General Meeting Minutes, August 15, 2022, Mt Baker Rock & Gem Club

The meeting was called to order by Candi Gerard, 7 pm, at Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

Secretary’s Report:  The July 18, 2022, minutes were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report:  Deb gave a report of the bills and income. 

Membership:  There are 4 new members.

Federation:  No report.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  There are two field trips scheduled in September to Red Top and Little Naches.  Please see the link for more information about these field trips.

 Lapidary Report:  Maintenance was done.  Open lapidary night is on Thursdays, 6-9 pm for members.  Cost is $10.  You must sign up one week in advance and prepay at the club’s retail store. 

Wagonmaster:  Vacant.  Need volunteer.

 Show 2023:  The show is March 25-26, 2023, the last full weekend in March.

New Business:  Glenn Ishihara recently moved to Hawaii.  Glenn was nominated for a Lifetime membership for his contributions to the club.  A motion was made to approve Glenn for a Lifetime membership, seconded, and passed unanimously.

 Old Business:

 Picnic and Potluck, August 28: Location is at Candi and Gordy Gerard’s, 1371 Paradise Rd, Ferndale.  Directions:  Take exit 262 off I-5.  At the McDonalds turn north on Barrett and follow road to Candi’s Jewelry Gallery on right.  About 1-11/2 miles from McDonalds. 

  • Picnic/potluck starts at 5 pm, and we will eat at 6 pm.
  • Please bring potluck dish and your own eating utensils (plate, fork, spoon, knife). You will also need to bring your own chairs and drinks. 
  • At noon, a work party will begin to cleanup, organize, and sort rocks. Volunteers are needed. 
  • At noon, you can bring your rocks and rock hobby related items to tailgate/sell/trade. You will need to also help out with the work party. 
  • If rain, the picnic will be cancelled.
  • There are lists at the front table for members to let us know their interests and what direction the club should focus on.
  • October 2023, the next Rockhound Rendezvous will be scheduled.


 August show and tell was fossils.  Members showed their wonderful specimens. 

The next meeting is on September 19.  Show and tell: “Sparkly Stuff”

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm

Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell




Lapidary Estate Sale:  August 27-28, 9-5 pm, 225 Crown Lane, Bellingham, 50-75% off price of slabs and rough.  140 kinds:  Amethyst to Zebra Stone.  Directions:  Up Alabama Street, turn right on Viewridge


Club Web Address:

Visit us on Facebook:

For Questions, Club Email:


Club Retail Store, Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424 (JC Penny’s Wing)

Hours:  Closed Mondays, Tuesday-Saturday 11 am to 7, Sunday Noon to 6 pm



PRESIDENT:  Candi Gerard                           


SECRETARY:  Linda Mitchell                          

TREASURER:  Deb Gannaway


WAGONMASTER: Need Volunteer

DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE:  Gordy Gerard           


DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE Alt:  Sharon Geleynse 




LIBRARIAN:  Todd Folsom                             

KITCHEN:  Kathy Mayock

MINERAL COUNCIL:  Michael Langley                      

PUBLICITY:  Wes Gannaway

LAPIDARY:  Gordy Gerard/Fred Gustafson/Walt Kulpa                   


2023 SHOW:  Bonnie Keel/Wes Gannaway     

WEBMASTER:  Todd Folsom




General Meeting Minutes, July 18, 2022, Mt Baker Rock & Gem Club

The meeting was called to order by Candi Gerard, 7 pm, at Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

Secretary’s Report:  The June 20, 2022, minutes were approved.  There are flyers at the front table about upcoming shows and events.

Treasurer’s Report:  Deb gave a report of the bills. 

Membership:  There are 4 new members.

Federation:  The Federation show is September 30-October 2, in Hillsboro OR.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  Field trip July 23-24, Sweetwater for Travertine.

The WSMC has field trips for club members to attend.  Please check the WSMC website for the schedule and information about the field trips, where/when to meet.

 Lapidary Report:

  • Open lapidary night is on Thursdays, 6-9 pm for members. Cost is $10.  You must sign up one week in advance and prepay at the club’s retail store. 
  • For members to attend open lapidary night, you need to take an Intro class. There is also an upcoming class on beading a cabochon.  For more information on classes, sign up, and pre-payment, please go to the club’s retail store in Bellis Fair Mall. 

Wagonmaster:  Vacant.  Need volunteer.

Show 2023:  The show is March 25-26, 2023, the last full weekend in March.

New Business:    

  • We are changing the Rockhound Rendezvous from June to the fall. Attendance may be better in the fall.
  • There are papers at the front table for members to sign to show their interest so we know what direction the club should focus on.
  • Next month a work party will be scheduled to help go through the rocks for Club Sales.
  • For the September 19th meeting, Todd Folsom will give a presentation on Geology of Steamboat Rock State Park.
  • There will be a club picnic/potluck this year on August 28, at Candi and Gordy Gerard’s, 1371 Paradise Rd, Ferndale. The picnic/potluck starts at 5 pm and we will eat at 6 pm.  Please bring potluck dish and your own eating utensils (plate, fork, spoon, knife).  You will also need to bring your own chairs and drinks. 

Break.  Happy Birthday 75th to Wes Gannaway.  Cake and coffee were served.

Show and Tell for July:  Members showed some wonderful specimens of “red rocks.” 

The next meeting is on August 15.  Show and tell:  Fossils

Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm,  Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell 


Club Web Address:

Visit us on Facebook:

For Questions, Club Email:


Club Retail Store, Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424 (JC Penny’s Wing)

Hours:  Closed Mondays, Tuesday-Saturday 11 am to 7, Sunday Noon to 6 pm



PRESIDENT:  Candi Gerard                           


SECRETARY:  Linda Mitchell                          

TREASURER:  Deb Gannaway


WAGONMASTER: Need Volunteer

DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE:  Gordy Gerard           


DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE Alt:  Sharon Geleynse 




LIBRARIAN:  Todd Folsom                             

KITCHEN:  Kathy Mayock

MINERAL COUNCIL:  Michael Langley                      

PUBLICITY:  Wes Gannaway

LAPIDARY:  Gordy Gerard/Fred Gustafson/Walt Kulpa                   


2023 SHOW:  Bonnie Keel/Wes Gannaway     

WEBMASTER:  Todd Folsom





General Meeting Minutes, June 20, 2022, Mt Baker Rock & Gem Club

The meeting was called to order by Candi Gerard, 7 pm, at Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting.  During the break there will be cake for Glenn and Julie Ishihara.  They are moving to Hawaii.  Glenn has been involved in the club with his knowledge of lapidary, rock tumbling, and always being there to help out.  Members were dressed in Hawaiian shirts and leis in honor of Glenn and Julie.

Secretary’s Report:  The May 16, 2022, minutes were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report:  Deb gave a report of the bills.  The club appreciates rocks and rock hobby donations to the club.  These items can be sold for club sales at the retail store in Bellis Fair Mall.  Donations help pay the bills.

Membership:  Two new members tonight.  There are now 183 family memberships.   For those new members, please come to the meetings and other activities.  Donating your time is always needed and appreciated.

Federation:  No report.

 Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  No report.

The WSMC has field trips for club members to attend.  Please check the WSMC website for the schedule and information about the field trips, where/when to meet.

 Lapidary Report:

  • Open Lapidary night is on Thursdays, 6-9 pm. Cost is $10.  You must sign up one week in advance and prepay at the club’s retail store.  If you do not prepay, you can get bumped off the list by someone that does pay.
  • Those taking over the lapidary room have been taking notes from Glenn before he leaves for Hawaii.

 Wagonmaster:  Vacant.

Show 2023:  No report.

Old Business:    

  • The Rockhound Recycling Rendezvous (RRR) was on June 11. When Candi asked the members if they thought the RRR was successful, the consensus was yes.  Club sales did good.  The members also thought it was a good idea to move the RRR to the fall timeframe.  The timing might help to promote the show in March.

Break.  There was cake and pictures with Glenn and Julie.  Todd Folsom took pictures of the party honoring Glenn and Julie.  Folks can download any they want to keep.

 Show and Tell:  Video presentation on the Naica Crystal Cave in Mexico. 

The next meeting is on July 18.  Show and tell:  Red Rocks

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm, 

Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell


Club Web Address:

Visit us on Facebook:

For Questions, Club Email:


Club Retail Store, Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424 (JC Penny’s Wing)

Hours:  Closed Mondays, Tuesday-Saturday 11 am to 7, Sunday Noon to 6 pm



PRESIDENT:  Candi Gerard                           


SECRETARY:  Linda Mitchell                          

TREASURER:  Deb Gannaway


WAGONMASTER: Need Volunteer

DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE:  Gordy Gerard           


DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE Alt:  Sharon Geleynse 




LIBRARIAN:  Todd Folsom                             

KITCHEN:  Kathy Mayock

MINERAL COUNCIL:  Michael Langley                      

PUBLICITY:  Wes Gannaway

LAPIDARY:  Gordy Gerard/Fred Gustafson/Walt Kulpa                   


2023 SHOW:  Bonnie Keel/Wes Gannaway     

WEBMASTER:  Todd Folsom





Minutes of the July meeting

The meeting was called to order by Candi Gerard, 7 pm, at Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

Secretary’s Report:  The June 20, 2022, minutes were approved.  There are flyers at the front table about upcoming shows and events.

Treasurer’s Report:  Deb gave a report of the bills. 

Membership:  There are 4 new members.

Federation:  The Federation show is September 30-October 2, in Hillsboro OR.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  Field trip July 23-24, Sweetwater for Travertine.

The WSMC has field trips for club members to attend.  Please check the WSMC website for the schedule and information about the field trips, where/when to meet.

Lapidary Report:
•       Open lapidary night is on Thursdays, 6-9 pm for members.  Cost is $10.  You must sign up one week in advance and prepay at the club’s retail store. 
•       For members to attend open lapidary night, you need to take an Intro class.  There is also an upcoming class on beading a cabochon.  For more information on classes, sign up, and pre-payment, please go to the club’s retail store in Bellis Fair Mall. 

Wagonmaster:  Vacant.  Need volunteer.

Show 2023:  The show is March 25-26, 2023, the last full weekend in March.

New Business:   
•       We are changing the Rockhound Rendezvous from June to the fall.  Attendance may be better in the fall.
•       There are papers at the front table for members to sign to show their interest so we know what direction the club should focus on. 
•       Next month a work party will be scheduled to help go through the rocks for Club Sales.
•       For the September 19th meeting, Todd F. will give a presentation on Geology of Steamboat Rock State Park.
•       There will be a club picnic/potluck this year on August 28, at Candi and Gordy Gerard’s, 1371 Paradise Rd, Ferndale.  The picnic/potluck starts at 5 pm and we will eat at 6 pm.  Please bring potluck dish and your own eating utensils (plate, fork, spoon, knife).  You will also need to bring your own chairs and drinks. 

Break.  Happy Birthday 75th to Wes G..  Cake and coffee were served.

Show and Tell for July:  Members showed some wonderful specimens of “red rocks.” 

The next meeting is on August 15.  Show and tell:  Fossils

Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm
Respectfully submitted by Linda M., Secretary

Board Meeting Minutes, May 2, 2022, Mt Baker Rock & Gem Club

The meeting was called to order by Candi at 6 pm, at Portal Creek Park Clubhouse.  Attending – Candi, Gordy, Wes, Ralph, Bonnie, and Linda.

Secretary’s Report:  The April 4, 2022, minutes were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report:  On behalf of Deb, Wes reported on bills and income.

Membership:  There are three new members.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  Please check the WSMC website for more information and about field trips and where/when to meet.  The website is: 2022 – Microsoft Publisher (

Lapidary Report:  There were two members that worked in the Lap room.

 Show 2023:  No report.

Old Business: 

  • Rockhound Recycling Rendezvous (RRR): The RRR is on June 11, 2022, Saturday.  Small flyers will be made to handout at the store in the mall.  A reminder will be emailed to members who have signed up for a table to come into the mall store and pay.

New Business: 

  • The secretary position will need to be filled. Also, needed is a Lapidary Chairman.  There will be a club email sent with information about the positions.
  • Ideas on where to advertise club events was discussed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm

Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell


Other Club Information: 

Club Web Address:

Visit us on Facebook:

For Questions, Club Email:


Club Retail Store, Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424 (JC Penny’s Wing) Hours:

Closed Mondays, Tuesday-Saturday 11 am to 7, Sunday Noon to 6 pm



General Meeting Minutes, April 18, 2022

President Candi Gerard called the meeting to order at 7 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Drawings for prizes for all members and for new members.

Secretary:  The minutes are approved from the March 21, 2022, General Meeting.   

 Treasurer:  The treasurer, Deb Gannaway, provided a report. 

Membership:  Wes:  Ten new members from the rock show in March and 2 new members from today’s meeting.


  • Michael reported that the Federation Show will be held September 30-October 2, 2022, in Hillsborough, Oregon. Wes says the Federation Show schedule is also posted at the club’s mall store.
  • NW Federation Show is August 3-6, 2023, in Billings, Montana.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  Michael:  May 21, Marble Mount- small fee for Talc and Listwanite.  Please check the WSMC website for more information about other field trips and where/when to meet.   The website is:  2022 – Microsoft Publisher (

Wagonmaster:  No report.


  • We will be needing more help in the Lapidary room. Glenn is not going to be available soon, as he will be moving.
  • The room is open from 6-9 pm, Thursday nights, cost is $10 for members. If this is your first time, please let us know.  There is a fee for cuts after the first cut.  If there is a rock that needs to be cut, you can leave it at the mall and someone can cut it for you.  Maximum size for a cut is about 7 inches. 
  • To use the Lapidary room, you must have taken the orientation class. The class is $30 and is from 6-9 pm on Tuesday nights.  Please sign up at the mall and well in advance, as only 4 people can be in the Lapidary room at a time due to space constraints and the mall requires a 3-day notice for staying later than the mall regular hours.  Next orientation class is on March 29, Tuesday.
  • Please be sure to clean up after yourself in the Lapidary room. Take an extra 15 minutes or so to clean up so the volunteers do not have to do all the cleanup.
  • You can stop by and get a short tour anytime the room is open. Near the JC Penny wing of Bellis Fair Mall is our store.  Store is open every day except Monday.  Has rocks, shells, jewelry, fossils, gifts, and treasures.  

Show 2022:  Wes said it was a great success.  We were able to do 2 scholarships at $1000 each.  We plan on doing the show again next year.  Thank you to everyone who helped!

Old Business:  No report.

New Business:  Rockhound Rendezvous is Saturday, June 11, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center.  Rock club members can have their own table to sell rock related items to other members or the public.  $20 per space 10ft space.  10 am-5 pm.  Setup is at 8 am.  If you are interested, there is a sign-up sheet during the meeting or you can contact Michael or Sharon.  You can also sign up at the club store at Bellis Fair.  You have to bring your own tables.  Event is open to the public and there is no entry fee.

 Next General Meeting:  May 16, Monday, 7:00 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.

Show and Tell:  Fluorite


April Presentation:   Wes had a slide show about the different types of crystals in different types of Calcite.  Members brought Calcite for Wes to talk about, along with the samples Wes brought.

Interesting facts from presentation:  Calcite makes up 2% of the earth.  Can come in different colors.  Alabaster and Onyx marble are also Calcite.  Many are luminescent with the appropriate light in the dark.  Roman’s used Calcite in their cement.

 We will be doing presentations at future meetings, so if you are interested in doing a presentation, please contact Bonnie Keel.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm

Respectfully submitted by Robin Hitz



You need to add a widget, row, or prebuilt layout before you’ll see anything here. 🙂

Board Meeting Minutes, April 4, 2022

Meeting called to order by Candi at 6 pm.  Attending – Candi, Gordy, Wes, Deb, Glenn, Ralph, Bonnie, and Michael.

Secretary’s Report:  The March 7, 2022, minutes were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report:  Deb reported on bills and income.

 Membership:  Ten new members were added at the show and one at the mall this past month.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  On April 16, 2022, there is a field trip to Racehorse Creek.  Please check the WSMC website for more information and about other field trips and where/when to meet. The website is:  2022 – Microsoft Publisher (

 Lapidary Report:  

  • A volunteer to help in the Lapidary room will be needed in the future due to Glenn is moving to Hawaii. Candi is going to learn from Glenn how the Intro class runs.
  • Tracy is going to start the Lapidary class in the near future.
  • Remember, if you use the equipment, it is up to you to make sure the water is filled in saws and grinders. Also, you need to clean up after yourselves when using the equipment.  The person in charge is there for information and safety.  They are not there to clean up the machines after use.

Show 2022: 

  •  Deb reviewed the totals for the show. We had positive feedback from the vendors. 
  • Wes discussed the cost of the table rentals and feels we should purchase tables for the club.  There was an issue with the rental company not delivering the tables at the time stated which would have put the vendors and club far behind in set up.  A motion was made and seconded that we purchase 30 6′ tables for the club. It was approved by 100% vote by the board. 
  • We will have a detailed floor map made up for the next show giving vendors their spot and where the club will set up, etc.  Deb asked that there be signs made for the silent auction table and club sales that are at a height above the tables. Bonnie and Nancy will work on the signs.  It was discussed to sell some display cases.  More information will be forthcoming. 
  • There were enough volunteers to load up the items from storage to the show. Next time more volunteers are needed on Sunday to help take back items to storage.  Food truck:  Candi and Gordy will talk with them to see if they are willing to do the next show.  Everyone was very delighted with the food.

New Business:

  • Mall store – Did well over the weekend.
  • A donation of $50 was made to the club in memory of Rick Barrett.

Meeting adjourned at 7:34 pm

Respectfully submitted by Bonnie Keel