General Meeting Minutes, April 18, 2022

President Candi Gerard called the meeting to order at 7 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Drawings for prizes for all members and for new members.

Secretary:  The minutes are approved from the March 21, 2022, General Meeting.   

 Treasurer:  The treasurer, Deb Gannaway, provided a report. 

Membership:  Wes:  Ten new members from the rock show in March and 2 new members from today’s meeting.


  • Michael reported that the Federation Show will be held September 30-October 2, 2022, in Hillsborough, Oregon. Wes says the Federation Show schedule is also posted at the club’s mall store.
  • NW Federation Show is August 3-6, 2023, in Billings, Montana.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  Michael:  May 21, Marble Mount- small fee for Talc and Listwanite.  Please check the WSMC website for more information about other field trips and where/when to meet.   The website is:  2022 – Microsoft Publisher (

Wagonmaster:  No report.


  • We will be needing more help in the Lapidary room. Glenn is not going to be available soon, as he will be moving.
  • The room is open from 6-9 pm, Thursday nights, cost is $10 for members. If this is your first time, please let us know.  There is a fee for cuts after the first cut.  If there is a rock that needs to be cut, you can leave it at the mall and someone can cut it for you.  Maximum size for a cut is about 7 inches. 
  • To use the Lapidary room, you must have taken the orientation class. The class is $30 and is from 6-9 pm on Tuesday nights.  Please sign up at the mall and well in advance, as only 4 people can be in the Lapidary room at a time due to space constraints and the mall requires a 3-day notice for staying later than the mall regular hours.  Next orientation class is on March 29, Tuesday.
  • Please be sure to clean up after yourself in the Lapidary room. Take an extra 15 minutes or so to clean up so the volunteers do not have to do all the cleanup.
  • You can stop by and get a short tour anytime the room is open. Near the JC Penny wing of Bellis Fair Mall is our store.  Store is open every day except Monday.  Has rocks, shells, jewelry, fossils, gifts, and treasures.  

Show 2022:  Wes said it was a great success.  We were able to do 2 scholarships at $1000 each.  We plan on doing the show again next year.  Thank you to everyone who helped!

Old Business:  No report.

New Business:  Rockhound Rendezvous is Saturday, June 11, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center.  Rock club members can have their own table to sell rock related items to other members or the public.  $20 per space 10ft space.  10 am-5 pm.  Setup is at 8 am.  If you are interested, there is a sign-up sheet during the meeting or you can contact Michael or Sharon.  You can also sign up at the club store at Bellis Fair.  You have to bring your own tables.  Event is open to the public and there is no entry fee.

 Next General Meeting:  May 16, Monday, 7:00 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.

Show and Tell:  Fluorite


April Presentation:   Wes had a slide show about the different types of crystals in different types of Calcite.  Members brought Calcite for Wes to talk about, along with the samples Wes brought.

Interesting facts from presentation:  Calcite makes up 2% of the earth.  Can come in different colors.  Alabaster and Onyx marble are also Calcite.  Many are luminescent with the appropriate light in the dark.  Roman’s used Calcite in their cement.

 We will be doing presentations at future meetings, so if you are interested in doing a presentation, please contact Bonnie Keel.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm

Respectfully submitted by Robin Hitz



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