General Meeting Minutes on February 21, 2022

President Candi Gerard called the meeting to order at 7 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting.  Masks were worn by all.

Secretary:  The minutes are approved from the January 17, 2021, General Meeting.    There is a flyer for members to take for the Mt. Baker Rock and Gem Club Show on March 26th-27th, Saturday 10-6, Sunday 10-5, at Pioneer Pavilion Community Center.

Treasurer:  The treasurer provided a report.  Club’s store at the mall now has tumbling books available for purchase.  Raffle tickets are now available for $1 each, drawing will be done at the March show.  Prizes are $100 cash, rock tools, a gift certificate to the club’s store at the mall, and other treasures!

Treasurer asked for a volunteer for audit committee to audit the books.  Robin Hitz volunteered.

Membership:    Wes: We had approximately 165 families at the end of the year as members.  This is a record number for the club.

Federation:  Michael reported that the Federation Show will be Sept 30-Oct 2 in Hillsborough, OR.  Wes says the Federation Show schedule is also posted at the club’s mall store.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  Michael said field trip at Grandy Creek is this coming Saturday, by Baker Lake.  Jade and serpentine can be found there.  March 19th, Saddle Mountain in Eastern WA (close to Yakima)- fossilized wood.

Wagonmaster:  No report.

Lapidary:  The room is open from 6-9 Thursday night, cost is $10.00.  If this is your first time, please let us know.  There is a fee for cuts after the first cut.  If there is a rock that needs to be cut, you can leave it at the mall and someone can cut it for you.  Maximum size for a cut is about 7 inches. 

There is a list for the “Orientation” class for the use of the lapidary room.  As soon as Glen returns at end of the month, he and Candi will review the list and see how soon everyone on the list can get trained.

You can stop by and get a short tour anytime the room is open.  Our store is near the JC Penny wing of Bellis Fair Mall.  Store is open every day except Monday.  Rocks, shells, jewelry, fossils, gifts, and treasures are available. 

Show 2022:  The next show is March 26-27, 2022, Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Sign-up sheet was passed around for volunteers to work during the show as well as to volunteer to load up the display cases from Candi and Gordy’s home to the show site starting 9 am on Friday, March 25th, and moving all the display cases back to Candi and Gordy’s starting 5 pm on Sunday March 27th

There are 30 display cases that Wes says the members can display their collections, or things that they have made.  Sign-up for use of the display cases was also passed around.

Need about 350 pounds of polished rocks to use for the Rock Show

Old Business:  No report.

New Business:

 Gem Class:  Candi will be having her two-part Gem class at her store/home in Ferndale Feb 23rd and March 2nd from 6:30-9 pm.  Cost $40.00.  There are still a couple of spots open if anyone wants to sign up.

Rockhound Rendezvous:  June 11th at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center.  Everyone has their own table to sell items to other members or the public.  $20 per 8-10 ft space.  If you are interested, there is a sign-up sheet.  It will be at the Ferndale Pavilion and Sharon Gelenyse is in charge of this.  You have to bring your own tables.  More information is coming.


Show and Tell:  Members brought their favorite conglomerate. 

Next General Meeting:  March 21, 7:00 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale

MARCH Show and Tell:   Green Rocks

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm

Respectfully submitted by Robin Hitz


Board Meeting Minutes, February 7, 2022

Attended by:  Wes, Deb, Candi, Gordy, Sharon, Ralph, Michael, and Bonnie.

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the last meeting on January 3, 2022, were approved.  

Treasurer’s Report:  Deb gave a report of income and expenses.  A back flow test is required by the Mall and it was done this week.  Show expenditures were also reported. 

Membership:  Still coming thru the Mall – 17 new or renewed memberships in January.

Federation:  No club has stepped up at this time to host the show.

Mineral Council:  This Saturday, 2/12, to Anderson creek for Jade, Nephrite.  On 2/22, a trip to Grandy Creek.  Check on Mt Baker website.

Lapidary:  Signup by Tuesdays due to need to let the Mall know of people staying after closing.

Show:  Vendors to pay at time of signup; contract to be signed on the Friday of setup.  U-Haul has been reserved for the weekend.  Deb will check if rock critters are needed and if so, will schedule a day to make more critters.  Bonnie and Nancy H. will paint more rocks for the spinning wheel.  Wes will be bringing the sign-up sheets and flyers to the meeting.  Let’s get the word out and let the public know what fun they will have.

Rock Rendezvous:  Date set is June 11th at Pioneer Park building.  Time not discussed.  Sign-up sheet to be at the next meeting for additional people to sign up; need 8 more to cover the cost of the rental.  At this time the Mall shop will remain open that day.

New Business:

Mall changed items on the contract to be signed.  Candi is going to further investigate. 

Discussion regarding the Mt Baker Rock Club’s website and Facebook.  We are a nonprofit and it is fine for members to individually post items for sale, but no business should be doing this.  Will post again the rules about what can be posted.

We are asking that members wear their nametags (and vests) to meetings.  It helps the members to get to know the wonderful people in the group.

Vests:  Bonnie is still checking into costs and would like to know how many people are interested in wearing them. 

Food truck for show:  Candi and Gordy are going to ask if Chihuahua’s is interested in doing this.  Anyone else with an idea, please let us know. 

Meeting adjourned at 6:55pm.  Bonnie Keel


General Meeting Minutes on January 17, 2022

President Candi Gerard called the meeting to order at 7 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting.  Masks were worn by all.

Secretary:  The minutes are approved from the December 20, 2021, General Meeting.  There is a flyer for members to take for the Everett Rock & Gem Club, May 28 and 29, 2022, at the Monroe Fairgrounds.

Treasurer:  The treasurer provided a report. $2.50 per household for NFMS annual dues will be paid at the end of the month.

Membership:    We have over 180 families.  3 new members last week.  New ones tonight too.

Federation:  No report.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  Michael reported for WA mineral counsel going over the 2022 WSMC Sponsored Field Trips (see attached document for more details)  Note:  Club members can join in these field trips.  The link is:                                       2021-rock-activities.pdf (

Sandy Hess will be doing a Beach fieldtrip in June.  More information will be coming

Wagonmaster:  A volunteer or committee is still needed to start planning field trips next spring.  Contact any board member for more information. 

Lapidary:  The room is open from 6-9 Thursday night, cost is $10.00.  If this is your first time, please let us know.  There is a fee for cuts after the first cut.  If there is a rock that needs to be cut, you can leave it at the mall and someone can cut it for you.  The room will be unavailable from Feb 1st– first couple of weeks in Feb as Gordy and Candi will be gone.

You can stop by and get a short tour anytime the room is open.  Near the JC Penny wing of Bellis Fair Mall is our store.  Store is open every day except Monday.  Has rocks, shells, jewelry, fossils, gifts, and treasures.  December was very busy for the store.  Thank you to all volunteers who helped!

 Show 2022:  The next show is March 26-27, 2022, Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  The room is scheduled.

We need someone to drive the U-Haul truck with all the displays for the show, etc. We will have sign-up sheets for volunteers to fill out at the next meeting.  Display cabinets are at Gordy and Candy’s and needs to be delivered to and from the show.  We need volunteers to load up the display cases and then to unload after the weekend show.  We also need volunteers to work during the show. 

There are 30 display cases that Wes says the members can display their collections, or things that they have made.

Old Business:

Vests for the club members.  We can get vests from a company in Bellingham.  If someone wants to take this on, and organize this to handle orders for vests, making the order with the vendor—please contact Candi.  There are two extra vests (small and medium size) for sale at the mall if someone wants one.

Name tags are one per new member.  The first one is free.  If you lose yours and just want another one, there is a charge.

New Business:

Rockhound Rendezvous- Everyone has their own table to sell items to other members or the public.  $20 per space 8-10ft space.  If you are interested, there is a sign-up sheet.  It will be at the Ferndale Pavilion and Sharon Gelenyse is in charge of this.  You have to bring your own tables.  More information is coming.  Maybe 3rd or 4th Sat of June. 

Show and tell:  Red Rocks

Glenn also talked about Rock Tumbling class sign ups.  There will also be a rock tumbling class on January 24th at 6 pm at the Bellis Fair mall store.

 The following information on the rock tumbling classes from last meeting seems to be still valid:

Glenn gave a report on a Rock Tumbling class he will be instructing at the Jansen Art Center in Lynden on January 19, 2022, 6:00-7:30 pm.  You must contact the Jansen Art Center for information and sign up.  There will be a Rock Tumbling class in March also at the Jansen Art Center.  Link:

The Bellis Fair store is now selling grit for rock tumbling.  Thank you, Glenn.

Volunteers are needed to help at the Bellis Mall store.  You would be a helper to an experienced volunteer at the mall store to greet customers, sell items, and watch for theft.  You will learn a lot about rocks!

Bulletin board for a 3 x 5 card to post items for sale that are rock related.  Also memos for classes are posted at the store.

There will be a Wire Wrapping class in January. Feb 7th.  There are many training sessions to sign up for at the store.  Gem ID class is at Candi’s gallery.  For more information, please go to the Bellis Fair store for more information and sign up.


Sold “milk cartons of plaster” with rock treasures embedded for $3, sold them all.

Silent auction for some cut rocks.

Scholarship applications need to come in by the middle of next month for those interested.  You have to be a student at Western majoring in Geology.

Show and Tell:  Members brought their favorite red rock. 

Next General Meeting:  Feb 21, 7:00 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale

Feb Show and Tell: Conglomerates “more than one rock put together”

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm

Respectfully submitted by Robin Hitz


Board Meeting Minutes, January 3, 2022

Attendance:  Candi, Gordy, Bonnie, Ralph, Michael, Glen, Deb and Wes.  Called to order at 6:05pm.

Treasures Report:  Income and expenses were reported.

Membership: Continuing to add members thru the mall shop.

Federation and Mineral Council: Nothing at this time.

Show: Bonnie will reserve a U-Haul and will pick up Friday morning and keep till Sunday in order to make sure it is available. Has been a problem in the past when getting the correct size U-Haul on Sunday. Vendor space is full. Food Truck still needed and any suggestions appreciated. Wes and Bonnie will meet on Fridays as needed. Posters and flyers to be hopefully ready in time for next meeting, February at the latest.

Walt contacted Rock and Gem magazine.  A reporter contacted and interviewed Candi and Walt about the Mall space. Pictures sent and discussed the success. This article may help other clubs during this difficult time giving them ideas on how they may prosper.

Rock Rendezvous: Sharon and Michael need to know who is wanting to sell. $20 per 10ft space-must bring own table. Need 20 people to participate. Michael will be given a list of prior participants and notify them of the possibility of this going forward. 

Lap Room: 3 people signed up for this Thursday. Need volunteers to volunteer on Thursday nights in case Glen or Gordy not available. First Thursday in February, the Lap Room will be closed due to no member available to open room.

Silent Auction: Discussed and will start back with Silent auction at meetings. Bring something to donate. 

Mall Shop:  The mall store did well in sales prior to Christmas. Bulletin Board to be added for Club information. 

Meeting ended at 7:05pm. 


General Meeting Minutes on December 20, 2021

President Candi Gerard called the meeting to order at 7 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting.  Masks were worn by all.

Secretary:  The minutes are approved from the October 18, 2021, General Meeting.  The November 15, 2021, meeting was cancelled due to flooding.  There is a flyer for members to take for the Everett Rock & Gem Club, May 28 and 29, 2022, at the Monroe Fairgrounds.

Treasurer:  The treasurer provided a report.

Membership:  There are approximately 180 families signed up.

Federation:  Michael reported that next year’s date for the show and meeting has not been reported yet.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  Next year’s field trips should begin in April.  Note:  Club members can join in these field trips.  The link is: 

2021-rock-activities.pdf (

Wagonmaster:  A volunteer or committee is still needed to start planning field trips next spring.  Contact any board member for more information. 

Lapidary:  The Lapidary Room is closed the rest of December.  It will be open again in January 2022 on Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm.  

 Show 2022:  The next show is March 26-27, 2022, Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  The room is scheduled.  The ads are coming out in the different rock publications.  Ads for our local area will be out soon.  If anyone knows of a food truck, please let Wes or Bonnie know.

Old Business:

Election:  The election should have taken place during the November meeting, but this meeting was cancelled due to flooding.  The members were asked for nominations from the floor.  No one responded.  A motion was made to retain the current board members.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.  Next year, members must step up to volunteer for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Federation, Wagonmaster, and Directors at Large.

New Business: 

Todd Folsom has volunteered to be the Librarian.  Todd reported that there are books available on cutting cabs, general geology, and other related topics.  Members can check out books during the meeting.  The books are to be returned during the next meeting.

Candi gave Deb Gannaway a big “Thank You” for being the Treasurer.  She has done the job for many years.  We need a volunteer to step up.  Also, the Lapidary Room would not have happened and be maintained if it were not for Rick Barrett and Glenn Ishihara.  Thank you, Rick and Glenn. 

Glenn gave a report on a Rock Tumbling class he will be instructing at the Jansen Art Center in Lynden on January 19, 2022, 6:00-7:30 pm.  You must contact the Jansen Art Center for information and sign up.  There will be a Rock Tumbling class in March also at the Jansen Art Center.  Link: 

The Bellis Fair store is now selling grit for rock tumbling.  Thank you, Glenn.

Volunteers are needed to help at the Bellis Mall store.  You would be a helper to an experienced volunteer at the mall store to greet customers, sell items, and watch for theft.  You will learn a lot about rocks!

There will be a Wire Wrapping class in January.  For more information and sign up, please go to the Bellis Fair store.

Two Lifetime Memberships were announced for their service to the club: (1) Rick Barrett and (2) Dick and Kay Carr.  Certificates will be presented at a future date.  Lifetime memberships are given to members 70 years of age or more, a member for 10 years, and has substantially served the club.

There is a basket of goodies at the front desk for all to come get one.  Happy Holidays. 


We had the holiday gift exchange for those members that participated. 

Show and Tell:  Members brought one of their favorite rocks. 

Next General Meeting:  January 21, 7:00 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale

January Show and Tell: “Red” rocks and minerals

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm

Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell


Board Meeting Minutes, November 1, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President Candi Gerard at Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424.  In attendance:  Deb and Wes Gannaway, Ralph Sisco, Bonnie Keel, Gordy Gerard, Michael Langley, Sharon Geleynse, Glenn Ishihara, and Linda Mitchell.   Masks were worn by all.

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the last meeting on October 4, 2021, were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report:  Deb reported on the bills and income.

Membership:  There were two new members this week.

Federation:  No report.

Wagonmaster (Field Trip) Report:  There are no field trips scheduled. 

 Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  On November 13, the field trip is to Blanchard Mt for Stilpnomelane.  Meet at the Gas Mart, I-5 Exit 240 at 9:00 am.  This is in our local area.

 Lapidary Report:  The lapidary room is open for members on Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm.  Members must sign up and prepay $10.  If no one prepays, it will be closed. 

 Show 2022:  Bonnie Keel will co-chair with Wes Gannaway.  It’s time to start planning the March 26-27, 2022, show.  We will need to arrange for a food truck.  A volunteer is needed under 70 years old to rent/drive the truck to haul the show items from storage to the venue and back to storage.   Todd Folsom is checking with WWU about the scholarship the club gives to a geology student.

 Old Business:

 Election:  It is time for the election of officers.  We are asking members for nominations for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Federation, Wagonmaster, and Directors at Large.  If you are interested, please contact any board member. 

Volunteers:  Volunteers are needed for Wagonmaster (Field Trips), Librarian, and Mall Store Helpers.  If we do not get any volunteers, we will no longer have these activities/events until someone volunteers.

Annual Dues:  Annual dues are due in the month of October.  Members will be notified by email and on Facebook.

New Business:

Volunteer:  There is a need for a qualified person to help man the lapidary room on open lap night.  They must be experienced in lapidary.

 Rockhound Rendezvous (RR):  Sharon Geleynse has volunteered with Michael Langley helping.  At the November meeting, Sharon will check to see if any members are interested in selling their rocks and rock hobby related items.  If there is interest, the event will be scheduled.

Mall Contract:  The contract is being worked and will be signed soon for the location at Bellis Fair Mall.

November General Meeting Program:  Members can bring one rock of their choosing to share with the membership and/or ask for identification.

December Meeting:  We will not have our annual potluck this year.  There will be a gift exchange for those that would like to participate.  Bring a gift, get a gift.  The limit of the gift is $10.

Rock Tumbling Class:  At the Jansen Art Center, there will be a rock tumbling class in January.  The class instructor will be Glenn Ishihara.  More information will be forthcoming.

 The next Board Meeting is on December 6, 2021, 6:00 pm, at Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm

Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell





Board Meeting Minutes, September 7, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President Candi Gerard at Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424. In attendance: Ralph Sisco, Bonnie Keel, Gordy Gerard, Glenn Ishihara, Michael Langley, Sharon Geleynse, and Linda Mitchell. Masks were worn by all.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the last meeting on July 5, 2021, were approved. There was no board meeting in August.

Treasurer’s Report: No report.

Membership: No report.

Federation: Michael reported the Federation show is held on September 11-12 in Walla Walla. They will zoom the meeting.

Wagonmaster Report: There will be a field trip to Racehorse Creek, September 18th. Meet at Nugent’s Corner at 10:00 am. More information will be forthcoming. A field trip is in the planning stages to Anderson Creek, O’Tool Creek, and others in Skagit County in late September or early October.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC): A field trip is scheduled September 18 to Little Naches. On October 16, a field trip is scheduled for Money Creek. (For more information, contact Ed Lehman at or (425) 334-6282 or (425) 760-2786.)

Lapidary Committee: The club may have a beginning Lapidary Class in October. More information will be forthcoming. The lapidary room is open for members on Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm. Members must sign up and prepay $10. If no one prepays, it will be closed. You must be a member of the club to sign up for classes and use the lapidary equipment.

Show 2021: The show is on September 11-12, 2021, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, Ferndale WA. Set up for the show is on September 10.

New Business:

Election: It is time for the election of officers. We are asking members for nominations for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Federation, Wagonmaster, and Directors at Large. If you are interested, please contact any board member.

Mall Store: There was discussion regarding renewal of the contract for the mall store. There was a motion to renew the contract at Space 424, Bellis Fair Mall, for one year. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Mall Store Helper Needed: We need volunteers to help at the retail store in the mall at least 4 hours per month. You would be a helper to an experienced volunteer at the mall store to help greet customers and sell items.

Mall Store Chairperson: A volunteer is needed. This is a person separate from the President. They would oversee the club’s mall store.

Wagonmaster Volunteer Needed: The club needs a member to volunteer to be a Wagonmaster to organize fields trips for the members of the club. It may be possible to have a committee of 2 or 3 people to schedule the field trips for the members.

The next Board Meeting is on October 4, 6:00 pm, at Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424.

Meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm
Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

General Meeting Minutes on September 20, 2021

President Candi Gerard called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting.  She thanked all of the volunteers that helped during the recent show on September 11 and 12.  Masks were worn by all.
Secretary:  The minutes are approved from the August 23, 2021, general meeting.  If anyone is not receiving their emails, please let me know.
Treasurer:  The treasurer provided a report. 
Membership:  There were 11-12 new family memberships received during the show.  Since November 2020, there have been a total of 80 family memberships received.
Federation:  The meeting was in Walla Walla on September 11 by Zoom.  Due to our show being the same day, Michael could not attend the Zoom.
Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  A field trip is scheduled October 16 to Money Creek for picture jasper.  (For more information, contact Ed Lehman at or (425) 334-6282 or (425) 760-2786.)
Wagonmaster:  The field trip to Racehorse Creek on September 18 was cancelled due to weather. 
Lapidary:  The lapidary room is open on Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm.  Members must sign up in advance and prepay $10.  If no one signs up and prepays, the room will be closed.  In late fall, we hope to have a beginning lapidary class scheduled.  The club can cut rocks for you up to 7″ diameter.  The cost to cut the rock for you depends on the size of the rock.
Old Business:
Show Chair – Wes:  Thank you to all of the volunteers.  The show was a success.  The vendors were happy.  The attendance was probably 50 percent less of the normal attendance at Bloedel, but considering all of the issues and having the show in September and in a new location, the show was successful.  The next show on March 26-27, 2022, will be even better. 
Election:  It is time for the election of officers.  We are asking members for nominations for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Federation, Wagonmaster, and Directors at Large.  If you are interested, please contact any current board member for the duties involved.  You can nominate yourself.
New Business: 
Increase in Insurance:  Bellis Fair Mall has increased the liability amount for the club’s retail store.  There will be an increase in the amount the club pays for insurance.  The mall contract renewal is on the first of November, so we have until that time to determine if we stay with the current company or can get a better rate somewhere else.  Volunteers are welcome to check into this further.
Show and Tell:  Members had show and tell of the fossils they brought. 
Next General Meeting:  The next general meeting will be October 18, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale, for the White Elephant Auction.  The doors will open at 6:00 pm to allow for bidder registration and a 6:30 pm start of the meeting.  There will be no “show and tell.”  Rocks and rock-related donations are needed for the auction.  This is a fund raiser for the club.  You do not need to be a member to donate or bid on items.  Bring cash money for your winning bids!
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm
Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

Minutes of the General Meeting on July 19, 2021

  • Secretary:  February 2020 was the last meeting, and the minutes were approved.  There will be a July Newsletter published NLT July 30 th.
  • Treasurer’s Report:  Deb provided a report.  The club’s mall store is holding its own.
  • Membership:  Wes reported there have been 61 families signed up for membership since the mall opened in November.
  • Library:  There are books available to be checked out by members. 
  • Wagonmaster:  Volunteer is needed.
  • Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC)/Federation:  Michael reported on a Mineral Council field trip in August to Greenwater.  Note:  Here is the link to field trips, 2021-rock-activities.pdf (
  • Lapidary Room Committee:  Glenn reported the lapidary room is open Thursdays, 6-9 pm.  Signup is at the mall store and you must prepay.  Limit of 4 people.  First come, first serve.  There are rules for you to read.  Must be a member to use the lapidary equipment.  Cost is $10.  The mall store opened so the club could have the lapidary room open again. 
  • 2021 Show:  The show will be held on September 11th and 12th at the Ferndale Community Center located at 2007 Cherry Street in front of Pioneer Park. The hours are 10 to 6 on Saturday and 10 to 5 on Sunday.  Set up for the show will be September 10.  We will need all to volunteer to help set up, run the silent auction, spinning wheel, raffle, club sales, and the front table.  Members can sign up for a display case to display their rock collections. Volunteering for the show is a good way to get to know the members, learn more about rocks, and have fun.   
  • Volunteers Needed: 1) Librarian:  There is a library of books for members to check out.  The duties would include bringing the books to each general meeting, displaying on a table, and maintaining the list of books checked out/checked in.   At the end of the meeting, packing up the books and taking home.  2) Wagonmaster:  Organize field trips for members of the club.  Find rockhounding locations, schedule date and time to meet, and provide list of tools, etc. 3) Rockhound Rendezvous POC:  The Rockhound Rendezvous (RR) is a venue for members to sell their rocks and rock-related items.  The duties include scheduling the date and time, advertising, signing members up for tables, and determine needs at the venue, i.e., tables and chairs, etc.  

The next meeting will be August 23 which is one week later than normal.  Time and location to be determined. 

Snacks for Aug 23 Meeting:  Bonnie Keel and Linda Mitchell

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm         Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell