January Board Meeting Minutes

Portal Way Park #53

In attendance: Bruce, Todd, Michael, Mike, Candi, Ralph, Deb, Wes, Bonnie, Trevor

Sad news about Dick Carr and Linda Mitchell both passing away. 

Meeting called to order at 6 pm by President Candi Gerard. 

Secretary Report: discussion about email account, complaints of messages going to spam, etc. We are getting a lot of inquiries about vending at our show which has no more space for vendors.

Treasurer Report: Had to call the insurance company and ask them to provide proof of liability forms for the mall, which are now in-hand. Quarterly rent check mailed for Jan-Feb-March. PO box fees/keys for hand-off to the new Treasurer. Trevor will keep a key since he can check the mail regularly and sees Ralph regularly at the mall. 

Store Report: The club took in $2700 during December, primarily from the sale of rocks/grit, books, tumblers, and mini stockings. Discussed 50k annual income threshold for non-profit paperwork. 

Scholarship 2024: info has been distributed on campus, but very quiet when it comes to applicants. Todd will follow-up with the department head. Should we increase the amount of the scholarship to attract more candidates? Small discussion about strategy.

<Side chat about lap room equipment and ADA transport options>

A motion was made, seconded, and passed by vote to upgrade the arbors in the lap room to all-in-one cabochon machines to make the space more user-friendly. Candi will get quotes for 8″, 6-wheeled machines.

Pioneer Pavilion in September (for RRR) – get keys at 2 pm Friday for table set up and booth spacing. Keys turned back in at 6 pm on Saturday. Suggestion to rent the space from 5:30-10pm on meeting nights so we don’t have to ask for extensions on case-by-case basis. 

Show 2024: We received a proposal from a member to sponsor the hourly giveaways by exclusively providing door/raffle prizes. We discussed this, and the proposal must be declined at this time. Citing that everyone would need to have equal access to sponsorship, which we are not currently equipped to address. Additionally, we have a lot of donations on hand and cannot prioritize some over others. Secretary will follow up with the member. Contracts will be going out to vendors shortly. Pizza will be provided on Friday for the volunteers setting up the show. Sharon G volunteered a crock pot of sloppy joes for the evening crew/vendors. White 1/4 sheet flyers will be distributed by West Side Pizza, who is also generously donating pizza to feed us!

Membership: ~ 10 new members so far in January alone. Back down to roughly 50% of previous membership due to non-renewals as of 01/01/24. Discussed badges which are provided to new members, and available for purchase to existing members, time to order more. (Thanks for your help Bonnie & Mike!)

Federation: Mike M. unable to get info via NRMS, no responses to his outreach. WA State Mineral Council has not yet updated their website with field trip dates and info. 

<side chat about field trips, $ stipend vs. miles, locations, and volunteers. Michael L and Sandee H are trying to coordinate for Skagit, Baker, Swift Creek, Walker Valley, etc. Discussed the need for a new field safety kit.>

Mall Report: sales dropped dramatically after the holidays, one vendor potentially moving in Q2, so schedule may need updates, etc.

Christmas party 2024: need a committee for decorations, etc.

<side discussion about bylaws and constitution – which is available on our website. Todd drafted a continuity document in the event of loss of life, extenuating circumstances, etc.>

It is time to clean out the conex, including a Lortone saw. Motion made, seconded, voted and passed for Trevor to remove the Lortone. 

Audit: Friday January 12, 10 am, there will be an audit of last year’s books before being submitted. Ralph, Bonnie, Trevor will assist @ the Gannaway residence.

Sandee Hess, new club greeter will be reaching out to new members and take over welcome baggies, etc.

Upcoming show and tells: (Bonnie) Todd will present in February about fossils. Wes may do a presentation in April. 

Should we bring back silent auctions at the regular monthly meetings? In order to continue this, items must continue to be donated. We will gauge interest at the January meeting on the 15th. 

Proposed, and passed a motion to change snack responsibility of snack duties to the refreshment committee. Ralph volunteers to be in charge of snacks, the club will provide a small budget for this to take if off the shoulder of volunteers.

7:35 PM – meeting adjourned.

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