Minutes of Board Meeting, December, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Candi Gerard.  In attendance:  Deb and Wes Gannaway, Gordy Gerard, Michael Langley, Ralph Sisco, and Linda Mitchell.  The meeting was held at Deb and Wes’ home in Ferndale.  Candi welcomed Ralph to the meeting.

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes were approved from last month as printed in the newsletter and on the website.

Treasurer’s Report:  Members need to renew their dues by December 31st.  A report of the club members is due to the NFMS by January 1st.  Western Washington University sent a thank you for the $500 donation the club sent to the Geology Department.  The 2020 budget was reviewed and discussed

Membership:  There was one renewal received.

Federation:  No report.

Wagonmaster:  No report.

Library:  No report.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  The last field trip in 2019 was on November 16 to Blanchard Mountain near Bellingham. 

Parks:  No report.

Lapidary Room Committee:  No report.

Education Committee:  No report.

2020 Show:  If anyone has polished rock, it is needed for the show.  There are 3 locations being reviewed by the board for possible venues for the show beginning in 2021.  More information will be forthcoming.  Beginning in January, a volunteer is needed to oversee the critter making party.

Old Business:  The Christmas party is scheduled for December 16, 2019.  We will begin to set up at 6:30 pm and plan to eat at 7:00 pm.  The board discussed the Christmas tree, decorations, and cooking the turkey and ham.   

New Business:  Donated to the club by an anonymous donor were 45 clear coffee cups engraved with the rock club’s insignia.  The board voted on selling the cups for $5 each.

The next Board Meeting will be on January 6, 2020, 6:30 pm, held at the WECU in Ferndale, Exit 262. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:14 pm — Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

General Meeting Minutes on November 18, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Candi Gerard. Candi
welcomed everyone to the meeting. The drawing for members was done. There were
no guests.
Secretary: Last month’s minutes were approved as printed in the newsletter and on
the website. If you are not receiving the club emails, please let me know. There are
flyers at the front table of upcoming shows and rock sales.
Treasurer’s Report: Deb gave a report on the bills paid and the income received. IRS
990 filings were paid. A $500 check was sent to the Western Washington University
(WWU) Geology Department.
Membership: There were six membership renewals received.
Library: There are books available to be checked out by members. There is a silent
auction for members and guests. If you won the bid, please pay Deb at the end of the
Federation: Michael reported that the 2020 meeting will be held in Ogden, Utah.
Wagonmaster: Seren reported that there are no field trips planned at this time. Seren
brought specimens of past field trips for the members to take.
Mineral Council (WSMC): The last field trip of the year was on November 16th to
Blanchard Mountain near Bellingham for Stilpnomelane. One of the members in
attendance tonight attended the field trip. She said there were about 40 people on the
field trip with Ed Lehman. A specimen found at the site was presented during the show
and tell.
Lapidary Room Committee: No report.
Education Committee: No report.
2020 Show: Wes reported the advertisements for the show have been sent out, i.e., to
the Federation, WSMC, etc. Todd reported that the scholarship form has been updated.
A copy was sent to the Geology Department at WWU for their comments. We hope to
get some applications this time for the $1,000 scholarship that the club awards to a
geology student.
Old Business: Candi provided the names of the 2020 board members. A motion was
made for the members to accept the 2020 board members. The motion was seconded
and passed unanimously by the membership.
President: Candi Gerard
Vice President: Bonnie Keel
Secretary: Linda Mitchell

Treasurer: Deb Gannaway
Director-at-Large: Gordy Gerard
Director-at-Large: Sharon Geleynse and Ralph Sisco
Member of the Board not Elected: Wes Gannaway as Past President

New Business:
The Christmas party is scheduled for December 16, 6:30 pm, at Bloedel-
Donovan Park meeting room in Bellingham. The club will provide the turkey and
ham. It is a potluck so please bring a dish, your own plates and eating utensils,
and beverages. If you wish to participate in the gift exchange, limit the wrapped
gift to $10. It does NOT have to be rock-related. If gender specific, please
indicate if for a female or for a male. If you bring a gift, you will get a gift back.
The new board members are invited to the next board meeting on December 2,
6:30 pm, at the home of Deb and Wes.
There was a short break and we had the November show and tell of “red rocks.” Candi
had a microscope set up with a ruby grown in a lab. Candi explained differences
between rubies made in the earth or in a lab.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell
January 2020 Snacks: Amy and Wes
January 2020 Show and Tell: “Fossils”

Board Meeting Minutes, November 4, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Candi Gerard.  In attendance:  Deb and Wes Gannaway, Gordy Gerard, Bonnie Keel, Michael Langley, Todd Folsom, and Linda Mitchell.  The meeting was held at WECU in Ferndale.

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes were approved from last month as printed in the newsletter.

Treasurer’s Report:  Deb gave a report on the bills paid and the income received for the month of September.  IRS filings were paid.

Membership:  There were two renewals and three new members.

Federation:  No report.

Wagonmaster:  No report.

Library:  No report.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  The next field trip is scheduled for November 16 to Blanchard Mountain near Bellingham. 

Parks:  No report.

Lapidary Room Committee:  No report.

Education Committee:  No report.

2020 Show: 
•       The show is scheduled for March 28-29, 2020, at Bloedel Donovan.  Set up for the show will be March 27.  Donations of polished rock is needed for the kids spinning wheel.  Todd Folsom is working on the scholarship application along with Don Phillips. 
•       The 2020 Show will be held at Bloedel Donovan.  For the 2021 show, we are looking at changing the venue to the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center in Ferndale.  The club would be saving a considerable amount of money by changing the location.  The board has received comments about the change in location.  The comments are under review.  More information will be forthcoming.   

Old Business:  The Rockhound Rendezvous (RR) is scheduled for June 13, 2020.  It will be held at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center in Ferndale.  The club is saving a considerable amount of money by changing the location.

New Business: 
•       November is the election of officers. 
•       The Christmas party is scheduled for December 16, 2019.  We will begin to set up at 6:30 pm and plan to eat at 7:00 pm.  Turkey and ham will be provided by the club.  It is a potluck, so please bring a dish and your own plates and eating utensils.  If you would like to participate, the gift exchange is limited to $10 and does not need to be rock related.  If you bring a gift, you will get a gift back.

The next Board Meeting will be on December 2, 2019, 6:30 pm, held at Deb’s house.  The WECU in Ferndale was unavailable to schedule.

Meeting adjourned at 7:44 pm — Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

General Meeting Minutes, October 21, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Candi Gerard.  There was a short meeting prior to the White Elephant Auction.

The minutes are approved as printed on the website.

A big thank you to Glenn Ishihara for donating a PA system to the club.

The Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC) is having a field trip on November 16 to Blanchard Mt for Stilpnomelane.

It is time to elect the 2020 Board Members.  If you are interested in serving on the board, please contact Candi.

The Christmas party will be December 16.  More information will be forthcoming.

Happy birthday to Dick Rantz.  He turned 98 years old today.  He is a very knowledgeable and wonderful member of our club. 

The auction commenced.  A big thank you to our auctioneers Wes Gannaway, Hardy Nettles, Gordy Gerard, and Michael Langley.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm         Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

November Show and Tell:  “Red Rocks”

Reminder:  Those bringing snacks for the November meeting:  Bonnie, Todd, and Ralph

Minutes of October, 2019, Board Meeting

Board Meeting Minutes, October 7, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Candi Gerard.  In attendance:  Gordy Gerard, Michael Langley, Todd Folsom, and Linda Mitchell.  The meeting was held at WECU in Ferndale.

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes were approved from last month as printed in the newsletter.

Treasurer’s Report:  No report.

Membership:  No report.

Federation:  No report.

Wagonmaster:  No report.

Library:  No report.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  No report. 

Parks:  No report.

Lapidary Room Committee:  No report.

Education Committee:  No report.

2020 Show:  The show flyer should contain a QR Code to link to the club’s website.  Todd will be able to help when the flyer is being completed.  The 2020 Show will be held at Bloedel Donovan.  For the 2021 Show, we are looking at changing the venue to the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center in Ferndale.  The club would be saving a considerable amount of money by changing the location.   The scholarship form on the old website was outdated.  Todd will be updating the scholarship form.

Old Business:  No report.

New Business: 
•       November is the election of officers.  We will be looking for volunteers during the October meeting.
•       There was discussion of guest speakers and programs for future meetings.
•       We need a volunteer to plan the Christmas party in December and to confirm the date.
•       The board will be looking into having ads and items for sell on the website.  At this time, the club’s Facebook page can be used.
The next board meeting will be on November 4, 2019, 6:30 pm, at the WECU in Ferndale Exit 262.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm — Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

Minutes of September, 2019, General Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Candi Gerard. Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting. The drawing for members was done. There were no guests.

Secretary: Last month’s minutes were approved as printed in the newsletter. There are flyers at the front table of upcoming shows and rock sales. The club’s email address has changed to admin@mtbakerrockclub.org and will be used to notify members of meeting minutes and announcements.

Treasurer’s Report: Deb gave a report on the bills paid and the income received. The income received during the garage sale on September 14th was reported.

Membership: There is one new member.

Library: There are books available to be checked out by members. There is a silent auction for members and guests. If you won the bid, please pay Deb at the end of the meeting.

Federation: The annual meeting and show will be held October 18-20 in Lewiston ID.

Wagonmaster: Seren is working on a field trip to the Skagit River on September 29th.
More information will be sent by email to the members. Seren has samples of rocks from the upcoming field trip.

Mineral Council (WSMC): The next field trip is on September 21st to Little Naches. For more information, please see the WSMC link on the club’s website about the field trip.

Lapidary Room Committee: No report.

Education Committee: No report.

2020 Show: Wes reported the show is March 27, 28, and 29, 2020. He will be sending information to different rock-related periodicals about the show. The 2020 show will be held at Bloedel Donovan. Due to the rising costs by the Parks Department, the show in 2021 will probably be held at a different location.

Old Business:
• Candi thanked everyone that donated items and helped during the club’s garage sale on September 14th.
• The board has been looking at different venues for our club events. The next Rockhound Rendezvous will be held at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, June 13, 2020. The club is saving a considerable amount of money by changing the venue. The board members are looking at this same location for the 2021 show. A change to the general meeting location is being considered as well. The location being looked at is in Ferndale at The Tillicum House in Pioneer Park. If anyone has any comments about these locations, please comment by email to any of the board members.

New Business:
• Annual membership dues of $20 are due in October.
• Board member elections are in November. If you would like to volunteer to be a board member, please contact one of the board members.
• The October meeting is the White Elephant auction. The doors open at 6:00 pm to register for numbers. The auction will begin at 6:30 pm. Donations for the auction are needed.

There was a short break and we had the September show and tell of Botryoidal Formations.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

October Snacks: Deb and Sandy

The September Board Meeting was cancelled due to the Labor Day holiday.

Minutes of August 2019 General Meeting

General Meeting Minutes – August 11, 2018, Annual Picnic, 10:00am to 2:00pm

The meeting was called to order by Past-President Wes Gannaway at Totem Terrace Park, Intalco, after a fun-filled afternoon of tailgating, hotdogs, and wonderful potluck dishes. Wes welcomed everyone.

Last month’s minutes are approved as printed in the newsletter.

The rocks on the table are for anyone to take. There was a drawing for the nicer rocks. Everyone went home with wonderful treasures.

Meeting adjourned Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

SEPTEMBER MEETING on September 16, 2019, 7:00 pm.

September Show and Tell: “Botryoidal Formations”

Minutes of August 2019 Board Meeting

Board Meeting Minutes – August 5, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Past-President Wes Gannaway. In attendance: Deb Gannaway, Michael Langley, and Linda Mitchell. The meeting was held at WECU in Ferndale.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes were approved from last month as printed in the newsletter.

Treasurer’s Report: The monthly statement has just been received and information will be reported at the next meeting.

Membership: No report.

Federation: No report.

Wagonmaster: No report.

Library: No report.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC): The next field trip is on August 17 to Greenwater for agate, jasper, opal, and wood.

Rock Pups: No report.

Parks: No report.

Lapidary Room Committee: No report.

Education Committee: No report.

2020 Show: No report.

Old Business: 
• The August 11th picnic was discussed.
• During Gordy’s rock sale in July, the club also sold their rocks. Club sales were good. A motion was made for the money collected be put towards the Lapidary Room funds. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 
• Beginning on August 17, the museum will have displays of minerals of the Pacific Northwest. There are several members who will have specimens on display.
New Business: Todd Folsom has been in the process of updating the club’s website with wordpress. The board members were asked to review the site. After discussion, a motion was made to approve for Todd to proceed with the website using wordpress. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

The September Board Meeting is cancelled. The next board meeting will be on October 7, 2019, 6:30 pm, at the WECU in Ferndale Exit 262.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm — Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

General Meeting Minutes – July 15, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Candi Gerard. Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting. The board members at the front table were introduced. Member and guest drawings were done. There is a silent auction for members and guests. If you won the bid, please pay Deb at the end of the meeting.

  • Secretary: Last month’s minutes were approved as printed in the newsletter. There are flyers at the front table of upcoming shows and rock sales. Lifetime Membership Certificates were given to Candi & Gordy Gerard and Deb & Wes Gannaway.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Deb gave a report on the bills paid and the income received for the month of June.
  • Membership: No report.
  • Library: There are books available to be checked out by members.
  • Federation: The annual meeting and show will be held October 18-20 in Lewiston ID.
  • Wagonmaster: Seren is working on a field trip to the Skagit River in August. More information will be forthcoming. The last field trip went well. There were some good finds. After the meeting, Seren has samples in the back of her truck to show from the last field trip.
  • Mineral Council (WSMC): The Darrington Show is on July 20-21. There is a field trip scheduled July 20 to Sweetwater for Travertine.
  • Lapidary Room Committee: No report.
  • Education Committee: In the middle of August the Whatcom Museum will have displays of minerals and fossils. There are several members who will have specimens on display.
  • 2020 Show: No report.
  • Old Business: The annual picnic will be on August 11, 2019, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm at Totem Terrace at Intalco, Ferndale. See more information and directions in July’s Newsletter on the club’s website. The cost of the picnic area has increased this year. For next year’s picnic, the club will be checking into a different venue. The picnic is in lieu of the monthly meeting at Bloedel Donovan Park.

New Business

  • The club will be selling their own rocks during Gordy’s Rock Sale, July 19-21. Volunteers are needed to help sell the rocks. Sign-up sheets were passed around.
  • The board has been looking at different venues for our club events. The next Rockhound Rendezvous will be held at the Ferndale Community Center, June 13, 2020. The club is saving a considerable amount of money by changing the venue. Participants will need to bring their own tables or rentals are available. More information will be forthcoming.
  • If you are not receiving the club emails, please contact Linda Mitchell to make sure the correct email is being used.

September Show and Tell: Botryoidal Formations

Meeting adjourned at 8:10. Submitted by Linda Mitchell

Minutes of the July Board Meeting

July 1, 2019 The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Candi Gerard. In attendance: Deb and Wes Gannaway, Michael Langley, Gordy Gerard, and Linda Mitchell. The meeting was held at WECU in Ferndale.

  • Secretary’s Report: The minutes were approved from last month as printed in the newsletter. A draft of a certificate was presented for review.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Deb has made payment to Totem Terrace for the picnic area.
  • Membership: No report.
  • Federation: No report.
  • Wagonmaster: Michael reported that Saturday’s field trip found some good material.
  • Library: No report.
  • Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC): No report.
  • Rock Pups: No report.
  • Parks: No report.
  • Lapidary Room Committee: Candi has found another location. She is waiting for a call back to see if they have water and electricity available.
  • Education Committee: No report.
  • 2020 Show: No report.
  • Old Business: The picnic was discussed. Since the fees at Bloedel have been increasing, we are looking at other locations for the monthly meetings, show, and rockround rendezvous (RR).
  • New Business: • Gordy’s rock sale is July 19-21, 2019. If there is enough interest from the members to volunteer their time, the club will also sell their rocks. More information will be forthcoming about the club rock sales during the next general meeting on July 15th . • In the middle of August, the museum will have displays of minerals and fossils. There are several members who will have specimens on display.

The next board meeting will be on August 5, 2019, 6:30 pm, at the WECU in Ferndale Exit 262. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm — Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell