Board Meeting Minutes, November 1, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President Candi Gerard at Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424.  In attendance:  Deb and Wes Gannaway, Ralph Sisco, Bonnie Keel, Gordy Gerard, Michael Langley, Sharon Geleynse, Glenn Ishihara, and Linda Mitchell.   Masks were worn by all.

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the last meeting on October 4, 2021, were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report:  Deb reported on the bills and income.

Membership:  There were two new members this week.

Federation:  No report.

Wagonmaster (Field Trip) Report:  There are no field trips scheduled. 

 Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  On November 13, the field trip is to Blanchard Mt for Stilpnomelane.  Meet at the Gas Mart, I-5 Exit 240 at 9:00 am.  This is in our local area.

 Lapidary Report:  The lapidary room is open for members on Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm.  Members must sign up and prepay $10.  If no one prepays, it will be closed. 

 Show 2022:  Bonnie Keel will co-chair with Wes Gannaway.  It’s time to start planning the March 26-27, 2022, show.  We will need to arrange for a food truck.  A volunteer is needed under 70 years old to rent/drive the truck to haul the show items from storage to the venue and back to storage.   Todd Folsom is checking with WWU about the scholarship the club gives to a geology student.

 Old Business:

 Election:  It is time for the election of officers.  We are asking members for nominations for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Federation, Wagonmaster, and Directors at Large.  If you are interested, please contact any board member. 

Volunteers:  Volunteers are needed for Wagonmaster (Field Trips), Librarian, and Mall Store Helpers.  If we do not get any volunteers, we will no longer have these activities/events until someone volunteers.

Annual Dues:  Annual dues are due in the month of October.  Members will be notified by email and on Facebook.

New Business:

Volunteer:  There is a need for a qualified person to help man the lapidary room on open lap night.  They must be experienced in lapidary.

 Rockhound Rendezvous (RR):  Sharon Geleynse has volunteered with Michael Langley helping.  At the November meeting, Sharon will check to see if any members are interested in selling their rocks and rock hobby related items.  If there is interest, the event will be scheduled.

Mall Contract:  The contract is being worked and will be signed soon for the location at Bellis Fair Mall.

November General Meeting Program:  Members can bring one rock of their choosing to share with the membership and/or ask for identification.

December Meeting:  We will not have our annual potluck this year.  There will be a gift exchange for those that would like to participate.  Bring a gift, get a gift.  The limit of the gift is $10.

Rock Tumbling Class:  At the Jansen Art Center, there will be a rock tumbling class in January.  The class instructor will be Glenn Ishihara.  More information will be forthcoming.

 The next Board Meeting is on December 6, 2021, 6:00 pm, at Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm

Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell