Portal Creek Clubhouse, Ferndale, WA
Attending: Mike, Gordy, Candi, Bonnie, We, Michael, Ralph, Trevor, Todd, Bruce
Meeting called to order at 6 pm by President Candi Gerard.
Secretary Report: 3 upcoming rock shows, fliers will be available at the next meeting, then the mall
Treasurer’s Report: Positive bank account deposit for April, great job!
Federation Report: last newsletter indicated a geocaching trip has been scheduled. Mike will make a pitch to update the NFMS website.
For those who join later in the year and do not receive the newsletter on time, an accurate directory on the website would be helpful.
Field Trips: 12 ppl went on the Swift Creek dig (Thanks Daniel, for coordinating!) 5 cars carpooled up the ~15 mile service road, followed by ~ 1 mile hike toward the hot springs. Blue agates and other specimens were procured.
Mineral Council: upcoming field trips:
05/18 – Bailey Trail for chert
06/15 – SAddle Mtn for petrified wood
07/20 – Sweetwater for travertine
08/17 & 18 – Greenwater for agate, jasper, and opal
08/24 – Lake Wenatchee for garnets
For more information, go HERE
State Mineral Council trips – any Washington state resident can attend.
<discussion about safety, guidelines, and possible walkie-talkie purchase>
Lapidary Report: Everything is going well, attendance is up. Tubing could use reinforcement on new machines, ventilator needs a new filter,
Richardson polisher needs a new switch. Late arrivals/no shows: In case of a NCNS, $10 fee will be forfeited. Arrivals after 7:30 PM, may be turned away.
Tracy has stepped up as co-chair for the show (Thank you, Tracy!), but we need an official SHOW CHAIRPERSON – please contact the board if you would like to volunteer. Bonnie will be in charge of the microphone and announcements at the 2025 show.
Mall Report: visit from mall management, discussion about lease renewal. No mention of a $$ increase, being offered a 2-year lease.
The Board voted, and unanimously approved the renewal if the terms (rent) stay the same. Will need to revisit if changes are proposed.
Old Settlers Picnic in July, 7/26-7/28, we have been offered the use of 1/2 of the Pioneer Pavilion (kitchen side) for $100. We can use the space how we choose, on Friday and Saturday. It was voted, and approved that we will have educational displays and club info only, no vendor/sales.
RRR 2024: Date has changed to Saturday, September 14th, due to conflict with Pavilion. More details to come, though members can signup for their table(s) with a 2-table maximum for $20/ space. Sign up at the mall, and payment must be made at the time of booking, no spaces will be reserved without payment.
2024 Picnic will be on Saturday, August 4th. More details to come.
May Show and Tell: “second favorite rock.” Monday, May 20, 2024 @ 7 pm. 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale, WA (Pioneer Pavilion Community Center.)
Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary