General Meeting Minutes on November 18, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Candi Gerard. Candi
welcomed everyone to the meeting. The drawing for members was done. There were
no guests.
Secretary: Last month’s minutes were approved as printed in the newsletter and on
the website. If you are not receiving the club emails, please let me know. There are
flyers at the front table of upcoming shows and rock sales.
Treasurer’s Report: Deb gave a report on the bills paid and the income received. IRS
990 filings were paid. A $500 check was sent to the Western Washington University
(WWU) Geology Department.
Membership: There were six membership renewals received.
Library: There are books available to be checked out by members. There is a silent
auction for members and guests. If you won the bid, please pay Deb at the end of the
Federation: Michael reported that the 2020 meeting will be held in Ogden, Utah.
Wagonmaster: Seren reported that there are no field trips planned at this time. Seren
brought specimens of past field trips for the members to take.
Mineral Council (WSMC): The last field trip of the year was on November 16th to
Blanchard Mountain near Bellingham for Stilpnomelane. One of the members in
attendance tonight attended the field trip. She said there were about 40 people on the
field trip with Ed Lehman. A specimen found at the site was presented during the show
and tell.
Lapidary Room Committee: No report.
Education Committee: No report.
2020 Show: Wes reported the advertisements for the show have been sent out, i.e., to
the Federation, WSMC, etc. Todd reported that the scholarship form has been updated.
A copy was sent to the Geology Department at WWU for their comments. We hope to
get some applications this time for the $1,000 scholarship that the club awards to a
geology student.
Old Business: Candi provided the names of the 2020 board members. A motion was
made for the members to accept the 2020 board members. The motion was seconded
and passed unanimously by the membership.
President: Candi Gerard
Vice President: Bonnie Keel
Secretary: Linda Mitchell

Treasurer: Deb Gannaway
Director-at-Large: Gordy Gerard
Director-at-Large: Sharon Geleynse and Ralph Sisco
Member of the Board not Elected: Wes Gannaway as Past President

New Business:
The Christmas party is scheduled for December 16, 6:30 pm, at Bloedel-
Donovan Park meeting room in Bellingham. The club will provide the turkey and
ham. It is a potluck so please bring a dish, your own plates and eating utensils,
and beverages. If you wish to participate in the gift exchange, limit the wrapped
gift to $10. It does NOT have to be rock-related. If gender specific, please
indicate if for a female or for a male. If you bring a gift, you will get a gift back.
The new board members are invited to the next board meeting on December 2,
6:30 pm, at the home of Deb and Wes.
There was a short break and we had the November show and tell of “red rocks.” Candi
had a microscope set up with a ruby grown in a lab. Candi explained differences
between rubies made in the earth or in a lab.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell
January 2020 Snacks: Amy and Wes
January 2020 Show and Tell: “Fossils”