 2024

MBRGC Board Meeting, Ferndale, WA

In attendance: Deb, Wes, Mike M, Bonnie, Trevor, Todd

Items discussed:

Show chairman created posters for the March 2025 show. Is there room to add a QR code to our site?

Club Participation at Museum on Friday, 9/6/24.

Planning ahead: 12/31, current paid members (head of household) will be reported to the council.  Separate page > add new members

Good to go with SOS filing as of 8/2/24 – no further action needed until July 2025.

Publicity ramped up for RRR by Mike, Trevor, Seren

Ad in Cascade Daily for 3 weeks – we got a copy in the PO Box,

Meeting adjourned.

minutes by Trevor Duncan, club secretary

Used Lapidary Equipment For Sale



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