The meeting was called to order by Candi at 6 pm, at Portal Creek Park Clubhouse. Attending – Candi, Gordy, Wes, Ralph, Bonnie, and Linda.
Secretary’s Report: The April 4, 2022, minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: On behalf of Deb, Wes reported on bills and income.
Membership: There are three new members.
Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC): Please check the WSMC website for more information and about field trips and where/when to meet. The website is: 2022 – Microsoft Publisher (
Lapidary Report: There were two members that worked in the Lap room.
Show 2023: No report.
Old Business:
- Rockhound Recycling Rendezvous (RRR): The RRR is on June 11, 2022, Saturday. Small flyers will be made to handout at the store in the mall. A reminder will be emailed to members who have signed up for a table to come into the mall store and pay.
New Business:
- The secretary position will need to be filled. Also, needed is a Lapidary Chairman. There will be a club email sent with information about the positions.
- Ideas on where to advertise club events was discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm
Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell
Other Club Information:
Club Web Address:
Visit us on Facebook:
For Questions, Club Email:
Club Retail Store, Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424 (JC Penny’s Wing) Hours:
Closed Mondays, Tuesday-Saturday 11 am to 7, Sunday Noon to 6 pm