6:13 pm Meeting called to order by President Candi Gerard at Portal Creek Park Clubhouse. Attending: Candi, Deb, Wes, Dick, Gordy, Ralph, Sharon, Michael, Todd, Bonnie, Trevor
Secretary Report (Trevor): emails to respond to, will forward appropriately. (up to date as of 12/6)
Treasurer Report (Deb): Grit was purchased, price of step 1 and 2 adjusted (+$1) to $4 to compensate for price increase to club. P.O. Box renewal occurs this month.
Membership Report (Wes): 14 new families in November, 3 new this week. ~ 100 non-renewing families in October, will remind members at the 12/19 meeting. Distribution lists will be updated accordingly in 2023.
Federation / Mineral Council Report (Michael): Big show dates confirmed – 8/3-8/6 in Billings, MT.
Lapidary Committee (Gordy): Struggling to find low cost oil, either mineral or bio diesel varieties. ~ $24/ gallon, need 1.5-3 gallons per saw for lap room. Discussed swapping 1000 grit belts for 800 which was discussed; club prefers to have 1000 grit available as they are the same cost as 800. Treasurer approved proceeding with purchase of oil + belts.
Education (Todd): Sent email to WWU admin RE: scholarship/show. Received a link to check weekend availability for a potential rainy day field trip in January. A new page has been added to the club website with store info and pics. (http://mtbakerrockclub.org/?page_id=887) Small discussion about a separate FB/ email account for the mall store. Trevor is willing to assist with a FB page.
Show Updates (Wes): Table rentals are $10/day or ($30/ table). Discussion about tables and storage. Can move 4’ x 8’ tables from storage to accommodate more 2’ x 8’ tables. We also need to print many more ¼ page flyers for the show, which will be placed in the store in Jan.
Store Updates (Ralph): Multiple weeks with $2000+ in revenue, every vendor has successfully made a sale in the last month. Gift Certificate sales are up; would be useful to train all vendors on G.C. procedures.
Holiday Meeting 12/19 & Potluck discussion. Reminders: gift exchange requires that each person participating brings a gift. Sharon offers to handle the gift table and “ticket” system. Ralph will bring a cooked Ham. New board will be installed at the meeting.
Old Business: Hold harmless waiver for lap room – Candi presented draft ideas. Each person taking the class would sign the form to be kept on file in the mall.
Badges; quoted at $1.67/each for 50 with magnet, $.36/each with pin.
New Business: Discussed possibility/ need for a dedicated store phone to field incoming inquiries. Interest in T-shirts, discussed pre-order/ gauge interest before placing order. Trevor will research phone cost/ options.
7:07 pm Meeting Adjourned