June Board Meeting Minutes

6/3/24 MBR&GC Board Meeting – Portal Way Clubhouse

Attending: Gordy, Mike M. Ralph, Wes, Deb, Candi, Bonnie, Trevor, Bruce, Michael L.

Meeting called to order at 6:02 pm by President Candi Gerard

Federation: Mike M will check with Pioneer Pavilion regarding the issue with the “projector not found” error message. 

Summary of printed pages for toner cartridge:

150 (600) RRR 1/4 page fliers

840 pages 2024 Show

100 welcome letters

900 applications double sided tri-fold

200 pages for 2024 RRR

~3400 pages / cartridge

Mike M will not be present at July or August meetings.

Lap Room: Rubber mats were confirmed for comfort, not functional, so it’s okay to trim them. Discussed tripping hazard. No changes made so far. Rubber gasket over glass on small oil saw is warped – Gordy and Trevor will look into an adjustment or replacement.

Mineral Council:

6/15 – Saddle Mt. (Marysville club) field trip

7/20 – Sweetwater for Travertine. 

More info HERE:https://mineralcouncil.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2024-field-trips.pdf

Reminder, there is a rockhound sale happening on Saturday, 6/15, If you want to come shop, meet at the Gerard’s at 10 am to caravan/ carpool.

Treasurer’s Report: Healthy income in May at the mall, 11 new memberships (65 new to date). Revenue from lap room, classes, RRR. Still working with COF (City of Ferndale) to secure Pavilion space for the last weekend of March in 2025 for the show. Ralph will be on vacation on 6/13, will not do a payout for a week, will catch up the following week. He will also miss the June general meeting.

Mall Report: 2 year lease signed with same rent, but small $50 increase for garbage service. 

  • rented “as-is” (hot water tank)
  • can lights getting hot – in talks with PSE for an upgrade
  • clause about no jeans, t-shirts, or flip flops (not being enforced)
  • Mondays – clause about $50/ hr fee for not being open during mall hours – assured this will not affect us

The next Wire Wrapping class with Bruce Wickler is on Monday, June 24th. There are spots open, come to the mall to sign up and pay $22 fee.

Old Settlers Days: we still need a few volunteers to pull it off. We need help setting up on Thursday 7/25, manning the table Friday and Saturday 7/26 & 7/27. This is a great way to support the club and give us a face in the community.

Vending Opportunities:

Jam on the River – Saturday, July 13th in Ferndale at Riverfront park. For more info, contact Heather Sheirill: director@ferndale-chamber.com.

Friday, 8/2 and Saturday 8/3 – Ferndale Block Party. Contact Ali Hawkins: ferndaleblockparty@gmail.com

RRR: We can set up on Friday, September 13th between 3-6pm, no overnight security. The Rock Rendezvous 2024 is scheduled for Saturday, September 14th. Members can pay for space(s) at the Club meeting (June 17th) or at the Mall Club Store. The cost is $20 space with a maximum of 2 spaces.

30 of the 40 spaces have been taken, so sign up if interested. 10 spots remaining.

Todd is updating the website with correct info for the 2024 show. 

June theme for show ‘n’ tell: Washington stones. If anyone has any specimens we can use for display during Old Settlers Days in July, please get in touch with the board to arrange.

Outstanding: Sedro Woolley club, whom are club members have requested to borrow tables for use during their show. After much discussion, a motion was made to collect a $200 damage deposit for tables, which will be refunded upon return of tables in the condition they were borrowed in. This is a one-time courtesy/ goodwill gesture. Voted, passed. 

<Discussion and agreement to continue having board meetings in the Portal Way Clubhouse.>

Meeting adjourned.

Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary

May General Meeting Minutes

MBR&GC General Meeting, May 20, 2024

Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, Ferndale, WA Meeting called to order at 7 pm by club President, Candi Gerard

Door prizes: congrats to guest Gayle, members Tawnya, and Trevor

Secretary Report: Katie Montague with Sumas Museum asking for help with kids dig kits – a few people stated they would help with donated items, etc for the kit. I (Trevor) will follow-up with Katie to determine how many they’d like, etc.

Field Trip News: Recent Mineral Council Racehorse Creek trip was successful with 20+ people attending. Fossils were located! Another trip to Swift Creek attracted 12 people who traversed the rough road to procure blue agates and geodes. Next dig is 6/15/24: Saddle Mountain, followed by 7/20 in Darrington. Find more information HERE:


Upcoming local trips:

  • Rainbow Chert in Verlot, roadside, kid & family friendly. 
  • Cherry Creek – per wood w/ Pyrite included, cherry creek jasper (red, yellow, some w/ agate)
  • Saddle Mt? high temps, trip will be closer to fall. Overnight/ camping, possibly two separate locations. Family-friendly.
  • UV night trip – later in the year, when night time happens sooner. Stay tuned for more info!

RRR: ***DATE HAS MOVED**** Saturday, September 14, 2024. 1-day event, 9am – 5pm. 

  • Access to set up Friday 9/13, from 3-6pm.
  • Must be a club member to sign up as a vendor – can sell anything mineral, rock, rock-related (tools, jewelry, etc)
  • $20/ 10′ x 10′ spot, maximum of two spots per member (40 spots total available)
  • sign up at mall – must pay applicable fee at the time of sign-up
  • open to the public for shopping, so feel free to promote to help drive exposure/ traffic. 
  • long-standing 20-year tradition for the club

Store Report: Excellent news – the mall has presented a new 2-year lease. Candi and Ralph will review before signing. All else is going well, club revenue has been increasing due to more interest in lap night with new machines. Tumbling classes and wire-wrapping classes open to anyone, must be a member to use lap facilities.

Old Settlers Days: coming up in July, we have access to 1/2 the Pavilion building to promote the club during the event. Set up Friday, 7/25/24. Event 7/26 & 7/27. This will be a great way to introduce our club to the public. Volunteers will be needed to answer questions, etc. Please contact Candi Gerard at 360-366-0121 if you would like to volunteer.

BIG SALE happening on Saturday, June 15th – meet up at Candi and Gordy’s (1371 Paradise Rd, Ferndale, WA, 98248) at 10am to carpool to the location. Cabs, slabs, equipment, 6-wheel grinder, etc.

After a brief break, we enjoyed a show and tell of everyone’s second favorite rock. June theme: Washington Minerals.

Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary

May 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Portal Creek Clubhouse, Ferndale, WA

Attending: Mike, Gordy, Candi, Bonnie, We, Michael, Ralph, Trevor, Todd, Bruce

Meeting called to order at 6 pm by President Candi Gerard.

Secretary Report: 3 upcoming rock shows, fliers will be available at the next meeting, then the mall

Treasurer’s Report: Positive bank account deposit for April, great job!

Federation Report: last newsletter indicated a geocaching trip has been scheduled. Mike will make a pitch to update the NFMS website. 

For those who join later in the year and do not receive the newsletter on time, an accurate directory on the website would be helpful. 

Field Trips: 12 ppl went on the Swift Creek dig (Thanks Daniel, for coordinating!) 5 cars carpooled up the ~15 mile service road, followed by ~ 1 mile hike toward the hot springs. Blue agates and other specimens were procured.

Mineral Council: upcoming field trips:

05/18 – Bailey Trail for chert
06/15 – SAddle Mtn for petrified wood
07/20 – Sweetwater for travertine
08/17 & 18 – Greenwater for agate, jasper, and opal
08/24 – Lake Wenatchee for garnets
For more information, go HERE

State Mineral Council trips – any Washington state resident can attend.

<discussion about safety, guidelines, and possible walkie-talkie purchase>

Lapidary Report: Everything is going well, attendance is up. Tubing could use reinforcement on new machines, ventilator needs a new filter, 

Richardson polisher needs a new switch. Late arrivals/no shows: In case of a NCNS, $10 fee will be forfeited. Arrivals after 7:30 PM, may be turned away.

Tracy has stepped up as co-chair for the show (Thank you, Tracy!), but we need an official SHOW CHAIRPERSON – please contact the board if you would like to volunteer. Bonnie will be in charge of the microphone and announcements at the 2025 show.

Mall Report: visit from mall management, discussion about lease renewal. No mention of a $$ increase, being offered a 2-year lease. 

The Board voted, and unanimously approved the renewal if the terms (rent) stay the same. Will need to revisit if changes are proposed.

Old Settlers Picnic in July, 7/26-7/28, we have been offered the use of 1/2 of the Pioneer Pavilion (kitchen side) for $100. We can use the space how we choose, on Friday and Saturday. It was voted, and approved that we will have educational displays and club info only, no vendor/sales.

RRR 2024: Date has changed to Saturday, September 14th, due to conflict with Pavilion. More details to come, though members can signup for their table(s) with a 2-table maximum for $20/ space. Sign up at the mall, and payment must be made at the time of booking, no spaces will be reserved without payment.

2024 Picnic will be on Saturday, August 4th. More details to come.

May Show and Tell: “second favorite rock.” Monday, May 20, 2024 @ 7 pm. 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale, WA (Pioneer Pavilion Community Center.)

Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary

April 2024 General Meeting Minutes

4/15/24 MBRGC General Meeting, held at Ferndale Pioneer Pavilion

Meeting called to order by President Candi Gerard at 7 pm.

Welcome to our guests: Laura, Travis, Bruce, Isaac

Congrats to Roy for being drawn for a prize!

Secretary Report: requested a paper shredder for the mall, thank you to Harold for donating a shredder for use at the mall, you rock!

Treasurer Report: March was busy! 36 club transactions, 17 new memberships from the show, we were able to cover all costs associated with the show and even made bank deposits.

General feedback is that dealers were very happy with the show, Wes went over numbers from this year vs. last year. We had about 2/3 the number of visitors, but sales were up.

Thank you to everyone who helped with loading, unloading, set up, tear down, and putting away the items in the conex on Monday.

2025 Show dates: Set up 3/28/25, show 3/29 & 3/30/25. Speaking of, we need a new show chair for next year. Please consider volunteering, it’s a great way to get to know other members and contribute to the club.

RRR: Upcoming in September, on 9/28/24 is an event where any club member can reserve a table to sell their rock-related wares.

Federation: nothing to report

Mineral Council: Walker Valley trip with Daniel Doering was a success; thank you Daniel for volunteering your time and experience to lead others on a trip. The next trip is 4/20. details are located here: https://mineralcouncil.files.wordpress.com/2024/04/racehorse-creek.pdf. For general information, bookmark this page: https://mineralcouncil.wordpress.com/

Lapidary: working out hiccups with new equipment, feedback has been that people really appreciate the new machines. 3 openings weekly on Thursday nights for $10/week after the intro to lapidary class has been taken.

Scholarship: Congratulations to Olivia Ernst, a 3rd-year WWU student studying for her Bachelor’s degree in geo science. Her current work on a senior thesis is around studying geo-chemical analysis of the middle sister of the 3 sisters range in Central OR. Keep up the great work Olivia, you earned it!!!

After the break, we enjoyed viewing each other’s favorite rocks & specimens.

Next meeting: May 20, 2024, theme for show n tell will be your second favorite rock or specimen. Wes will share information about how to properly preserve fossils.

Minute submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary

Presentation on fossils available

The slide presentation given at the February, 2024, meeting is available at the Field Trips page. The presentation titled “Fossil Trail of Washington and Oregon” describes sites where you can view or collect fossils. The PDF version provides one slide per page along with any speaker notes for the page.

February Board Meeting Minutes

2/5/24 MBRGC Board Meeting – Portal Way Clubhouse

In attendance: Bruce, Gordy, Wes, Deb, Mike M., Candi, Todd, Michael L, Ralph, Bonnie, Trevor

Meeting called to order at 6 pm PST

Secretary Report: Lap Room needs some help, middle trim saw needs a blade. Out of 1000 grit belts? Fishy email about a job opening – determined to be spam.

Treasurer: Income from dues, lap room, classes, club sales. Outgoing: NFMS/AMFS dues, books, club/mall supplies, totes for storage container. Reviewed where to find historical transactional data.

Federation: site has been updated for mineral council with our current contact info. (web master is not on leadership team, so there is a disconnect.) 2024 Show in Hermiston, OR, does not offer a lot aside from meetings, awards.

Mineral Council: Michael reports a good turn out for the Walker Valley field trip, though it was announced to us last-minute. Site has not yet been updated with full details, but the following have been mentioned as field trips throughout the year:

March – Cherry Creek (Jasper)

April – Saddle Mt. (Verlot)

May – ??

June – Saddle Mt.

July – Sweetwater (Travertine)

August – Lake Wenatchee (Garnets)

Sept – Red Top

Oct – Darrington/ Index (picture jasper)

Nov – Alger Mt. (stilpnomelane aka Dalmatian stone)

Check back HERE for updates: https://mineralcouncil.wordpress.com/

Sandee Hess will offer beach trips, and another member has mentioned they may be able to lead a field trip. Does anybody else want to lead a field trip? We are offering a $50 stipend to anyone leading a trip.

Lapidary Report: cabbing machines have been price checked, Maple Tree option was from China and unclear as to metric/standard measurements. Too much plastic, so a vote passed to go with the quoted purchase price of $5800 for 3 new 6-wheel, 8″ cabbing machines. 

4x old arbors will be silently auctioned at the February 19, 2024 meeting. The bids will be sealed to avoid looming over other bidders. Starting bid will be $225/unit 1-4. Please feel free to come by the mall shop between now and the 2/19 meeting to preview the machines and place your bid. In the case of a tie, a second silent bid will be placed to determine the winners.

Mall Report: Retail is slow. Bonnie suggested that we move things on the club shelf and/or refresh the stock from the buckets at the Gerard’s. 

Show Report: a 26′ U-haul has been reserved, to be picked up Thursday evening. Chris/Tracy will volunteer at the club table. Chad Fox has been proposed as overnight security. New clip boards with volunteer roles will be circulated at the February meeting. 8 display cases have been reserved, and it was decided to use 2 more to display historical club photos. Grants burgers has been secured for our food truck option at the show. Old vests will be available to be donned by volunteers at the show.

An inquiry was raised about purchase orders vs. payments in advance/ reimbursement to club members for club expenses. Apparently this is not an option.

Cascade Radio Group – Victor Gotelaere was going to come talk to us about advertising opportunities, but was missing in action.

Scholarships: flyers were hung @ WWU in January, the admin was reminded about the deadline of 2/15/24 to apply.

Name Tags: Bonnie ordered 100 more card holders, but we will need more inserts. Mike M. will print on the new laser printer (club provides the paper and toner.)

Web Hosting: our web host, Network Solutions has offered that we can purchase the .com version of our site, but it was discussed, and deemed unnecessary, as we had a total of 206 views last year.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm

Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary

January General Meeting Minutes

MBRGC general meeting minutes, 1/15/24

Meeting held at Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, Ferndale, WA

Meeting called to order by President Candi Gerard at 7:02 pm. The meeting began with the new officers being installed/ sworn in.
Our 2024 Board of Directors:

PRESIDENT:  Candi Gerard                 

VICE-PRESIDENT:  Michael Langley

SECRETARY:  Trevor Duncan                  

TREASURER:  Ralph Sisco


WAGONMASTER: Need Volunteer

DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE:  Bonnie Keel             

DRECTOR-AT-LARGE:  Bruce Wickler

DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE Alt:  Sharon Geleynse


MINERAL COUNCIL: Michael Langley

Secretary Report: updated the outgoing name on emails from “Admin” to “Mount Baker Rock & Gem Club,” to help messages get past spam filters. If you are not receiving our messages, please add admin@mtbakerrockclub.org to your email contacts. Many inquiries about vending space at show – the show is full for vendors.

Federation: Mike M is getting onboarded, more info to come soon.

Mineral Council: Walker Valley field trip scheduled for 1/20 or 1/27 (depending on weather), meet at the Big Lake parking lot at (time?). Here is the official page, which has not been updated since December: https://mineralcouncil.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/fieldtrips_2023.pdf.

Members Michael Langley and Sandee Hess are working hard to find volunteers to lead in-person field trips in our area. The board has approved a $50 stipend to anyone who leads a local field trip. We would love to hear from subject matter experts about Swift Creek, Fossil Creek, Blanchard Mountain, Skagit, Walker Valley, etc. We need people to step up and lead the way in this area. Participation is key!

Lapidary Room: all is well, has been slow. The board has approved the purchase of 3 new all-in-one 6-wheeled (8″) cabochon machines. Candi and Gordy are getting quotes. We will update everyone with news about this, and decide what to do with the old arbors. Stay tuned!

Treasurer Report: Thank you Deb, for the last 10.5 years of incredible service! Ralph, our new Treasurer reports that the club took in $2700 from club sales, before expenses in December. Expenses included: Q4 mall rent, deposit for RRR. Friendly reminder, 2024 dues are due, if your family has not settled up yet, you can do so in the mall, at a meeting, or by mailing a check to our PO Box.  An audit was recently conducted on the 2023 books by Ralph, Bonnie & Trevor. Everything was in perfect order (Thanks again, Deb!)

Classes at the store run by Candi, Sandee, and Bruce have been consistent revenue makers, and are conducted nearly monthly. Stop by the store to sign up and PRE-PAY to ensure your spot.

Show news: it’s coming up fast! Wes passed around volunteer sheets for each of the stations that require volunteers (greeters, silent auction, raffle, spinning wheel, etc.) We will also need help with setting up on Friday 3/22, and tear-down on Sunday, 3/24. The show is 10-6  Saturday, 10-5 Sunday. 

Todd shared with us that he will present about OR and WA fossils at the February 19th general meeting. Our website also had 206 unique views last year, including spectators from Switzerland and France! Please be sure to check out the “DIY Field Trips” and “About Club” sections on our website. 

After a brief break, we did a show and tell about Garnets. Thank you to all who brought a specimen to share! Thank you also to those who purchased items in the silent auction.

Upcoming events: 

Rockhound Downsizing/ Estate Sale, one-day only, Saturday, February 3rd. Location: Everett United Church of Christ, 2624 Rockefeller Ave, Everett, WA. 

Whidbey Island Gem Club 58th Annual Gem Show, Sat/Sun February 10, 11th. 9am – 5pm @ The Center 51 SE Jerome St, Oak Harbor, WA 98277.

Mount Baker Rock & Gem Show, March 23, 24th. Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St. Ferndale, WA 98248.

Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary

January Board Meeting Minutes

Portal Way Park #53

In attendance: Bruce, Todd, Michael, Mike, Candi, Ralph, Deb, Wes, Bonnie, Trevor

Sad news about Dick Carr and Linda Mitchell both passing away. 

Meeting called to order at 6 pm by President Candi Gerard. 

Secretary Report: discussion about email account, complaints of messages going to spam, etc. We are getting a lot of inquiries about vending at our show which has no more space for vendors.

Treasurer Report: Had to call the insurance company and ask them to provide proof of liability forms for the mall, which are now in-hand. Quarterly rent check mailed for Jan-Feb-March. PO box fees/keys for hand-off to the new Treasurer. Trevor will keep a key since he can check the mail regularly and sees Ralph regularly at the mall. 

Store Report: The club took in $2700 during December, primarily from the sale of rocks/grit, books, tumblers, and mini stockings. Discussed 50k annual income threshold for non-profit paperwork. 

Scholarship 2024: info has been distributed on campus, but very quiet when it comes to applicants. Todd will follow-up with the department head. Should we increase the amount of the scholarship to attract more candidates? Small discussion about strategy.

<Side chat about lap room equipment and ADA transport options>

A motion was made, seconded, and passed by vote to upgrade the arbors in the lap room to all-in-one cabochon machines to make the space more user-friendly. Candi will get quotes for 8″, 6-wheeled machines.

Pioneer Pavilion in September (for RRR) – get keys at 2 pm Friday for table set up and booth spacing. Keys turned back in at 6 pm on Saturday. Suggestion to rent the space from 5:30-10pm on meeting nights so we don’t have to ask for extensions on case-by-case basis. 

Show 2024: We received a proposal from a member to sponsor the hourly giveaways by exclusively providing door/raffle prizes. We discussed this, and the proposal must be declined at this time. Citing that everyone would need to have equal access to sponsorship, which we are not currently equipped to address. Additionally, we have a lot of donations on hand and cannot prioritize some over others. Secretary will follow up with the member. Contracts will be going out to vendors shortly. Pizza will be provided on Friday for the volunteers setting up the show. Sharon G volunteered a crock pot of sloppy joes for the evening crew/vendors. White 1/4 sheet flyers will be distributed by West Side Pizza, who is also generously donating pizza to feed us!

Membership: ~ 10 new members so far in January alone. Back down to roughly 50% of previous membership due to non-renewals as of 01/01/24. Discussed badges which are provided to new members, and available for purchase to existing members, time to order more. (Thanks for your help Bonnie & Mike!)

Federation: Mike M. unable to get info via NRMS, no responses to his outreach. WA State Mineral Council has not yet updated their website with field trip dates and info. 

<side chat about field trips, $ stipend vs. miles, locations, and volunteers. Michael L and Sandee H are trying to coordinate for Skagit, Baker, Swift Creek, Walker Valley, etc. Discussed the need for a new field safety kit.>

Mall Report: sales dropped dramatically after the holidays, one vendor potentially moving in Q2, so schedule may need updates, etc.

Christmas party 2024: need a committee for decorations, etc.

<side discussion about bylaws and constitution – which is available on our website. Todd drafted a continuity document in the event of loss of life, extenuating circumstances, etc.>

It is time to clean out the conex, including a Lortone saw. Motion made, seconded, voted and passed for Trevor to remove the Lortone. 

Audit: Friday January 12, 10 am, there will be an audit of last year’s books before being submitted. Ralph, Bonnie, Trevor will assist @ the Gannaway residence.

Sandee Hess, new club greeter will be reaching out to new members and take over welcome baggies, etc.

Upcoming show and tells: (Bonnie) Todd will present in February about fossils. Wes may do a presentation in April. 

Should we bring back silent auctions at the regular monthly meetings? In order to continue this, items must continue to be donated. We will gauge interest at the January meeting on the 15th. 

Proposed, and passed a motion to change snack responsibility of snack duties to the refreshment committee. Ralph volunteers to be in charge of snacks, the club will provide a small budget for this to take if off the shoulder of volunteers.

7:35 PM – meeting adjourned.

December Board Meeting Minutes

12/4/23 MBR&GC Board Meeting Minutes

Portal Creek – in attendance: Sharon, Bonnie, Michael, Dick, Wes, Deb, Candy, Ralph, Trevor

Meeting called to order at 6 pm by President Candi Gerard

Secretary Report: phone minutes renewed at mall. The number is 564-565-0840.

Treasurer’s Report: outgoing candy for Halloween, dop wax, auction paddles. Incoming: dues, club sales, mall rent, donations, auction revenue
Discussion about holiday meeting on 12/18 – club usually buys turkey/ham, motioned and passed vote – approved. Trevor will pick up a choc/choc cake.

Reminder, gifts do not have to be rock-related, but should be $10 value, and please bring a gift you would appreciate receiving.

Club will supply plates, napkins, plastic cutlery, coffee, water, etc. Members need only bring a dish to share, and a gift if they wish to exchange one, and a beverage if wanted.

The meeting will be at 7 pm, the standard meeting time. 

During the holiday meeting, we will ask for volunteers to run for the new board of directors that will be installed in January. We will also take nominations, if you are interested in running, please speak up!

Discussion about amenities for vendors at other gem shows, such as snacks, water, coffee, pastries (for 10-15 vendors). Further discussion about having club members in security shirts at the show in March to have a visible security presence. 

Westside Pizza has committed to donating more pizzas to feed volunteers lunch on set up day (Friday). Sharon G. volunteers to make a crock pot of sloppy joes for the evening meal for on Friday for vendors/volunteers. Enough to feed 20-30 people. There will be a food truck available during the show, we encourage supporting them. Otherwise, bring your own lunch Sat/Sun.

Sandee H. will take over managing grit sales and ordering. She has also expressed interest in being the official club greeter for new members Talk of what to call this chair/position. Sunshine committee?

We talked about how to make the handing off of old-new board members more smooth and seamless. 

Next intro to lapidary class will be January 9th, up to four people can attend. Must be a member, the cost is $30, which must be paid in advance. Sign up at a meeting, or in our store at the mall.

Candi and Gordy will be in Tucson from 1/21 – 2/1/24 sourcing inventory. Trevor is going from 2/7-2/11. 

Bonnie indicated we have 0 speakers/presentations lined up for 2024. Are any members interested in sharing or presenting to the club in the new year?

January 15th show and tell: Garnets

Mall/store hours extended from 10am – 9pm 12/8 – 12/23. We still have room for volunteers, feel free to swing by and check out the calendar to commit to a shift.

Friendly reminder, some dues are still due! On 12/31/23, all unpaid memberships will end and this distribution list will be updated. Save Trevor some trouble by renewing before the end of the month.

2024 RRR: Space reserved Friday 9/27 at noon for taping out spaces. The event will be Saturday, 9/28/24. Open to all members, up to 40 table spaces. Limit of 2 tables per member, $10/table. Each space is 10′ wide and 8′ deep. Members must supply their own tables for this event.

Minutes submitted by Trevor D.

TLDR: check highlights in bold print

November 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

11/6/23 MBR&GC Board Meeting Minutes

Portal Creek – in attendance: Sharon, Bonnie, Michael, Gordy, Dick, Wes, Deb, Candy, Ralph, Trevor

Meeting called to order at 6 pm by President Candi Gerard

Secretary Report: new member, Zanna interested in helping with design ideas. We will follow-up with her to discuss volunteer opportunities.

Treasurer Report: costs of Halloween candy for mall, dop wax for lap room. Incoming: dues. Do we need any more physical gift certificates for the mall? Probably best to order more with holidays coming up.

We reviewed GC procedures. Do we need more patches? Discussed purchasing 100 more patches, thanks Bonnie! Motion to purchase new paddle boards for bidding numbers for auction – unanimously in favor.

Mall Volunteers: for anyone wanting to help man the door in the shop at the mall during the busy season, please swing by to put your name on the calendar on the dates you are available. No cash will be handled, etc.

Membership Report: steady! Several new applications to process.

Mineral Council: Next field trip this Saturday, November 11th – Blanchard Hill  Meet 9am @ I-5 & Alger Exit gas & go Dalmation Stone & Green Chert. More info HERE

Lapidary Room: going smoothly, small chip out of small saw blade, but still functioning. ATTENTION: the lap room will be closed for the entire month of December due to extended mall/store hours.

2024 Show Report: Everett already advertising for the May ’24 show, Wes will follow up with Mike M. about flyers for the mall, and to send to other clubs. Discussed security options.

Mall Report: business is still slow, club brought in $1300 last month. STORE HOURS: Black Friday 11/24, and Saturday 11/25 9 am – 10 pm. First week of December 1-7th: 11-8 Mon-Sat, Sunday 11-6. 

December 8-23rd: 10-9 Mon-Sun. Monday 12/25: Mall Closed. LAST FRIDAY 11/3 was our 3-year anniversary at Bellis Fair, well done team!

Vests: available for $25, will be available at the November meeting for purchase (cash or check only.)

November Auction: Monday, 11/20 – doors open for donations and bidder registration at 6 pm. Bidders to be registered by 6:30 pm. We discussed a silent auction for larger equipment. Keep an eye out for final instructions prior to the event.

While this event is open to the public, we will not be widely advertising this as a public event, to help keep bids reasonable for members.

Conex/Storage: motion to buy plastic totes for storing lights, etc. Voted: unanimously in favor. 

RRR: was it successful for participants? Overall mixed reviews. Opportunity identified to put out sandwich boards next time to increase visibility to the public. Big KUDOS to the city of Ferndale for being so accommodating. Date has been set for 2024 RRR – Saturday, September 28th (6 months away from show.)

Next intro to lapidary class: Tuesday, November 14th, 6 pm. Fee: $30 payable in advance. 

Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary