June General Meeting Minutes

6/17/24 MBR&GC General Meeting

Pioneer Pavilion, Ferndale, WA 
7:06 pm: Meeting called to order by club President Candi Gerard

Raffle/ silent auction announcement. Congrats to members Devon (welcome!), Bruce Hurley, and Gale & Luca for being raffle winners.

Secretary Report: upcoming rock sale in 8/2-8/3 – flyers available at the mall. Katie from the Sumas Museum gratefully accepted our donation of goodies for kid bricks, and will tell everyone about our next booth at Old Settlers Days.

Mail from our insurance company – has been placed in safe at mall for Ralph to collect.

Treasurer’s Report: May was a great month! We made a healthy deposit into our bank account. Keep up the great work.

Field Trips: 

7/20 – Sweetwater for Travertine @ Gold Hill

8/24 – Marysville club trip to Lake Wenatchee for Garnets

RRR: 8 spots left @ $20/ 10 x 10′ space. Members must supply their own tables for this event on 9/14/24. 9am – 5pm, sell your rocks, and rock-related items.

Federation: nothing to report

Lapidary: All is well, new machines are really getting used, thank you everyone.

2025 Show: we have a co-chair person, but need more volunteers to head committees to help our next show be a success.

Annual Picnic: 8/4/24 (Sunday) – this is a family/ kid-friendly event. The club will supply water, hot dogs, chicken – please bring a side dish for the potluck style picnic. BYOB. Meet at the Gerard’s at 10 am to tail gate (Sell rocks out of your car), and help organize the club’s buckets in prep for our next show.

Lunch will be at 1 pm. Address: 1371 Paradise Rd, Ferndale, WA, 98248

Old Settlers Days: Thursday, July 25th, we need help setting up our information booth. Then Friday and Saturday 7/26 & 7/27, we need volunteers to man the booth. The club will sell books, etc. We recommend coming early to find parking, otherwise plan on a short hike to the Pavilion.

After a brief break, we enjoyed a show and tell of WA minerals. Thank you to John Lindell for sharing your rare finds with us!

July show n tell: Free-for-all, bring whatever rock / specimen you care to share.

minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary.

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