Theme for November 15, 2021, General Meeting, Mt Baker Rock and Gem Club

The next General Meeting is on November 15, 7:00 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry, Ferndale. 

Theme for the general meeting:  Members can bring one rock only to show and tell or to ask for identification.  Note:  Only 1 rock per person to allow time for everyone to participate.

Agenda includes election of board members.  It’s not too late to nominate yourself if you are interested in President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Federation, Wagonmaster, and Directors at Large.

It’s time to renew your annual dues, $20 for family membership.

Masks required. 


Blanchard Mt Field Trip, Nov 13, 2021, Mt Baker Rock and Gem Club

The Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC) has a field trip to Blanchard Mt, November 13, for Stilpnomelane.  Meet at the Gas Mart, I-5 Exit 240 at 9:00 am.  This is in our local area.  As club members, we can always attend the field trips planned by the WSMC.

Bring gloves, safety glasses, knee pads, bucket, hammer, chisel, short shovel, etc.  Dress appropriately for the cooler weather and rain.

For more information about this field trip, contact Ed Lehman at or (425) 334-6282 or (425) 760-2786.


General Meeting Minutes, October 18, 2021


White Elephant Auction.  The doors opened at 6:00 pm for members and guests to register for a number and to preview the items to be auctioned off.  The location was at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Masks were worn by all.

The meeting was called to order by President Candi Gerard. 

The minutes are approved from the September 20, 2021, general meeting.

Election.  The November meeting is the election of officers.  We are asking members for nominations for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Federation, Wagonmaster, and Directors at Large.  If you are interested, please contact any current board member for the duties involved.  You can nominate yourself.

Auction.  The auction commenced at 6:30 pm.  A big “thank you” to all of the auctioneers, Wes Gannaway, Gordy Gerard, Michael Langley, Ralph Sisco, and Glenn Ishihara.

Donations.  Thank you to all that donated rocks and rock hobby related items.  The auction would not have been as successful without you!

Next Meeting.  The next general meeting will be November 15, 2021, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale, masks required.

Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell


Board Meeting Minutes, October 4, 2021


The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President Candi Gerard at Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424.  In attendance:  Deb and Wes Gannaway, Ralph Sisco, Bonnie Keel, Gordy Gerard, Michael Langley, Sharon Geleynse, Todd Folsom, and Linda Mitchell.   Masks were worn by all.

Secretary’s Report:  The minutes of the last meeting on September 7, 2021, were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report:  Questions on paperwork at the mall store were answered.  Deb reported on the income and bills.

Membership:  No report.

Federation:  No report.

Wagonmaster (Field Trip) Report:  There are no field trips scheduled.  We need a volunteer to help plan field trips for the club.  The club members can always attend the Washington State Mineral Council field trips.  There is a link on the club’s website for the Mineral Council. 

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  On October 16, a field trip is scheduled for Money Creek for picture jasper.  On November 13, the field trip is to Blanchard Mt for Stilpnomelane.  Meet at the Gas Mart, I-5 Exit 240 at 9:00 am.  This is in our local area.

 Lapidary Report:  The lapidary room is open for members on Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm.  Members must sign up and prepay $10.  If no one prepays, it will be closed. 

 Old Business:

 White Elephant Auction:  We will set up at 5:30 pm.  Donations of rocks and rock hobby related items should be brought the night of the auction.  We will have a cake for a member that will be turning 100 years old this month, as well as his 74th Wedding Anniversary. 

 Election:  It is time for the election of officers.  We are asking members for nominations for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Federation, Wagonmaster, and Directors at Large.  If you are interested, please contact any board member.  As of this date, we have not received any nominations.

Mall Store Chairperson:  Ralph Sisco has volunteered.

 New Business:

 Equipment:  There was discussion on getting a camera to hook up to a projector for show and tell.  We currently have an ELMO overhead projector and laptop but are having problems getting it set up.  If we cannot get ELMO to work, we will look into purchasing a camera and projector.


Volunteers:  Volunteers are needed for Wagonmaster (Field Trips), Librarian, Mall Store Helper, and Rockhound Rendezvous (RR) coordinator.  If we do not get any volunteers, we will no longer have these activities/events until someone volunteers.

Vests:  We will check into getting vests that members can purchase.  More information forthcoming.

 Life Membership:  A recommendation for a life membership was considered.  In the club’s by-laws, the life membership will be presented to the membership for a final vote.

Annual Dues:  Annual dues are due in the month of October.  Members will be notified by email and on Facebook.

Scholarship:  Todd Folsom will check with WWU about the scholarship the club gives to a geology student.  The scholarship will be presented on the last day of our show in March 2022.

 The next Board Meeting is on November 1, 2021, 6:00 pm, at Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm,  Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell





Next Meeting on October 18, 2021, White Elephant Auction, Doors Open 6:00 pm for Bidder Registration, 6:30 pm Auction Begins

The October General Meeting is the White Elephant Auction, our annual auction and fundraiser for the club. We need donations of rocks and rock-related items. Members and guests register for an auction number so they can bid on items presented. The money from the auction goes toward the WWU scholarship fund. Time and Location: The doors will open at 6:00 pm to allow for bidder registration and a 6:30 pm start of the meeting. Location is at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale. There will be a brief general meeting and then the auction will commence. Bring: Donations of rocks and rock-related items so we have items to bid on. Bring money for your winning bids! You do not need to be a member to bid or donate. The bids are raised by $1. Masks will be required

October White Elephant Sale

The next meeting on October 18, 2021, will be the White Elephant Auction. Doors open 6:00 pm for bidder registration. At 6:30 P.M. the auction begins. The October general meeting is the white elephant auction which is our annual auction and fundraiser for the club.  We need donations of rocks and rock-related items.  Members and guests register for an auction number so they can bid on items presented.  The money from the auction goes toward the WWU scholarship fund.  
Time and Location:  The doors will open at 6:00 pm to allow for bidder registration and a 6:30 pm start of the meeting.  Location is at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center,
2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  There will be a brief general meeting and then the auction will commence.

Bring:  Donations of rocks and rock-related items so we have items to bid on.  Bring cash money for your winning bids!  You do not need to be a member to bid or donate.  The bids are usually raised by $1.   Masks are required

August General Meeting

The August General Meeting will be August 23, 7:00 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry, Ferndale.
This meeting is held one week later than the normal third Monday of each month.
Masks Required
The agenda includes the upcoming show and other exciting club information. Guests are welcome to attend.

2021 Rock and Gem Show

The Mount Baker Rock and Gem  Club Show will be held on September 11 and 12 at the Ferndale Community Center located at 2007 Cherry Street in front of Pioneer Park. The hours are: 10 to 6 on Saturday and 10 to 5 on Sunday. Setup will take place on Friday, the 10th, and will start around 9 AM. We do need a van driver that is under 70 years old to pick up the van as that is the maximum age for anyone renting a truck at Fountain rentals in Bellingham. We may have to wait for the arrival of front tables for the dealers but we can do the back tables and displays.

 Now is the time to start planning for a display at the show and volunteering for the club member positions: spinning wheel, greeting, raffle tickets, silent auction, club sales, fluorescent show, and night watch. Please contact Wes Gannaway with your questions at debnwes at comcast dot net or 360 384 4209.