July, 2021, meeting!

The big news is that we are having a general meeting on the third Monday of July.  This will be the 19th. The location will be outside at the Gerard’s house, 1371 Paradise Rd, Ferndale.  You may wear masks if you wish and social distance.  We have plenty of room.  Be prepared:  bring a lawn chair, a blanket, or whatever you want to sit on.  Maybe even an umbrella.  We have one 10 ft tent and a gazebo, so hope it is sunny.  It starts at 6:00 pm. 

New members: we are excited to introduce you to the rest of us.  We will have a very short introduction, then show and tell time.  Please bring your one favorite rock you found this year to show everyone.  There will also be cookie snacks!

I am excited to get things rolling as a club again!  It will be great to have everyone together.  We will be discussing more field trips and our annual Show!  In September, we will be hosting our Annual Rock & Gem Show.  This will be held at the Community building in Pioneer Park in Ferndale.  It is a 2-day event, September 11 and 12, with set-up on the 10th.  We will need a lot of volunteers.  There will be a report on this at the July meeting, so be sure to attend.

Be sure to bring back the club’s library books for check-in!

Candi Gerard, President

Message from the Club President – May, 2021


I hope everyone is still safe and well.

I want to welcome more new members. We are excited to have you join us. It looks like our winter is over, and it is time to get going on some rock projects.

We are planning on a rock field trip to the beach at Cherry Point Sunday, June 13th, at 11:00. Meet at the beach. Directions: Go West out of Ferndale on Mountain View Rd, when you get to Rainbow Rd, turn Right, then Left on Henry Rd. It will be closed with a gate at the next crossing – Turn Left on Gulf Rd and follow to the beach. Bring a lunch, a bucket or bags, maybe a lawn chair, and dress for whatever the weather permits. Sandee Hess will be there with beach booklets for information on what you will find. These may also be purchased for $8.00.

Other news: Our Lapidary Room will be opening Thursday, June 3rd, from 6-9 pm. There is a sign-up sheet in the mall shop, space 424. The fee for the 3 hours of use is $10.00. This must be prepaid at time of sign up. There will be only 4 people allowed each session, so when you sign up – it is first paid, first date available. There will be a waiting list for prepaid members. If you do not show up for the time you selected, you will forfeit your $10.00. 

When you come the first time, there will be instructions on the use and safety of the machines. Machine use will be for one project at a time and then move onto the next machine. Large cuts on the saws will be done by one of the monitors. The class fee may include one slab cut. Other cuts will be done for a fee when time allows. For insurance purposes, the use of the Lapidary Room is for members only at least 18 years old. Bring your own safety glasses, mask, and hearing protection. There are slabs available at very reasonable prices.

We have been a long time without a Lapidary Room. I know it is small, but with everybody’s help and patience, let’s make it work.

There is more information in the May 3rd Board meeting minutes including a volunteer for the RR, Tumbling class, member display case at the mall, club sales, and our Rock Show in September. Please check it all out.

Before I sign off, I want to THANK those special people who have donated items for our club sales and for our board members who give up their time to take care of details for the club. This is what keeps our club alive!

I hope we can all meet for a meeting soon. We are trying to figure out a way, possibly an outdoor event. We will keep you posted.

Have a great summer.

Candi Gerard, President

Parking Lot Sale at Everett Rock and Gem Club

 DATE  SATURDAY, MAY 1, 2021                             
10:00AM Until “SOLD OUT”                           
2624 ROCKEFELLER AVE (Parking Lot)
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 AGATES                                              DINOSAUR “POOP”                           
THUNDER EGGS                                 AGATE NODULES                               
FOSSILS                                              TUMBLING ROCK                             
AGATIZED CORAL                              LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT                     
TURRITELLA AGATE                          AMETHYST                                         
MONTANA AGATE                              COPPER ORE           
PETRIFIED WOOD                             CRYSTAL/MINERAL SPECIMENS       
SHELLS                                                LOTS OF MISC items….
 SOCIAL DISTANCING AND MASKS will be required.                                                                                               
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   
                             PRICED TO SELL!!!

Wire Wrapping Class

Wire Wrapping a Cabochon
Instructor – Bruce Wickler
Location – Bellis Fair Mall Club, Space 424
Date April 12, may include follow up day class, date to be determined
Time 11:00 am to 2:00 pm

Price paid to Mt. Baker Rock & Gem Club – $50.00
Also, a payment to instructor for supplies of wire and cabochon

This is a pre-pay class, on a first come, first paid basis. You can pay in the club rock shop.

Masks required.

The limit is 4 students at a time. There will be a waiting list sign up also.

Class on Beading Around a Cabochon

Instructor- Sandee Hess

Date- March 29 th  and April 5 th Time- 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Location:  Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424, (JC Penny Wing)

Price of class – $50.00 paid to Mt. Baker Rock & Gem Club 
Cash or Check paid to Mt Baker Rock and Gem Club (Do not send cash by mail!)
Price of supplies – 20.00 paid in cash to instructor.  Plus, purchase choice of stone, between $15-$30.00
Sign up and payments may be paid for by mail or in the club’s mall rock shop on March 18 or 25th from 11 o’clock to 7 o’clock.
This is a first come- first paid for class.

Announcement: Lapidary space at the mall

We have opened a space in Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424, the JC Penny wing. We have had quite a few new members sign up already. We have retail space for members to sell rock-related items or for you to come in to look around and/or purchase items. There are still a couple spaces left for members to sell their rock hobby-related items for a donation fee. We are setting up the Lapidary area. Hopefully, we will be able to have Lapidary classes as well as member use of the lapidary equipment soon. We will keep you posted on the lapidary equipment set up.
The annual Christmas party is cancelled, but if you would like to participate in a Christmas gift exchange, you can drop off a wrapped gift, $15 or less, indicate man or woman if gender specific, at our location in the mall no later than December 15. Then prior to December 24, you would pick up a gift if you dropped one off. This would give you a chance to check out the new location. The gift exchange is voluntary but we hope you would like to participate.
Come in and see the club’s new location!

Mall hours: The December hours are 10 to 8. Except Sunday is 11 to 6. January should go back to regular hours.
Note: There were no newsletters for the months of November and December.

Rockhound Rendezvous rescheduled

The Rockhound Rendezvous (RR) that was scheduled for September 26th at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center in Ferndale is cancelled.
Gordy Gerard will be having a sale on September 26th at 1371 Paradise Rd, Ferndale WA. Members are invited to tailgate at this venue to sell their rock-related items. Time is 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Set up begins at 8:00 am. There is no space fee. It will be outside so be prepared with your own chairs and table or use the back of your car or pickup. Bring your own food. Coffee and water provided. Members must call 360-366-0121 if you are going to sell.
If you are looking for rocks and other rock-related items to buy, this is the place to buy. There will be some good items for sale. Please bring cash.
There will be social distancing and mask wearing. More info coming.
Also, we will need helpers to do a club sale table.
Thank you, Candi Gerard

Letter from the Club’s President

Hello; I hope everyone is safe and well. As we continue social distancing without meetings or outings, I have been thinking a lot about our club and missing everyone.

We are working on details for our lapidary space and are hoping to have things set up this fall. There are so many things to work out: contracts, electrical, insurance, and just getting it all put together. Please be patient and then ready to get involved!

On another subject, I have also been thinking about all the people who have been so faithful, working to keep our club together. Over the years that I have been a member, it just seems like things always just got done. Looking deeper, there have been active members who just do whatever needs to be done. If I started listing names, I know I would accidentally leave someone out. So…here is a big “thank you” to all committee chairs, board members, show chairs, kitchen people, floor sweepers, lapidary workers, volunteers, guest speakers, field trip leaders, library book packers, and members who show up at the meetings. You are all appreciated!!! (if I forgot someone — it’s because I am old!) Thank You!!!

One more subject: TREASURES. Again, as we cannot get together, let’s spend some time admiring our “Treasures” that we have. Our beautiful rocks, flowers, sunsets, or whatever you think of as TREASURE. Gordy and I were visiting a friend the other day. I snapped a picture of him with his treasure collection. As I looked at the picture, I realized the real treasure was not so much the beautiful rocks in the background, but the wonderful person in front of them.  Yes, it is Dick Rantz. With a wealth of knowledge, a willingness to teach, and a giving heart, he has been a mentor, not only to us, but to the club ever since I have been a member. So, Thank You Dick for all your help and behind the scenes leadership! You are a real Treasure!

I hope we can all get together in August for a meeting. We will let you know.

Candi Gerard

Dick Rantz and his collection

Update on the Rockhound Rendezvous

The Rockhound Rendezvous (RR) has been scheduled for September 26th at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center in Ferndale.  The club will receive a 30-day notice if the RR must be cancelled.  Updates will be posted by email, Facebook, and on the club website.  Please stay in touch.
The cost for a space is $20 and must be pre-paid in order to reserve your table. The size may be larger at this location. There is no food available for purchase so please bring a lunch.  Tables will be available to club members by contacting Candi Gerard.  More information will be provided at a later date.

Rock Show and Meetings are Canceled

Hello all, as the spring has advanced, the Covid-19 situation hasn’t slacked, and venues are not available through August. Therefore, the 2020 show is cancelled. We will continue to plan for the future and will schedule the 2021 show for next March. Our current plan is that the show will take place in Ferndale at the Pavilion in the last week of March 2021.
The board will discuss the possibility of having the Rockhound Rendezvous at some time in late 2020. This will also depend on the Covid-19 situation.
This closure includes meeting places for the monthly meetings. We hope to resume meetings as soon as permitted.