- Secretary: February 2020 was the last meeting, and the minutes were approved. There will be a July Newsletter published NLT July 30 th.
- Treasurer’s Report: Deb provided a report. The club’s mall store is holding its own.
- Membership: Wes reported there have been 61 families signed up for membership since the mall opened in November.
- Library: There are books available to be checked out by members.
- Wagonmaster: Volunteer is needed.
- Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC)/Federation: Michael reported on a Mineral Council field trip in August to Greenwater. Note: Here is the link to field trips, 2021-rock-activities.pdf (wordpress.com)
- Lapidary Room Committee: Glenn reported the lapidary room is open Thursdays, 6-9 pm. Signup is at the mall store and you must prepay. Limit of 4 people. First come, first serve. There are rules for you to read. Must be a member to use the lapidary equipment. Cost is $10. The mall store opened so the club could have the lapidary room open again.
- 2021 Show: The show will be held on September 11th and 12th at the Ferndale Community Center located at 2007 Cherry Street in front of Pioneer Park. The hours are 10 to 6 on Saturday and 10 to 5 on Sunday. Set up for the show will be September 10. We will need all to volunteer to help set up, run the silent auction, spinning wheel, raffle, club sales, and the front table. Members can sign up for a display case to display their rock collections. Volunteering for the show is a good way to get to know the members, learn more about rocks, and have fun.
- Volunteers Needed: 1) Librarian: There is a library of books for members to check out. The duties would include bringing the books to each general meeting, displaying on a table, and maintaining the list of books checked out/checked in. At the end of the meeting, packing up the books and taking home. 2) Wagonmaster: Organize field trips for members of the club. Find rockhounding locations, schedule date and time to meet, and provide list of tools, etc. 3) Rockhound Rendezvous POC: The Rockhound Rendezvous (RR) is a venue for members to sell their rocks and rock-related items. The duties include scheduling the date and time, advertising, signing members up for tables, and determine needs at the venue, i.e., tables and chairs, etc.
The next meeting will be August 23 which is one week later than normal. Time and location to be determined.
Snacks for Aug 23 Meeting: Bonnie Keel and Linda Mitchell
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell