February General Meeting Minutes

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Monday, February 17, 2025
General Meeting of the MBR&GC
Ferndale, WA
7 pm: meeting called to order by President Michael Langley
Raffle: welcome guests, and congratulations to members Sheila K, Kimberly L, Sandee H and Dave S!
Secretary Report: CHOW hotdogs will participate in show again as food vendor
Treasurers Report: lap room; thunder eggs (income), silent auction (income.)
Expenses: COF (City of Ferndale) space rental for RRR, books for store, federation fees.
We had a positive income month, great job!
MIke/Federation: big show in September, waiting to clarify which weekend. Does our club want to nominate any outstanding
kids for a NFMS Jr. Rockhound of the Year mention? Deadline in March.
Lap Room: very busy! Classes are all filled up through June. Big saw needs a cleaning.
Annual Show (Candi): still need help with tumbled rock and baggies for kids prizes at the show, please donate. 
Raffle prizes are also needed, and in 2026 we will have an even bigger need for tumbled rocks.
Website – more info for volunteer opportunities on our website under “volunteering” HERE.
Use the SignUpGenius.com application to add/modify/delete your volunteering schedule
for the club’s March rock and gem show. Using this application will produce email reminders
of your signups, let others see where vacancies exist, and help the show chairpersons as they organize the event. Although the signup form has numerical limits for each task, don’t think that you can’t help out if a task is “full”. You can sign up as an Alternate for tasks during the show and fill in where needed.
Click this link to Rock & Gem Show 2025 to sign up with your name, email address, and optionally your phone number.
You can also type this short URL into your browser:  https://tinyurl.com/yc8er7rm
Available stations for volunteers at show: load/unload truck, spinning wheel, welcome table, raffle sales, club sales, silent auction, security, greeter
Door prizes are awarded every hour during show. Kids get free tumbled rocks (need 2-3 volunteers at greeters table.)
Critter making parties @ Mall Monday, February 24, and Monday, March 3rd. Call 564-565-0840 for more info. 
Show case sign up – if you want to display your collection in a secure case during the show, contact Candi G.
Mineral Council Field Trips, find our more HERE.
Local Field Trips – we need volunteers! The club offers at $50 stipend to folks leading a field trip within Whatcom or Skagit Counties, possibly more for a further trip. field trips are limited to club members for liability & insurance purposes.
Possible locations: Baker Lake, Bear Creek, Grandy Creek, Walker Valley, Rosario Beach in Anacortes, Nooksack for Dunnite, Sloan/Ruby Creek, Index, WA. 
Show ‘n’ tell of Quartz and Amethyst.
Them for Monday, March 17th meeting show ‘n’ tell: Green rocks and/or Emeralds!
minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary.