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6:02 pm Meeting called to order by President Candi Gerard at Portal Creek Park Clubhouse. Attending: Michael, Sharon, Ralph, Bonnie, Gordy, Candi, Wes, Deb, Todd, Trevor
Secretary Report: N/A
Treasurer’s Report (Deb): Supplies were purchased; books, lightbulbs, frame for store. Books were recently audited and passed with flying colors. Covered dues, donations, lap room, club sales, rent.
Membership (Wes): 1 new member, lots of renewals in October. Welcome packages for new members were mentioned, what to include – tumbled stones, etc? Inquiry – do we have business cards for the club? No, but we provide brochures. Speaking of which, a new box of 1000 brochures needs folding. Thanks for volunteers!
Mineral Council / Federation (Michael): Last mineral field trip of the year, Blanchard Mt. cancelled due to weather. Olivine dig is also unable to be rescheduled due to weather. Season has ended. Overall lapidary club membership across the US is down due to COVID and lack of funds. Kalispell, MT club cannot find tumblers or parts. Main show for Pac NW in Billings, MT 8/1-8/3 in 2023.
Discussion about the expense of the printed publication most of us received – is there a way to go paperless? Who gets the mailer – all club members, or only board? Will inquire at next general meeting.
Lap Room (Gordy): Walt has been helping out (thanks Walt!) need some grit & belts for the equipment. Thank you everyone for the consistency with collecting payments, documenting names & numbers in corresponding composition books. Oil was discussed – bio oil vs. mineral oil, cost and wear/tear. Oil needs to be changed in saws after the holidays. In favor of bio if it passes the “smell check.”
Discussion about new vendors, scheduling, busy season. Could use help on weekends, and evenings. Flexibility is key.
2023 SHOW (Wes): dates are set, confirmed for March 25 & 26, 2023.
Mall Report (Ralph): Celebrated 2 year anniversary 11/3/22. We are seeing success with new memberships, classes, use of lap room. Canadians are returning to the mall. Anticipating holiday rush. No big news about status of “the mall” in general, but there was recently a security meeting for all tenants.
Deb (Treasurer): mentioned letter from Brookefield RE: proof of insurance. Discussed “key holder” report.
Rock Rendezvous date 2023: October 21, 2023
Todd – WWU scholarship deadline in February. Discussion about a possible weekend field trip.
UPCOMING: club will take vote at next general meeting for new board members. Facilities: Kevin & Kathy will be gone in AZ, will need assistance with coffee set up, tear down, and storage.
Vice President Bonnie proposed a sweater theme for the next meeting.
President Candi brought up a suggestion from Walt about a hold-harmless / liability waiver for use of lap room. Board agrees we should move forward with the form.
New Business: Critters / painted rocks… time to get started for March show. Painted rocks are needed. Volunteers are welcome! (Deb): Need to update names on the WECI bank account. Discussed mileage rate of $.625/ mile. President motioned for a vote, vote passed to reimburse at IRS rate of $.625.
Library (Todd): Books have not been getting checked out, how should we deal with them? Silent auction/ sales discussed.
6:54 pm – Meeting adjourned
Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan
Other Club Information:
Club Web Address:
Visit us on Facebook:
For Questions, Club Email:
Club Retail Store, Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424 (JC Penny’s Wing) Hours:
Closed Mondays, Tuesday-Saturday 11 am to 7, Sunday Noon to 6 pm