Hello; I hope everyone is safe and well. As we continue social distancing without meetings or outings, I have been thinking a lot about our club and missing everyone.
We are working on details for our lapidary space and are hoping to have things set up this fall. There are so many things to work out: contracts, electrical, insurance, and just getting it all put together. Please be patient and then ready to get involved!
On another subject, I have also been thinking about all the people who have been so faithful, working to keep our club together. Over the years that I have been a member, it just seems like things always just got done. Looking deeper, there have been active members who just do whatever needs to be done. If I started listing names, I know I would accidentally leave someone out. So…here is a big “thank you” to all committee chairs, board members, show chairs, kitchen people, floor sweepers, lapidary workers, volunteers, guest speakers, field trip leaders, library book packers, and members who show up at the meetings. You are all appreciated!!! (if I forgot someone — it’s because I am old!) Thank You!!!
One more subject: TREASURES. Again, as we cannot get together, let’s spend some time admiring our “Treasures” that we have. Our beautiful rocks, flowers, sunsets, or whatever you think of as TREASURE. Gordy and I were visiting a friend the other day. I snapped a picture of him with his treasure collection. As I looked at the picture, I realized the real treasure was not so much the beautiful rocks in the background, but the wonderful person in front of them. Yes, it is Dick Rantz. With a wealth of knowledge, a willingness to teach, and a giving heart, he has been a mentor, not only to us, but to the club ever since I have been a member. So, Thank You Dick for all your help and behind the scenes leadership! You are a real Treasure!
I hope we can all get together in August for a meeting. We will let you know.
Candi Gerard