The meeting was called to order by President Candi Gerard, and was attended also by Bonnie Keel, Michael Langley, Ralph Sisco, Gordy Gerard, and Glenn Ishihara.
There were no committee reports.
Seren lead a beach field trip.
There are enough critters and painted rock for the spinning wheel. Thank you Bonnie and Nancy.
There was much discussion about the possibility of opening our lap room at Bellis Fair Mall. It was voted on and passed. Now it will go to the membership to see if there is enough interest to go ahead with it.
There was also discussion on how to proceed with members advertising on our website. Items would have to be rock hobby related, OK’d by the board or board member, and fee paid in advance to the treasurer before the information is given to Todd.
The applicants for scholarship were read, discussed, and voted on. Our recipient is Alivia Eng. She is very qualified.
Meeting adjourned.
Submitted by Candi Gerard.