Club meetings are held the third Monday of each month ( possibly except August and December), at 7:00 pm, in the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale, WA (see images below). In August a picnic may substitute for a meeting, and typically the December meeting is our Christmas party. Locations for those events will be announced. The business part of the meeting starts with reports from the various committees and discussion of new business. Some meetings feature an invited speaker or other program. A popular feature of our meetings is our show and tell time. For months with show-and-tell, a theme is selected to feature at the next meeting. Examples are: agates, fossils, purple rocks, locally collected material, etc. Any club member may bring in specimens to share with the group. This inspires a lively sharing of information as rocks are displayed.
We have a large display screen available at our meeting place in Ferndale. Our magnifying camera can be linked to it for closeups of specimens. The screen and sound system will link via WIFI for audiovisual programs.
The club maintains a retail store at the Bellis Fair Mall in Bellingham where the public can purchase mineral specimens, jewelry made by members, and other rock-related items.
Our members enjoy:
- Making new friends who share rockhounding and lapidary interests
- Attending field trips
- A private Facebook group titled “Mt. Baker Rock & Gem Club”
- Our summer picnic and Christmas party
- Participating in our spring Rock & Gem show and summer Rockhound Rendezvous
- Supporting geology students through our scholarship program
- volunteering to help keep the club running!
- Members wishing to sell their rock-related items can do that at our retail store if they volunteer to help staff the store.

Annual membership dues are $20.00 per household, payable in October to the treasurer. Canadians purchasing a membership should make the payment in US funds. Download a membership form using the button. Print it and mail it, bring it to the next meeting, or join at the club’s retail store. If you renew at the October meeting by check and your details have not changed, you can skip the membership form.
CONTACT: Members should help ensure that they receive the club’s emails. These come out at least once a month with meeting minutes and other news. Email will come from admin @ but may appear in your email client with as “mtbakerrockclub” instead of “admin”. Check your spam folder and, if found, mark club email as “not spam”. Add the club’s email address, mtbakerrockclub @, to your address book.
Members with Facebook accounts should join our Facebook group. Search within Facebook for the group named “Mt. Baker Rock & Gem Club”, then click the “Join” button. After another group member has approved you, all posts will be visible and you can make posts. Please join in.