12/5/22 Board Meeting Minutes

6:13 pm Meeting called to order by President Candi Gerard at Portal Creek Park Clubhouse.  Attending: Candi, Deb, Wes, Dick, Gordy, Ralph, Sharon, Michael, Todd, Bonnie, Trevor

Secretary Report (Trevor): emails to respond to, will forward appropriately. (up to date as of 12/6)

Treasurer Report (Deb): Grit was purchased, price of step 1 and 2 adjusted (+$1) to $4 to compensate for price increase to club. P.O. Box renewal occurs this month.

Membership Report (Wes): 14 new families in November, 3 new this week. ~ 100 non-renewing families in October, will remind members at the 12/19 meeting. Distribution lists will be updated accordingly in 2023.

Federation / Mineral Council Report (Michael): Big show dates confirmed – 8/3-8/6 in Billings, MT.

Lapidary Committee (Gordy): Struggling to find low cost oil, either mineral or bio diesel varieties. ~ $24/ gallon, need 1.5-3 gallons per saw for lap room. Discussed swapping 1000 grit belts for 800 which was discussed; club prefers to have 1000 grit available as they are the same cost as 800. Treasurer approved proceeding with purchase of oil + belts.

Education (Todd): Sent email to WWU admin RE: scholarship/show. Received a link to check weekend availability for a potential rainy day field trip in January. A new page has been added to the club website with store info and pics. (http://mtbakerrockclub.org/?page_id=887)  Small discussion about a separate FB/ email account for the mall store. Trevor is willing to assist with a FB page.

Show Updates (Wes): Table rentals are $10/day or ($30/ table). Discussion about tables and storage. Can move 4’ x 8’ tables from storage to accommodate more 2’ x 8’ tables.  We also need to print many more ¼ page flyers for the show, which will be placed in the store in Jan.

Store Updates (Ralph): Multiple weeks with $2000+ in revenue, every vendor has successfully made a sale in the last month. Gift Certificate sales are up; would be useful to train all vendors on G.C. procedures.

Holiday Meeting 12/19 & Potluck discussion. Reminders: gift exchange requires that each person participating brings a gift. Sharon offers to handle the gift table and “ticket” system. Ralph will bring a cooked Ham. New board will be installed at the meeting.

Old Business: Hold harmless waiver for lap room – Candi presented draft ideas. Each person taking the class would sign the form to be kept on file in the mall. 

Badges; quoted at $1.67/each for 50 with magnet, $.36/each with pin.

New Business: Discussed possibility/ need for a dedicated store phone to field incoming inquiries. Interest in T-shirts, discussed pre-order/ gauge interest before placing order. Trevor will research phone cost/ options.

7:07 pm Meeting Adjourned

Reminder: 12/19 Potluck & Gift Exchange

Friendly reminder that our December meeting on the third Monday (12/19) is also the holiday potluck. It is an expectation that everyone attending will contribute to the potluck to make it a success. Please plan to bring a dish. (Check your email for a list of item people have already signed up for.)

Suggest items:

Protein/ Main Dish:



Side Dishes:

 Mashed Potatoes


Please also be aware that beverages, cups, plates, and silverware are “BYO” – Bring your own.

Finally, there will be a gift exchange. To participate, bring a wrapped gift in the $10 or less price range. Participation is optional.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

11/21/22 General Meeting Minutes

November 21, 2022 Mt. Baker Rock & Gem Club general meeting minutes and potluck info/sign-up.

7:04 PM – meeting called to order by club President Candi Gerard.

Secretary Report: Minutes from 11/07 Board Meeting approved

Treasurer Report: Deb went over income and expenses for flyers, rubber stamp, rent, website, books, mileage, tumblers, and Halloween candy.

Membership: 7+ new members. (Welcome Jessica and Edgar who joined at the meeting!)

Mineral Council report: Blanchard Mt. was the last event of the season. Things pick up again in 2023. Upcoming American Federation and Northwest Federation Gem & Mineral Show August 3–6, 2023, Billings, MT. (Dates confirmed via https://billingsgemclub.com/rock-shows/2023-show)

Lapidary Report: things have been steady. 

2023 Show: March 25 & 26. Current focus is advertising; thanks for helping us spread the word!

Vote for 2023 Board – went over volunteers,does the club accept?

President: Candi Gerard

Vice President: Ralph Sisco 

Secretary: Trevor Duncan

Treasurer: Deb Gannaway

Federation Director: Michael Langley

Director-at-large (3): Dick Carr, Sharon Geleynse, Bonnie Keel

Chairs: Kevin & Kathy Mayock (kitchen)

The club unanimously voted yes to the above, and the new board will be installed in December for the 2023 term. 

Our next meeting is Monday, December 19, 2022. This will be our holiday gathering, as a club we voted to have a gift exchange and potluck. Attire: Wear whatever you are comfortable in. If you want to participate in the gift exchange, bring a gift, if not, don’t.

Coffee duties will be taken care of by volunteer Harold while Kathy & Kevin are away. Thanks for stepping in to help Harold!

Friendly reminder: intro classes, wire-wrapping classes, lap room time must be paid for in advance (at the Mall Store) to participate. If unpaid, a spot may be forfeited in the event of too many people signed up. Please provide receipts and make sure to get phone numbers!

Todd installed a new link on the website for DIY field trips. (If you have photos or info to contribute, please forward them to Todd to be included.) http://mtbakerrockclub.org/?page_id=742.  To navigate from the homepage > Field Trips > DIY Field Trips

7:20 PM – break for coffee and treats.

7:32-7:52 PM – Todd’s presentation about the Grand Coulee Dam and Steamboat Rock geology. It has seen been added as a PDF to our website here: http://mtbakerrockclub.org/?page_id=235

Homepage > Learn More > Links and Resources > Instructional/Educational/Suppliers > Geology of Steamboat Rock State Park (PDF Version)

Mall Store hours: 11-7 including Mondays through the holidays, 11-6 Sundays.

A sign-up sheet went around for the potluck at our December meeting. The following people agreed to bring…

Vegetable Platter, Dinner Rolls: Robin

Potato Salad: Michael

Turkey Meatballs: Jackie

Cookies / Dip: Ralph

Chicken Soup: Jessica 

Deviled Eggs: Trevor

Carrot Bars: Harold

8:00 – Meeting adjourned

Distributed by Secretary Trevor Duncan

11/07/22 Board Meeting Minutes

You need to add a widget, row, or prebuilt layout before you’ll see anything here. 🙂

6:02 pm Meeting called to order by President Candi Gerard at Portal Creek Park Clubhouse. Attending: Michael, Sharon, Ralph, Bonnie, Gordy, Candi, Wes, Deb, Todd, Trevor

Secretary Report: N/A

Treasurer’s Report (Deb): Supplies were purchased; books, lightbulbs, frame for store. Books were recently audited and passed with flying colors. Covered dues, donations, lap room, club sales, rent.

Membership (Wes): 1 new member, lots of renewals in October. Welcome packages for new members were mentioned, what to include – tumbled stones, etc? Inquiry – do we have business cards for the club? No, but we provide brochures. Speaking of which, a new box of 1000 brochures needs folding. Thanks for volunteers!

Mineral Council / Federation (Michael): Last mineral field trip of the year, Blanchard Mt. cancelled due to weather. Olivine dig is also unable to be rescheduled due to weather. Season has ended. Overall lapidary club membership across the US is down due to COVID and lack of funds. Kalispell, MT club cannot find tumblers or parts. Main show for Pac NW in Billings, MT 8/1-8/3 in 2023.

Discussion about the expense of the printed publication most of us received – is there a way to go paperless? Who gets the mailer – all club members, or only board? Will inquire at next general meeting.

Lap Room (Gordy): Walt has been helping out (thanks Walt!) need some grit & belts for the equipment. Thank you everyone for the consistency with collecting payments, documenting names & numbers in corresponding composition books. Oil was discussed – bio oil vs. mineral oil, cost and wear/tear. Oil needs to be changed in saws after the holidays. In favor of bio if it passes the “smell check.”

Discussion about new vendors, scheduling, busy season. Could use help on weekends, and evenings. Flexibility is key.

2023 SHOW (Wes): dates are set, confirmed for March 25 & 26, 2023.

Mall Report (Ralph): Celebrated 2 year anniversary 11/3/22. We are seeing success with new memberships, classes, use of lap room. Canadians are returning to the mall. Anticipating holiday rush. No big news about status of “the mall” in general, but there was recently a security meeting for all tenants.

Deb (Treasurer): mentioned letter from Brookefield RE: proof of insurance. Discussed “key holder” report.

Rock Rendezvous date 2023: October 21, 2023

Todd – WWU scholarship deadline in February. Discussion about a possible weekend field trip. 

UPCOMING: club will take vote at next general meeting for new board members. Facilities: Kevin & Kathy will be gone in AZ, will need assistance with coffee set up, tear down, and storage. 

Vice President Bonnie proposed a sweater theme for the next meeting. 

President Candi brought up a suggestion from Walt about a hold-harmless / liability waiver for use of lap room. Board agrees we should move forward with the form.
New Business: Critters / painted rocks… time to get started for March show. Painted rocks are needed. Volunteers are welcome! (Deb): Need to update names on the WECI bank account. Discussed mileage rate of $.625/ mile. President motioned for a vote, vote passed to reimburse at IRS rate of $.625.

Library (Todd): Books have not been getting checked out, how should we deal with them? Silent auction/ sales discussed. 

6:54 pm – Meeting adjourned

Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan
Other Club Information: 
Club Web Address:  www.mtbakerrockclub.org
Visit us on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/mtbakerrockclub
For Questions, Club Email:  admin@mtbakerrockclub.org

Club Retail Store, Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424 (JC Penny’s Wing) Hours:
Closed Mondays, Tuesday-Saturday 11 am to 7, Sunday Noon to 6 pm

Auction at October meeting

The October General Meeting is the annual auction and fundraiser for the club. Bring cash or check! There is no show and tell this month.

Location is at the Pioneer Pavilion Community Center, 2007 Cherry St, Ferndale.

Please bring donations of rocks and rock-hobby related items the night of the auction. Bring cash or check for your winning bids!

You do not need to be a member to bid or donate. Guests are welcome.

The money from the auction goes toward the WWU scholarship fund and club activities.

Announcement: Lapidary space at the mall

We have opened a space in Bellis Fair Mall, Space 424, the JC Penny wing. We have had quite a few new members sign up already. We have retail space for members to sell rock-related items or for you to come in to look around and/or purchase items. There are still a couple spaces left for members to sell their rock hobby-related items for a donation fee. We are setting up the Lapidary area. Hopefully, we will be able to have Lapidary classes as well as member use of the lapidary equipment soon. We will keep you posted on the lapidary equipment set up.
The annual Christmas party is cancelled, but if you would like to participate in a Christmas gift exchange, you can drop off a wrapped gift, $15 or less, indicate man or woman if gender specific, at our location in the mall no later than December 15. Then prior to December 24, you would pick up a gift if you dropped one off. This would give you a chance to check out the new location. The gift exchange is voluntary but we hope you would like to participate.
Come in and see the club’s new location!

Mall hours: The December hours are 10 to 8. Except Sunday is 11 to 6. January should go back to regular hours.
Note: There were no newsletters for the months of November and December.

Website Update

You are looking at the newest incarnation of the club’s website. This version will work well on pc monitors, tablets and phones. The layout will resize appropriately. Menus will respond to taps as well as mouse clicks. The site is also keyboard accessible for those have difficulty using a mouse. We now have a search feature so that you can find content within the site. There is a form to use for sending an email to the club. A Facebook icon will take viewers to our club’s Facebook page.

Announcements are at the bottom of all pages. Look there for the latest information on minutes, field trips, parties, volunteer opportunities and so on. The announcements are in the form of WordPress blog entries, and WordPress has the capability of sending blog entries to the email of blog followers. I will be working up instructions on how to sign up for email delivery.

I will be adding content and fixing any problems that turn up now that this version is live. If you would like to create content, particularly in areas of Whatcom geology and mineral identification, please contact me.

I created a new email address for the club with a userid of “admin”. The userid of “prose” will eventually be deleted, so please update your address book.