Board Meeting Minutes, February 7, 2022

Attended by:  Wes, Deb, Candi, Gordy, Sharon, Ralph, Michael, and Bonnie.

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the last meeting on January 3, 2022, were approved.  

Treasurer’s Report:  Deb gave a report of income and expenses.  A back flow test is required by the Mall and it was done this week.  Show expenditures were also reported. 

Membership:  Still coming thru the Mall – 17 new or renewed memberships in January.

Federation:  No club has stepped up at this time to host the show.

Mineral Council:  This Saturday, 2/12, to Anderson creek for Jade, Nephrite.  On 2/22, a trip to Grandy Creek.  Check on Mt Baker website.

Lapidary:  Signup by Tuesdays due to need to let the Mall know of people staying after closing.

Show:  Vendors to pay at time of signup; contract to be signed on the Friday of setup.  U-Haul has been reserved for the weekend.  Deb will check if rock critters are needed and if so, will schedule a day to make more critters.  Bonnie and Nancy H. will paint more rocks for the spinning wheel.  Wes will be bringing the sign-up sheets and flyers to the meeting.  Let’s get the word out and let the public know what fun they will have.

Rock Rendezvous:  Date set is June 11th at Pioneer Park building.  Time not discussed.  Sign-up sheet to be at the next meeting for additional people to sign up; need 8 more to cover the cost of the rental.  At this time the Mall shop will remain open that day.

New Business:

Mall changed items on the contract to be signed.  Candi is going to further investigate. 

Discussion regarding the Mt Baker Rock Club’s website and Facebook.  We are a nonprofit and it is fine for members to individually post items for sale, but no business should be doing this.  Will post again the rules about what can be posted.

We are asking that members wear their nametags (and vests) to meetings.  It helps the members to get to know the wonderful people in the group.

Vests:  Bonnie is still checking into costs and would like to know how many people are interested in wearing them. 

Food truck for show:  Candi and Gordy are going to ask if Chihuahua’s is interested in doing this.  Anyone else with an idea, please let us know. 

Meeting adjourned at 6:55pm.  Bonnie Keel