New Page for the Retail Store

I have added a page that describes the club’s retail store at the Bellis Fair Mall along with the hours of operation.  There is a top-level item for this page in the menu bar.

Auction at October meeting

The October General Meeting is the annual auction and fundraiser for the club. Bring cash or check! There is no show and tell this month.

Location is at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.

Please bring donations of rocks and rock-hobby related items the night of the auction. Bring cash or check for your winning bids!

You do not need to be a member to bid or donate. Guests are welcome.

The money from the auction goes toward the WWU scholarship fund and club activities.

Lapidary Estate Sale

  August 27-28, 9-5 pm, 225 Crown Lane, Bellingham, 50-75% off price of slabs and rough.  140 kinds:  Amethyst to Zebra Stone.

Minutes of the July meeting

The meeting was called to order by Candi Gerard, 7 pm, at Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

Secretary’s Report:  The June 20, 2022, minutes were approved.  There are flyers at the front table about upcoming shows and events.

Treasurer’s Report:  Deb gave a report of the bills. 

Membership:  There are 4 new members.

Federation:  The Federation show is September 30-October 2, in Hillsboro OR.

Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  Field trip July 23-24, Sweetwater for Travertine.

The WSMC has field trips for club members to attend.  Please check the WSMC website for the schedule and information about the field trips, where/when to meet.

Lapidary Report:
•       Open lapidary night is on Thursdays, 6-9 pm for members.  Cost is $10.  You must sign up one week in advance and prepay at the club’s retail store. 
•       For members to attend open lapidary night, you need to take an Intro class.  There is also an upcoming class on beading a cabochon.  For more information on classes, sign up, and pre-payment, please go to the club’s retail store in Bellis Fair Mall. 

Wagonmaster:  Vacant.  Need volunteer.

Show 2023:  The show is March 25-26, 2023, the last full weekend in March.

New Business:   
•       We are changing the Rockhound Rendezvous from June to the fall.  Attendance may be better in the fall.
•       There are papers at the front table for members to sign to show their interest so we know what direction the club should focus on. 
•       Next month a work party will be scheduled to help go through the rocks for Club Sales.
•       For the September 19th meeting, Todd F. will give a presentation on Geology of Steamboat Rock State Park.
•       There will be a club picnic/potluck this year on August 28, at Candi and Gordy Gerard’s, 1371 Paradise Rd, Ferndale.  The picnic/potluck starts at 5 pm and we will eat at 6 pm.  Please bring potluck dish and your own eating utensils (plate, fork, spoon, knife).  You will also need to bring your own chairs and drinks. 

Break.  Happy Birthday 75th to Wes G..  Cake and coffee were served.

Show and Tell for July:  Members showed some wonderful specimens of “red rocks.” 

The next meeting is on August 15.  Show and tell:  Fossils

Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm
Respectfully submitted by Linda M., Secretary

DIY Field Trips

There is now a page under the Field Trips menu for Do It Yourself field trips. These are easily accessible sites that don’t require specialized knowledge. Some sites, like beachcombing, feature collecting. Others are “look-and-learn” sites.

The first two trips are for viewing crinoid fossils. I expect to add some beachcombing info next. You can provide info to me about candidate DIY trips via the club’s email or at a meeting.

Website updates

I added a page to the Current Conditions area for the Maury Mountain Agate site in Oregon.

I added a list of the geology students who have received our annual scholarship to the scholarship page.

General Meeting Minutes on September 20, 2021

President Candi Gerard called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  Candi welcomed everyone to the meeting.  She thanked all of the volunteers that helped during the recent show on September 11 and 12.  Masks were worn by all.
Secretary:  The minutes are approved from the August 23, 2021, general meeting.  If anyone is not receiving their emails, please let me know.
Treasurer:  The treasurer provided a report. 
Membership:  There were 11-12 new family memberships received during the show.  Since November 2020, there have been a total of 80 family memberships received.
Federation:  The meeting was in Walla Walla on September 11 by Zoom.  Due to our show being the same day, Michael could not attend the Zoom.
Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC):  A field trip is scheduled October 16 to Money Creek for picture jasper.  (For more information, contact Ed Lehman at or (425) 334-6282 or (425) 760-2786.)
Wagonmaster:  The field trip to Racehorse Creek on September 18 was cancelled due to weather. 
Lapidary:  The lapidary room is open on Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm.  Members must sign up in advance and prepay $10.  If no one signs up and prepays, the room will be closed.  In late fall, we hope to have a beginning lapidary class scheduled.  The club can cut rocks for you up to 7″ diameter.  The cost to cut the rock for you depends on the size of the rock.
Old Business:
Show Chair – Wes:  Thank you to all of the volunteers.  The show was a success.  The vendors were happy.  The attendance was probably 50 percent less of the normal attendance at Bloedel, but considering all of the issues and having the show in September and in a new location, the show was successful.  The next show on March 26-27, 2022, will be even better. 
Election:  It is time for the election of officers.  We are asking members for nominations for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Federation, Wagonmaster, and Directors at Large.  If you are interested, please contact any current board member for the duties involved.  You can nominate yourself.
New Business: 
Increase in Insurance:  Bellis Fair Mall has increased the liability amount for the club’s retail store.  There will be an increase in the amount the club pays for insurance.  The mall contract renewal is on the first of November, so we have until that time to determine if we stay with the current company or can get a better rate somewhere else.  Volunteers are welcome to check into this further.
Show and Tell:  Members had show and tell of the fossils they brought. 
Next General Meeting:  The next general meeting will be October 18, at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale, for the White Elephant Auction.  The doors will open at 6:00 pm to allow for bidder registration and a 6:30 pm start of the meeting.  There will be no “show and tell.”  Rocks and rock-related donations are needed for the auction.  This is a fund raiser for the club.  You do not need to be a member to donate or bid on items.  Bring cash money for your winning bids!
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm
Respectfully submitted by Linda Mitchell

October White Elephant Sale

The next meeting on October 18, 2021, will be the White Elephant Auction. Doors open 6:00 pm for bidder registration. At 6:30 P.M. the auction begins. The October general meeting is the white elephant auction which is our annual auction and fundraiser for the club.  We need donations of rocks and rock-related items.  Members and guests register for an auction number so they can bid on items presented.  The money from the auction goes toward the WWU scholarship fund.  
Time and Location:  The doors will open at 6:00 pm to allow for bidder registration and a 6:30 pm start of the meeting.  Location is at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center,
2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.  There will be a brief general meeting and then the auction will commence.

Bring:  Donations of rocks and rock-related items so we have items to bid on.  Bring cash money for your winning bids!  You do not need to be a member to bid or donate.  The bids are usually raised by $1.   Masks are required