Next Meeting on October 18, 2021, White Elephant Auction, Doors Open 6:00 pm for Bidder Registration, 6:30 pm Auction Begins

The October General Meeting is the White Elephant Auction, our annual auction and fundraiser for the club. We need donations of rocks and rock-related items. Members and guests register for an auction number so they can bid on items presented. The money from the auction goes toward the WWU scholarship fund. Time and Location: The doors will open at 6:00 pm to allow for bidder registration and a 6:30 pm start of the meeting. Location is at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale. There will be a brief general meeting and then the auction will commence. Bring: Donations of rocks and rock-related items so we have items to bid on. Bring money for your winning bids! You do not need to be a member to bid or donate. The bids are raised by $1. Masks will be required