Board Meeting Minutes, October 12, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Candi Gerard at her home.  We did social distance ourselves and wear masks.  In attendance: Wes & Deb Gannaway, Michael Langley, Ralph Sisco, Bonnie Keel, Gordy Gerard, Rick Barrett, Glenn Ishihara, and Linda Mitchell.

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the last meeting were approved.

Committee Reports:  There were no committee reports.

Board Member Positions:  Usually, this time of year, we have a nominating committee for next year’s board member positions.  If anyone is interested in a board member position, please contact Candi with the position you are interested in.  In case there is no interest, the current board members will stay in office.

Ads in the Newsletter:  There was a discussion of ads in the newsletter.  Ads are limited to 5 lines for $5, must be approved by the board, and advance payment.  Ads can be placed on the club’s Facebook page for free. 

Lapidary Room: 

The contract for the lapidary room at the mall was discussed.  The location is in Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424 (the previous tenant was Chocolate Forte).  A motion was made to accept and sign the contract, the motion was seconded, and was passed unanimously.

A work group to move the lapidary equipment from the storage area to the mall will be set up.  More information will be forthcoming.

There is an area for members to sell their rock-related items.  There will be a monthly donation for the square footage members request.  If you sell items, you will be required to volunteer in the front showroom.  Prepayment will be required each month.

The lapidary equipment will be in the back portion for member use.  Classes will be offered.  Pre-payments will be required for use of the equipment and for classes.

More information will be forthcoming on costs, rules and guidelines and any other open-ended issues.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm
Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell