August Board Meeting Minutes

8/7/23 MBRGC Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting held at Portal Way Clubhouse, meeting called to order at 6 pm. In attendance: Michael, Ralph, Dick, Deb, Wes, Bonnie, Candi, Sharon, Trevor, Todd

Secretary Report: recent emails regarding rocks & items people would like to donate to the club. I am currently working on coordinating pick up. We agreed to keep the phone at the mall plugged in to avoid it dying. 

Treasurer Report: recent costs include: Tables (Lowes), reimbursement to Wes for tables, bearings and stabilizers for lap room, brochures, Mike Marsh reimbursement, wheels/casters, grit, honey bucket (picnic), store supplies.

Membership: 2 new members, 152 active emails on membership list

Federation: Show just ended 8/6, temps were in the 70’s with thunderstorms. WA mineral council overnight outing 8/19 & 8/20 in Greenwater. To participate, meet at Enumclaw ranger station at 9 am 8/19.

Lapidary: 3 new people took class and are eligible to use the machines, use of the lap room has been steady.

Mal Report: mall in general is bustling with back-to-school traffic, though it has not impacted our store sales positively or negatively. 

The July picnic was a success with ~ 32 members attending. Any ideas on how to increase awareness or participation next year?

Vests: minimum order of 20. Cost is $35/each, two pockets and very sturdy. After discussion, a movement was made, and approved (all in favor) to order 30 pieces in varying sizes. Extras to be sold in the mall store. 

Discussion about guest “speakers” at meetings. Please obtain board approval before inviting guest speakers, as we already have a series of presenters and curriculum lined up, and time during meetings is limited. Monthly meetings are not an appropriate place for our members to be solicited to, and gaining approval will help prevent conflicts of interest. Guests are always welcome to attend open meetings, to observe our club and decide if they want to join, etc. 

September Meeting: Presentation about flint knapping by Jim Fackler, club member.

RRR: 10/21/23, Same day as Bellingham Comicon, also held in Ferndale at the event center at exit 262. Discussion about auction and whether to move it, will it interfere with RRR? Decision was made to keep all dates the same. There are 6 remaining tables available for RRR – cost is $10 for 10′ space. Plan to bring your own lunch, snacks, chairs, tables, table cloth, etc.

On account of Labor Day weekend being the first weekend in Sept, our next board meeting will take place on the 2nd Monday of 9/11/23. 

6:50 pm – Meeting adjourned!

Minutes submitted by Trevor Duncan, club secretary.

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