General Meeting Minutes on January 17, 2022

President Candi Gerard called the meeting to order at 7 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting.  Masks were worn by all.

Secretary:  The minutes are approved from the December 20, 2021, General Meeting.  There is a flyer for members to take for the Everett Rock & Gem Club, May 28 and 29, 2022, at the Monroe Fairgrounds.

Treasurer:  The treasurer provided a report. $2.50 per household for NFMS annual dues will be paid at the end of the month.

Membership:    We have over 180 families.  3 new members last week.  New ones tonight too.

Federation:  No report.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  Michael reported for WA mineral counsel going over the 2022 WSMC Sponsored Field Trips (see attached document for more details)  Note:  Club members can join in these field trips.  The link is:                                       2021-rock-activities.pdf (

Sandy Hess will be doing a Beach fieldtrip in June.  More information will be coming

Wagonmaster:  A volunteer or committee is still needed to start planning field trips next spring.  Contact any board member for more information. 

Lapidary:  The room is open from 6-9 Thursday night, cost is $10.00.  If this is your first time, please let us know.  There is a fee for cuts after the first cut.  If there is a rock that needs to be cut, you can leave it at the mall and someone can cut it for you.  The room will be unavailable from Feb 1st– first couple of weeks in Feb as Gordy and Candi will be gone.

You can stop by and get a short tour anytime the room is open.  Near the JC Penny wing of Bellis Fair Mall is our store.  Store is open every day except Monday.  Has rocks, shells, jewelry, fossils, gifts, and treasures.  December was very busy for the store.  Thank you to all volunteers who helped!

 Show 2022:  The next show is March 26-27, 2022, Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  The room is scheduled.

We need someone to drive the U-Haul truck with all the displays for the show, etc. We will have sign-up sheets for volunteers to fill out at the next meeting.  Display cabinets are at Gordy and Candy’s and needs to be delivered to and from the show.  We need volunteers to load up the display cases and then to unload after the weekend show.  We also need volunteers to work during the show. 

There are 30 display cases that Wes says the members can display their collections, or things that they have made.

Old Business:

Vests for the club members.  We can get vests from a company in Bellingham.  If someone wants to take this on, and organize this to handle orders for vests, making the order with the vendor—please contact Candi.  There are two extra vests (small and medium size) for sale at the mall if someone wants one.

Name tags are one per new member.  The first one is free.  If you lose yours and just want another one, there is a charge.

New Business:

Rockhound Rendezvous- Everyone has their own table to sell items to other members or the public.  $20 per space 8-10ft space.  If you are interested, there is a sign-up sheet.  It will be at the Ferndale Pavilion and Sharon Gelenyse is in charge of this.  You have to bring your own tables.  More information is coming.  Maybe 3rd or 4th Sat of June. 

Show and tell:  Red Rocks

Glenn also talked about Rock Tumbling class sign ups.  There will also be a rock tumbling class on January 24th at 6 pm at the Bellis Fair mall store.

 The following information on the rock tumbling classes from last meeting seems to be still valid:

Glenn gave a report on a Rock Tumbling class he will be instructing at the Jansen Art Center in Lynden on January 19, 2022, 6:00-7:30 pm.  You must contact the Jansen Art Center for information and sign up.  There will be a Rock Tumbling class in March also at the Jansen Art Center.  Link:

The Bellis Fair store is now selling grit for rock tumbling.  Thank you, Glenn.

Volunteers are needed to help at the Bellis Mall store.  You would be a helper to an experienced volunteer at the mall store to greet customers, sell items, and watch for theft.  You will learn a lot about rocks!

Bulletin board for a 3 x 5 card to post items for sale that are rock related.  Also memos for classes are posted at the store.

There will be a Wire Wrapping class in January. Feb 7th.  There are many training sessions to sign up for at the store.  Gem ID class is at Candi’s gallery.  For more information, please go to the Bellis Fair store for more information and sign up.


Sold “milk cartons of plaster” with rock treasures embedded for $3, sold them all.

Silent auction for some cut rocks.

Scholarship applications need to come in by the middle of next month for those interested.  You have to be a student at Western majoring in Geology.

Show and Tell:  Members brought their favorite red rock. 

Next General Meeting:  Feb 21, 7:00 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale

Feb Show and Tell: Conglomerates “more than one rock put together”

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm

Respectfully submitted by Robin Hitz