Feb 1, 2020, 9-4 Pm, Everett United church of christ, 2624 Rockefeller ave, Everett (exit 194 from I-5 to Everett ave); gemstones, jewelry, lapidary, rough, slices… co-sponsored by Everettrockclub.com
Gem show at Whidbey Island Gem club
55th Annual Sweetheart of Gems Show, Feb 8 and 9, 2020. Free admission. Oak Harbor senior center, 51 SE Jerome St., Oak Harbor
2020 January: Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes on January 6, 2020
Meeting called to order at 6:30pm.
Those in attendance: Candi & Gordy Gerard; Wes & Deb Gannaway; Bonnie Keel; Michael Langley
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of last meeting were in the bulletin – no additions or corrections
Treasurer’s Report: Deb gave the report on bills paid and income received
Membership: Wes reported one new member
Federation: No report
Wagonmaster: No report
Library: No report
WSMC: Dues were paid
Rock Pups: No report
Parks: No report
Lap Room Committee: No report
Education Committee: No report
Show: Wes & Hardy Nettles checked out the Events Center and the Ferndale Community Center for future shows.
Checked into possible table rentals. Table skirting will be used around the display cases only.
Discussion regarding flyers for kids. Wes will check with Eric about the raffle tickets. We need posters and flyers printed up now.
Deb will check into the cost of grab bags if we have enough polished rock.
Old Business: 75 critters were made, and we will have another critter making party before the show–date to be announced
New Business: It was decided to put a “for sale” page on the web site (for members only).
A suggestion was made to have a rock identification station, a gem identification station, and a critter making station at the April meeting in lieu of ‘show & tell’. Any comments?
Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.
Respectfully submitted by Deb Gannaway
Volunteer needed for Critter Making Party
The club needs a volunteer to head up the critter making parties beginning in January. The critters are rocks made with sequins, feathers, eyes, and hot glue. During the show in March, the critters are used at the kid’s spinning wheel. Supplies are provided by the club. All you need to do is provide locations and times for club members to come help make the critters.
Christmas Party, December 16
The Christmas party is scheduled for December 16, 6:30 pm, at the Bloedel-Donovan Park meeting room. The club will provide the turkey and ham. It is a potluck so please bring a dish and your own plates and eating utensils. Set up is at 6:30 pm. Plan to eat at 7:00 pm. If you wish to participate in the gift exchange, limit the wrapped gift to $10. It does NOT have to be rock-related. If gender specific, please indicate if for a female or for a male. If you bring a gift, you will get a gift back.
Election of Board Members in November
The November General Meeting will be the election of board members. Members should consider becoming a board member. Board member positions include President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, two Directors-at-Large.
Board meetings are held the first Monday of each month, 6:30 pm, at the WECU in Ferndale. There is always help available for new board members. It is a good way to get to know what the club is about and get to know people. Please consider being a part of facilitating the club’s operation!
White Elephant Sale at meeting on October 21, 2019
The October General Meeting is the White Elephant Sale, our annual auction. We need members to donate rock-related items. Members and guests register for an auction number so they can bid on items presented. The money from the auction goes towards the club and the WWU scholarship fund.
Bring rock-related items to donate and money (cash or check) to spend! The doors will open at 6:00 PM to allow for bidder registration and a 6:30 PM start of the meeting. There will be a brief general meeting and then the auction will commence.
Club Garage Sale
There will be a club garage sale on September 14, Saturday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, 1371 Paradise Road, Ferndale WA. All proceeds will benefit the club. Members are asked to donate garage sale items (no junk). Volunteers are needed to help out during the garage sale. After the sale, you can take any of your leftover items home or the items will be donated to the Assistance League. This garage sale will be announced in the newspaper. Please help by spreading this news! For further information, please call 360-366-0121.
Garage Sale for the Club
There will be a club garage sale on September 14, Saturday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, 1371 Paradise Road, Ferndale WA. All proceeds will benefit the club. Candi Gerard has offered her home to have this event.
Members are asked to donate garage sale items (no junk). Volunteers are needed to help out during the garage sale. After the sale, you can take any of your leftover items home or the items will be donated to the Assistance League. This garage sale will be announced in the newspaper. Please help by spreading this news! For further information, please call 360-366-0121.
Website Update
You are looking at the newest incarnation of the club’s website. This version will work well on pc monitors, tablets and phones. The layout will resize appropriately. Menus will respond to taps as well as mouse clicks. The site is also keyboard accessible for those have difficulty using a mouse. We now have a search feature so that you can find content within the site. There is a form to use for sending an email to the club. A Facebook icon will take viewers to our club’s Facebook page.
Announcements are at the bottom of all pages. Look there for the latest information on minutes, field trips, parties, volunteer opportunities and so on. The announcements are in the form of WordPress blog entries, and WordPress has the capability of sending blog entries to the email of blog followers. I will be working up instructions on how to sign up for email delivery.
I will be adding content and fixing any problems that turn up now that this version is live. If you would like to create content, particularly in areas of Whatcom geology and mineral identification, please contact me.
I created a new email address for the club with a userid of “admin”. The userid of “prose” will eventually be deleted, so please update your address book.