Board Meeting Minutes, June 6, 2022, Mt Baker Rock & Gem Club

The meeting was called to order by Candi at 6 pm, at Portal Creek Park Clubhouse, Ferndale.  Attending – Candi and Gordy Gerard, Wes and Deb Gannaway, Ralph Sisco, Bonnie Keel, Michael Langley, Sharon Geleynse, Glenn Ishihara, and Linda Mitchell.

Secretary's Report:  The May 2, 2022, minutes were approved.  

Treasurer’s Report:  Deb reported on the expenses.  Ralph Sisco will be helping Deb as treasurer for the club’s retail store.

Membership:  Since last week, there are four new members.

Federation:  No report.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  On 6/18 field trip to Verlot Ranger Station; 6/23-26 Powwow, Madras OR.  Please check the WSMC website for more information about field trips and where/when to meet.  

The WSMC website is:  2022 - Microsoft Publisher (

Lapidary Report:  There is rock tumbler grit for sale at the club’s retail store.  The board approved keys to be given to the two new lapidary room helpers, Fred Gustafson and Walt Kulpa.  Candi will be giving a Lapidary Intro Class, June 21, 6-9 pm.  There is a limit of 4 people.

Show 2023:  No report.

Old Business:  
•	Rockhound Recycling Rendezvous (RRR):  The RRR is on June 11, 2022, Saturday 10 am to 5 pm.  Members need to bring their own tables.  Chairs will be provided.  Bring your own food as well.  Linda Mitchell and Bonnie Keel will help with club rock sales.    

New Business:  
•	The club’s retail store is self-sufficient.  The club will start to pay for the receipt books for all vendors that sell at the store.  
•	Sandy Hess has planned a field trip to the Cherry Pt beach on June 18, Saturday.  

Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm 
Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

Other Club Information:  
Club Web Address:
Visit us on Facebook:
For Questions, Club Email:
Club Retail Store, Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424 (JC Penny’s Wing), Hours:  Closed Mondays, Tuesday-Saturday 11 am to 7 pm, Sunday Noon to 6 pm

PRESIDENT:  Candi Gerard               VICE-PRESIDENT:  Bonnie Keel
SECRETARY:  Linda Mitchell             TREASURER:  Deb Gannaway
FEDERATION DIRECTOR: Michael Langley    WAGONMASTER: Need Volunteer
DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE:  Gordy Gerard        DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE:  Ralph Sisco
DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE Alt:  Sharon Geleynse
Librarian:  Todd Folsom                Kitchen:  Kathy Mayock
Mineral Council:  Michael Langley      Publicity:  Wes Gannaway
Lapidary:  Gordy Gerard/Fred Gustafson New Membership:  Wes Gannaway 
2022 Show:  Bonnie Keel/Wes Gannaway   Webmaster:  Todd Folsom 