Board Meeting Minutes , July 5, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President Candi Gerard at Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424.  In attendance: Wes & Deb Gannaway, Ralph Sisco, Bonnie Keel, Gordy Gerard, Glenn Ishihara, Michael Langley, Sharon Geleynse, and Linda Mitchell. 

  • Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the last meeting on May 3, 2021, were approved.   
  • Treasurer’s Report:  Deb provided a report.
  • Membership:  Wes reported there have been 40 new members.
  • Federation:  Michael reported the Federation show is held in Walla Walla, WA on September 11-12.
  • Show 2021:  The show is on September 10-12, 2021, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, Ferndale WA.  Sign-up sheets for volunteers will be brought to the July 19 th General Meeting. 
  • New Business: Volunteer Needed:  The club needs a member to volunteer to be a Wagonmaster to organize fields trips for the members of the club.  Many members have voiced that they would like to have more field trips scheduled.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Candi or one of the board members.
  • Work Party:  A work party will be scheduled to help organize the club’s storage area.
  • Classes:  At the July 19 th General Meeting, there will be lists of classes for members to sign up for.
  • Guidelines to Rent Space:  Guidelines to rent space to sell rocks and rock-related items at the club’s retail store in Bellis Fair Mall is as follows:  Must be an active member of the club for 1 year, attend meetings, merchandise to be approved by the board members, and must volunteer 8 hours each week at the store.
  • Lapidary Room: Thursday night is “Open Lap” night for members that are familiar with the lapidary machines.  To reserve your spot, you must come into the store to sign up and prepay one week prior to the date.   Also, there will be specific rules for the Lapidary Room provided to you.   
  • Rock Cutting: You can get rocks cut for a fee which is dependent on how many slices and size of rock. 
  • Ad Clarification: Ads can be accepted for the website and in the newsletter.  The ad must be 3 lines or less, approved by the board members, and $5 payable to the Treasurer. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm

Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

Board Meeting Minutes, May 3, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 11:00 am by President Candi Gerard at Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424. We did social distance ourselves and wear masks. In attendance: Wes & Deb Gannaway, Ralph Sisco, Bonnie Keel, Gordy Gerard, Glenn Ishihara, and Linda Mitchell.

Candi called the meeting to order and reported that there have been 36 new members since the store opened.

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the last meeting on February 4, 2021, were approved. There will be a May newsletter.

Treasurer’s Report: Deb gave a report of income and expenses.

Show 2021: The show is tentatively scheduled for September 10-12, 2021, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, Ferndale WA. September 10 is the day we set up for the show. More information will forthcoming as we get closer to the dates.

New Business:

Volunteer Needed: A volunteer to head up the Rockhound Rendezvous (RR) is needed. If we want to continue to have this venue so members can sell their rocks and rock-related items, we need to have someone step up to do this. If you are interested, please contact Candi or one of the board members.

Tumbling Class: Glenn will be having a tumbling class on June 7 and June 14, 6:00 pm., Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424. To reserve your space, please come to the store to sign up and prepay.

Lapidary Room: In June, the Lapidary Room will be open to members, 18 years old and above. Usage will be limited to one project/rock to process down the line to completion. There will be a volunteer to monitor your time for each machine. To reserve your spot, you must come into the store to sign up and prepay. Also, there will be specific rules for the Lapidary Room provided to you.

Display Cases for Education: There will be a display case for members to display their rock-related collections for education purposes at the mall store. The case is locked to secure your items. It will help show people the different collections members enjoy and get others interested as well. For those interested, sign up will be at the store.

Club Sales: The club has complete sand casting and lost wax kits for sale with 2 kilns and tools. For more information, please contact Wes Gannaway by leaving a message at 360-384-4209.

Meeting adjourned at 12:07 pm

Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

Board Meeting Minutes, February 4, 2021

 The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President Candi Gerard at Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424.  We did social distance ourselves and wear masks.  In attendance: Wes & Deb Gannaway, Ralph Sisco, Bonnie Keel, Gordy Gerard, and Linda Mitchell.  Guest Sandy Hess.

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the last meeting on October 12, 2020, were approved.  There have been 23 new members since November 2020.  A newsletter will be sent out in the month of February.

Treasurer’s Report:  Deb gave a report of income and expenses. 

Show 2021:  Wes reported we may be able to have the show in the fall timeframe.  We will wait and see what happens and if we can schedule a location.

New Business:

Volunteer Needed:  A volunteer to head up the Rockhound Rendezvous (RR) is needed.  If we want to continue to have this venue so members can sell their rocks and rock-related items, we need to have someone step up to do this.  If you are interested, please contact Candi or one of the board members.

Retail Store, Bellis Fair Mall:  

The club’s retail store hours in the mall:  Tuesday-Saturday 11:00 am to 7:00 pm, Sunday 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm, closed Mondays. 

We plan to have “class day” on Mondays.  The classes being planned are wire wrapping and beading a cabochon.  More information will be forthcoming.  If there is enough interest, other classes being considered are Gem ID Class, Geminars, and Rock and Gem ID.  The classes are for members.  If there are spaces available, then it may open to the public.  We will be able to only have 3-4 people per class in the beginning to social distance.  There will be a fee paid at sign up and any supply fees will be paid to the instructor.  We will have a calendar to schedule the classes.  If anyone has an idea for a class, please contact Candi or one of the board members.

Lapidary Room:  The Lapidary Room is still be worked, and we hope to have it up and running soon.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm

Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

Board Meeting Minutes, October 12, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Candi Gerard at her home.  We did social distance ourselves and wear masks.  In attendance: Wes & Deb Gannaway, Michael Langley, Ralph Sisco, Bonnie Keel, Gordy Gerard, Rick Barrett, Glenn Ishihara, and Linda Mitchell.

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the last meeting were approved.

Committee Reports:  There were no committee reports.

Board Member Positions:  Usually, this time of year, we have a nominating committee for next year’s board member positions.  If anyone is interested in a board member position, please contact Candi with the position you are interested in.  In case there is no interest, the current board members will stay in office.

Ads in the Newsletter:  There was a discussion of ads in the newsletter.  Ads are limited to 5 lines for $5, must be approved by the board, and advance payment.  Ads can be placed on the club’s Facebook page for free. 

Lapidary Room: 

The contract for the lapidary room at the mall was discussed.  The location is in Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424 (the previous tenant was Chocolate Forte).  A motion was made to accept and sign the contract, the motion was seconded, and was passed unanimously.

A work group to move the lapidary equipment from the storage area to the mall will be set up.  More information will be forthcoming.

There is an area for members to sell their rock-related items.  There will be a monthly donation for the square footage members request.  If you sell items, you will be required to volunteer in the front showroom.  Prepayment will be required each month.

The lapidary equipment will be in the back portion for member use.  Classes will be offered.  Pre-payments will be required for use of the equipment and for classes.

More information will be forthcoming on costs, rules and guidelines and any other open-ended issues.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm
Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

July 2020 Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President Candi Gerard in her yard at her
home. We did social distance ourselves. In attendance: Wes & Deb Gannaway, Michael
Langley, Ralph Sisco, Bonnie Keel, Gordy Gerard, Rick Barrett, Glenn Ishihara, and Linda
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
There were no committee reports.

We have found space for a lapidary room. The lapidary room will be in Bellis Fair Mall.
The location is Space 424 in the mall (the previous tenant was Chocolate Forte). There
are still a few issues to resolve but most of the needs required have been met. We are
also researching the monthly costs of doing business. After discussion, all board members
agreed to go forward to get the lapidary room started up again.
The key to make this work is to have members volunteer to help once the operation is
set up. We will have an area for members to sell their rock-related items and a lapidary
area. If we can get enough volunteers to help, this will work. We will need to
determine the hours and days of the week that we will be open.

The lapidary equipment will be set up in the back. There will be six complete stations.
The small saw will have a time limit and limit on number of pieces. The large saw will only be operated on specific days. All new members will need to take a Lapidary Class.
Members who have previously taken the class will need to take a safety and refresher
class. Sign up for a lapidary station will be done at the meetings and pre-payment made to
reserve your spot. No shows will forfeit pre-payment. We need to have enough help to
clean up the lapidary area when done using the equipment.

In the front portion, members can sell their rock-related items. Members must have a
business license. There will be a donation per square footage per month by the member
of space requested. Sales tax must be included in the price so that you can pay your own
taxes. It will be cash or check accepted only. If you have valuable pieces, you will be
allowed to bring in your own case that can be locked.

If you use the lapidary equipment and/or sell your rock-related items, it will be
mandatory for you to volunteer to help staff this location.

More information will be forthcoming on costs and open-ended issues.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm
Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

Board Meeting Minutes on March 2, 2020

The meeting was called to order by President Candi Gerard, and was attended also by Bonnie Keel, Michael Langley, Ralph Sisco, Gordy Gerard, and Glenn Ishihara.

There were no committee reports.

Seren lead a beach field trip.

There are enough critters and painted rock for the spinning wheel. Thank you Bonnie and Nancy.

There was much discussion about the possibility of opening our lap room at Bellis Fair Mall. It was voted on and passed. Now it will go to the membership to see if there is enough interest to go ahead with it.

There was also discussion on how to proceed with members advertising on our website. Items would have to be rock hobby related, OK’d by the board or board member, and fee paid in advance to the treasurer before the information is given to Todd.

The applicants for scholarship were read, discussed, and voted on. Our recipient is Alivia Eng. She is very qualified.

Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Candi Gerard.

Minutes of General Meeting, February, 2020

Acting Recording Secretary, Kay Carr, in the absence of Linda Mitchell

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Vice President Bonnie Keel. Bonnie welcomed all in attendance.

SECRETARY:  Last month’s minutes were approved as printed in the newsletter, and on the website. If you are not receiving the Club’s emails, please let me know. There are flyers on the front table of upcoming shows and rock sales.

TREASURER’S REPORT; $192.50 bill was paid for LED lights for display cases; $60 for flyers for rock show; $40 membership dues received.

FEDERATION; To be held second weekend of April in Salt Lake City, Utah

2020 SHOW: LED lights purchased for all display cases; Ads will be placed in local papers. Findings made available to members who can use them. There will be a potluck for workers Friday night. Flyers available on the website for download, printing and distribution.

OLD BUSINESS; Thursday Feb. 20, 11 a.m. at Nancy’s home, 711 Liberty (Lynden) for Critter making

NEW BUSINESS Applications for scholarship at WWU expected before the March board meeting.  Offer to use our website for selling rocks and rock related items. Contact Todd (see the website) with your info, phone number, email. $5 charge paid to Rock Cub per listing.

The goal is for Rock Club to move from Bellingham to Ferndale Community Center as of the April 1st meeting.

Our program was fluorescents on display.

Meeting adjourned.
Kay Carr

Minutes of February, 2020, board meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:40pm.  In attendance: Wes & Deb Gannaway; Michael Langley; Ralph Sisco; Bonnie Keel

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed in the newsletter.

Treasurer’s Report:  Bills paid for the month of January: dues to NFMS for club members $135; receipt book $5.42; baggies for the spinning wheel $10.87; 1/2 page ad in the Leisure Guide for the show $205.00.  Income received:  dues $100; silent auction $11; show dealer deposit $360; mugs $28; one book $10.

Membership Report:  One new member.

Federation Report:  The annual Federation show will be held in April in Ogden, Utah.

Wagon Master:  No report.

Library:  No report.

WSMC:  There will be a fieldtrip to Beaver Quarry sometime this month – check website for details.

Lap Room Committee:  Wes and Candi are checking out a rumor of a possible location.

Education Committee:  No report.

2020 Show:  Wes has placed ads in a number of publications and will check for more.  Dick will bring the sign-up sheets to the next meeting (please make sure to volunteer for a time period of your choosing).  Show flyers have been sent to all local rock clubs.  We need more items for the hourly door prizes.  Wes will encourage all dealers to donate an item for the raffle prizes.  Wes will purchase LED lights to replace the old lights now being used in the cases.  It was moved and seconded to add a link to Kingsley North, Inc. on our web page because of their generosity in donating items for our show.  Wes will check with Todd about the scholarship applications.

Old Business:  The critter making party was cancelled due to health issues of the host.  New date has not yet been announced.

New Business:  From the Suggestion Box:  a request for seminars on the geology of the local area lasting not more than 15 minutes.  Great idea!

Meeting Adjourned:  8:00p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Deb Gannaway

2020 January: General Meeting minutes

Minutes of General Meeting, January 20, 2020

Recording Secretary, Kay Carr, in the absence of Linda Mitchell

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Vice President Bonnie Keel. Bonnie welcomed all in attendance. The drawing for members was done. There were two guests, both of whom joined the Club.

SECRETARY: Last month’s minutes were approved as printed in the newsletter and on the website. If you are not receiving the Club emails, please let me know. There are flyers on the front table of upcoming shows and rock sales.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Two new members paid club dues; a book and 3 mugs were sold, and National Federation of Minerology Society dues paid.

MEMBERSHIP: Two new members were welcomed.




MINERAL COUNCIL (WSMC): Saturday, Jan. 25, South Skagit Park and Ride to Hwy. 20 to Day Creek, looking for Hematite, Jade and Serpentine

LAPIDARY ROOM COMMITTEE: Committee still searching


2020 SHOW: Wes. The Club received gifts in value of $200 from Kingsley North for our show raffle. Another donation is expected from Lortone. Dick passed a signup sheet for use of display cases/lights. Painting and making critters get together scheduled for January 23 at Nancy’s home.

Acting SECRETARY: Kay Carr

Minutes of General Meeting, December 16, 2019

Christmas Party, Set-Up 6:30 pm

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Candi Gerard.  Candi welcomed everyone and thanked everyone for the good food.  The party commenced with a wonderful potluck, turkey, and ham.

Coffee cups with the club’s logo was being sold for $5 each.  The coffee cups were donated by an anonymous donor.  The club thanks the anonymous donor.

The minutes were approved from last month as printed in the newsletter and on the website.

A person has volunteered to be in charge of the critter making party.  She is in Arlington, so Candi suggested carpooling.  We need to have volunteers to attend the making of the critters.  Candi will take suggestions of which is the best day of the week to schedule the event, i.e., Saturday, Sunday, etc.  Please let Candi know which day, so the party can be scheduled.

After eating we had the gift exchange.  If you brought a gift, you got a gift back.

Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell